I offer the following sketch of the main argument which is worked out more fully in the essay I published in January, 1870, under the above title, hoping that many who hesitate to plunge into a presumptuous speculative work of more than 200 octavo pages may read this article, and reflect upon the subject. The book has been handled in a most courteous and indulgent spirit by all the reviewers who have noticed it, but none have ventured to grapple with the argument it contains, although every possible opportunity and provocation for doing so is designedly afforded. It all rests upon the question which is discussed in the first three chapters, viz., whether the atmosphere which surrounds our earth is limited or unlimited in extent? If my reasoning upon this fundamental question is refuted, all that follows necessarily falls to the ground. If I am right, all our standard treatises on pneumatics and meteorology, which repeat the arguments contained in Dr. Wollaston’s celebrated paper, must be remodeled. At the outset, I reprint that paper, and point out a very curious and monstrous fallacy which, for half a century, remained undetected, and had been continually repeated. As the main point of issue between myself and Dr. Wollaston is merely a question of very simple arithmetic and geometry, nothing can be easier than to set me right if I am wrong; and, as the philosophical consequences depending upon this issue are of vast and fundamental importance, the question cannot be ignored by those who stand before the world as scientific authorities, without a practical “The Fuel of the Sun” is simply an attempt to trace some of the consequences which must of necessity result from the existence of an universal atmosphere, and it differs from other attempts to explain the great solar mystery, by making no demands whatever upon the imagination, inventing nothing,—no outside meteors, no new forces or materials. It supposes nothing whatever to exist but the known facts of the laboratory—the familiar materials of the earth and its atmosphere. It is shown that these materials and the forces residing within them must of necessity produce a sun, and manifest eternally all the observed solar phenomena, provided only they are aggregated in the quantities which our own central luminary presents, and are surrounded by attendant planets, such as his. Nothing is assumed or taken for granted beyond the simple fundamental hypothesis that the laws of nature are uniform throughout the universe. The argument thus conducted leads us step by step to a natural and connected explanation of the following important phenomena:— 1. The sources of solar and stellar heat and light. 2. The means by which the present amount of solar heat and light must be maintained so long as the solar system continues in existence. 3. The origin of the general and particular phenomena of the sun-spots. 5. The forces which upheave the solar prominences. 6. The origin of the corona and zodiacal light. 7. The origin of the meteorites and the asteroids. 8. The meteorological phenomena of the planets. 9. The origin of the rings of Saturn. 10. The origin of the special structure of the nebulÆ. 11. The source of terrestrial magnetism, and its connection with solar activity. The first and second chapters are devoted to an examination of the limits of atmospheric expansibility. The experimental investigations of Dr. Andrews, Mr. Grove, Mr. Gassiot, and M. Geissler are cited to prove that the expansibility of the atmosphere is unlimited, and other cosmical evidence is adduced in support of this conclusion. As this, which is really the foundation of the whole argument, is directly opposed to the views expressed by Dr. Wollaston, in his celebrated paper on “The Finite Extent of the Atmosphere,” published in 1822, and generally accepted as established science, this paper is reprinted in the second chapter, and carefully examined. Dr. Wollaston says “that air has been rarefied so as to sustain 1-100th of an inch of barometrical pressure,” and further, that “beyond this limit we are left to conjectures founded on the supposed divisibility of matter; if this be infinite, so also must be the extent of our atmosphere.” I contend that our knowledge of the whole subject is fundamentally altered since these words were written. We are no longer “left to conjectures founded on the supposed divisibility of matter” to determine the possibility of further expansibility than that indicated by 1-100th of an inch of barometrical pressure, as we now have means of obtaining ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, or even an infinitely greater rarefaction than Wollaston’s supposed limit, an apparently absolute vacuum being now obtainable; and although the transmission of electricity affords a means of testing the existence of atmospheric matter with a degree of delicacy of which Wollaston had no conception, we are The most remarkable part of Dr. Wollaston’s paper is the reductio ad absurdum by which he seeks to finally demonstrate the finite extent of our atmosphere. He maintains, as I do, that if the elasticity of our atmosphere is unlimited, its extension must be commensurate with the universe, that every orb in space will, by gravitation, gather around itself an atmosphere proportionate to its gravitating power, and that, by taking the known quantity of the earth’s atmosphere as our unit, we may calculate the amount of atmosphere possessed by any heavenly body of which the mass is known. On this basis Dr. Wollaston