Acids, mineral and vegetable, 224 AËrated bread, 206 Albumen, 19 coagulation of, 20 of flesh, 24 loss of in boiling fish and meat, 24 Allotropism, 88 Alum in bread, 203 Animal diastase, 186 Apple fritters, 101 Argol, 273 Arrowroot, 179 Arsenic eating, 256 Bain-marie, 22, 119 Baked meat, prejudice against, 64 Baking versus roasting of meat, 65 Barley sugar, 88 Basting, 57 Bavarian beggars and Count Rumford, 229 Birds’-nests, edible, 35 Blood-fibrin, 43 ‘Boiled meat’ is not boiled, 14 Boiling of fat, 84 of water, 8 Bone-soup Commission of French Academy, 36 Borized meat, 170 milk, 171 Bosch v. butter, 167 v. butterine, 144 Boussingault’s experiments on bread, 207 Bread, 197 British gum, 182 Browning of roasted meat, 78 rationale of, 87 Budrum, 310 Butter, 163 and infection, 166 Calcareous water, 10 Cancer and flesh eating, 301 Caramel, 87-89 a disinfectant, 92 Carnivorous, a sheep, 301 Casein, 127 changes of, 128 vegetable, 211 Cayenne pepper, 260 Cellular tissue, 174, 180 Cheese, cookery of, 136 digestibility of, 135 in soup, 149 nutritive value of, 131 phosphates in, 133 porridge, 151 pudding, 136 solubility of, 143 Chemical analysis and nutritive value of food, 6 Chinese and cooked water, 13 Chitin, 269 Peasants’ food in Italy and France, 61, [1] In applying heat to glass vessels, thickness is a source of weakness or liability to fracture, on account of the unequal expansion of the two sides, due to inequality of temperature, which, of course, increases with the thickness of the glass. Besides this, the thickness increases the leverage of the breaking strain. ![]() Original cover ![]() Transcriber’s Notes: Obvious punctuation errors repaired. Larger vulgar fractions had been printed with a hyphen instead of a slash. This was changed to a slash for conformity. (1-30th is now 1/30th) Page 54, “is” changed to “it” (exposed, it is evident) Page 81, “judgment” changed to “judgement” (the judgement of which) Page 108, while it seems that this sentence is missing an object: When common sense and true sentiment supplant mere unreasoning prejudice, vegetable oils and vegetable fats will largely supplant those of animal origin in every element of our dietary. It has been quoted in just that manner across numerous publications. Page 109, “facts” changed to “fats” (the chemistry of fats) Page 328, the text refers to the now more usually spelled “sauerkraut” as “sour-kraut” in the text and “Sauer-kraut” in the index. These usages were retained as printed. Page 328, “fath” changed to “fat” (for fat bath) |