Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys Translated by Illustrated by Published by ARTHURIAN ROMANCES Unrepresented in Malory’s Sir Gawain and the ARTHURIAN ROMANCES UNREPRESENTED IN MALORY’S “I. SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT. A Middle-English Romance retold in Modern Prose, with Introduction and Notes, by Jessie L. Weston. With Designs by M. M. Crawford. 1898. 2s. net. II. TRISTAN AND ISEULT. Rendered into English from the German of Gottfried of Strassburg by Jessie L. Weston. With Designs by Caroline Watts. Two vols. 1899. 4s. net. III. GUINGAMOR, LANVAL, TYOLET, LE BISCLAVERET. Four Lays rendered into English Prose from the French of Marie de France and others by Jessie L. Weston. With Designs by Caroline Watts. 1900. 2s. net. IV. MORIEN. Translated for the first time from the original Dutch by Jessie L. Weston. With Frontispiece and Designed Title-Page by Caroline Watts. 1901. 2s. net. V. LE BEAUS DESCONNUS. CLIGÈS. Two Old English Metrical Romances rendered into prose by Jessie L. Weston. With Designs by Caroline M. Watts. 1902. 2s. net. VI. SIR GAWAIN AT THE GRAIL CASTLE. Three Versions from the Conte del Graal, Diu CrÔne, and the Prose Lancelot, by Jessie L. Weston. 1903. 2s. net. VII. SIR GAWAIN AND THE LADY OF LYS. Translated for the first time from Wauchier de Denain’s section of the Conte del Graal by Jessie L. Weston. With Designs by Morris M. Williams. 1907. 2s. net. The woman and her child stop Gawain and Bran fighting But the child spake no words, but looked up at the glancing sword blades and laughed blithely. |