calculates the atmosphere of the sun, and concludes that its extent will be so great as to visibly affect the apparent motions of Mercury and Venus, when their declination makes its nearest approach to that of the sun. No such disturbance being actually observable, he concludes that such an atmosphere as he has calculated cannot exist. In like manner he calculates the atmosphere of Jupiter, and finds it to be so great, that its refraction would be sufficient “to render the fourth satellite visible to us when behind the centre of the planet, and consequently to make it appear on both (or all) sides at the same time.” On examining these calculations, I have discovered the very curious error above referred to. As this is a matter of figures that cannot be abridged, I must refer the reader to the original calculations. I will here merely state that Wollaston’s method of calculating the solar gravitation atmosphere and that of Jupiter and the moon leads to the monstrous conclusion that, in ascending from the surface of the given orb, we always have the same limited amount of atmospheric matter above as that with which we started, although we are continually leaving a portion of it below. Wollaston’s mistake is based on the assumption that, under the circumstances supposed, the atmospheric pressure and density, at any given distance from the centre of the given orb, will vary inversely with the square of that distance. As the area of the base upon which such pressure Starting from the conclusion reached in the previous chapters, that the atmosphere of our earth is but a portion of an universal elastic medium which it has attached to itself by its gravitation, and that all the other orbs of space must, in like manner, have obtained their proportion, I take the earth’s mass, and its known quantity of atmospheric envelope as units, and calculating by the simple rule I have laid down in opposition to Wollaston’s, I find that the total weight of the sun’s atmosphere should be at least 117,681,623 times that of the earth’s, and the pressure at its base equal, at least, to 15,233 atmospheres. What must be the results of such an atmospheric accumulation? The experiment of compressing air in the condensing syringe, and thereby lighting a piece of German tinder, is familiar to all who have studied even the rudiments of physical science. Taking the formulÆ of Leslie and Dalton, and applying them to the solar pressure of 15,233 atmospheres, we arrive according to Leslie, at the inconceivable temperature of 380,832° C., or 685,529° F., as that due to this amount of compression, or, according to Dalton, at 761,665° F. What will be the effects of such a degree of Let us first take the case of water, which, for reasons I have stated, should be regarded as atmospheric, or universally diffused matter. This brings us to a subject of the highest and widest philosophical and practical importance. I refer to the antagonism between the force of heat and that of chemical combination, to which the French chemists have given the name “dissociation.” Having myself been unable to find any satisfactory English account of this subject at a time when it had already been well treated by French and German authors, in the form of published lectures and cyclopÆdia articles, I assume that others may have encountered a similar difficulty, and therefore dwell rather more fully upon this part of my present summary. It appears that all chemical compounds may be decomposed by heat, and that, at a given pressure, there is a definite and special temperature at which the decomposition of each compound is effected. For the absolute and final establishment of the universality of this law further investigations are necessary, actual investigations having established it as far as they have gone, but these have not been exhaustive. There appears to be a remarkable analogy between dissociation and evaporation. When a liquid is vaporized, a certain amount of heat is “rendered latent,” and this quantity varies with the liquid and with the pressure, but is definite and invariable for each liquid at a given pressure. In like manner, when a compound is dissociated, a certain amount of heat is “rendered latent,” or converted into dissociating force, and this varies with each compound and with the pressure, but is definite and invariable for each compound at a given pressure. Further, when condensation occurs, an amount of heat is evolved, as temperature, exactly equal to that which was rendered latent in the evaporation of the same substance under the same pressure; and, in like manner, when chemical re-combination of dissociated elements occurs, an amount of heat is evolved, as temperature, exactly equal to that which disappeared when the According to the recently adopted figures of M. Deville, the temperature at which the vapor of water becomes dissociated under ordinary atmospheric pressure is 2800° C., and the, quantity of heat which disappears, as temperature, in the course of dissociation is 2153 calorics, i.e., sufficient to raise 2153 times its own weight of liquid water 1° C.; but, as the specific heat of aqueous vapor is to that of liquid water as 0·475 to 1, that latent heat expressed in the temperature it would have given to aqueous vapor is = 4532° C., or 8158° F. In order to render the analogy between the ebullition and dissociation of water more evident and intelligible, I will state it as follows:—
I have expressed these generalizations and analogies rather more definitely than they have been hitherto stated, but those who are acquainted with the researches of Deville, Cailletet, Bunsen, etc., will perceive that I am justified in doing so.2 It is evident that the first result will be separation of this water into its elements, accompanied with a loss of temperature corresponding to the latent heat of dissociation. We may assume that in the lower regions of the solar atmosphere the free heat evolved by mechanical compression will be more than sufficient to dissociate the whole of the aqueous vapor, and thus the dissociated gases will be left at a higher temperature than was necessary to effect their dissociation. Their condition will thus be analogous to that of superheated steam: they will have to give off some heat before they can begin to combine.3 There will, however, be somewhere an elevation at which the heat evolved by the joint compression of the elementary and combined gases will be just sufficient to dissociate the latter, and here will be the meeting surface of the combined and the uncombined constituents of water. There will be a sphere containing combined oxygen and hydrogen surrounded by an atmospheric envelope containing large quantities of aqueous vapor, and the temperature at this limiting surface will be equal to that of the oxyhydrogen flame under a corresponding pressure. What will occur under these conditions? Will the “detonating If a bubble of steam is surrounded by water maintained at the boiling temperature, it will not condense at all, because any effort of condensation would be accompanied with an evolution of heat exactly sufficient to evaporate its own result. If, however, the surrounding water is slowly radiating, or otherwise losing its heat, the enclosed bubble of steam will condense proportionately, by giving off to its envelope an amount of its latent heat just sufficient to maintain the water at the boiling-point. For further illustration, let us conceive the case of a certain quantity of the elements of water heated exactly to the temperature of dissociation, and confined in a vessel the sides of which are maintained externally at precisely the same temperature as the gases within, so that no heat can be added or taken away from them. No sensible amount of combination can take place, as the first infinitesimal effort of combustion, or combination, would set free just the amount of heat required to decompose its own result. Let us now suppose a modification of these conditions, viz., that the vessel containing the dissociated gases, at the temperature of dissociation, shall be surrounded with bodies cooler than itself, i.e., capable of receiving more heat from it than they radiate towards it; there would then take place just so much combustion as would set free the amount of heat required to maintain the temperature of the vessel at the dissociation-point; or, in other words, combustion would go on to the extent of setting free just so much heat as the gaseous mass was capable of radiating, or otherwise transmitting to surrounding bodies; and this amount of combustion would continue till all the gases had combined. We have only to give this hypothetical vessel a spherical form and an internal diameter of 853,380 miles—to construct its enveloping sides of a thick shell of aqueous vapor, etc., and then, by placing in the midst of the contained dissociated A little reflection upon the application of the above-stated laws to these conditions will show that the stupendous ocean of explosive gases would constitute an enormous stock of fuel capable, by its combustion, of setting free exactly the same quantity of heat as had previously been converted into decomposing or separating force; the amount of combustion would always be limited by the possible amount of radiation, and the radiation would again be limited by the resisting envelope of aqueous vapor produced by this combustion. If these conditions existed in a perfectly calm and undisturbed solar atmosphere, there would be a continually increasing external envelope of aqueous vapor, and a continually diminishing inner atmosphere of combustible gases; there would be a gradual diminution of the amount of solar radiation, and a slow and perpetually retarding progress towards solar extinction. It should be noted that, according to this explanation, the supply of heat is originally derived from atmospheric condensation due to gravitation, that the storage of surplus heat is effected by dissociation, and its evolution mainly by recombination or combustion. The great difficulty, that of the perpetual renewal of the solar fuel, still remains unsolved; the fact that during the millions of years of geological history we find no indications of any declining average of solar energy is so far still unexplained by this, as by every other, attempt to account for the origin of solar and stellar light and heat. In his inaugural address to the British Association Meeting of 1866, Mr. Grove put the following very suggestive question:—“Our sun, our earth, and planets are constantly radiating heat into space; so, in all probability, are the other suns, the stars, and their attendant planets. What becomes of the heat thus radiated into space? If the universe has no limit—and it is difficult to conceive one—there is a constant evolution of heat and light; and yet more is given off than is received by each cosmical body, for otherwise This is a grand question, a philosophical thought worthy of the author of “The Correlation of Physical Forces.” Most philosophical thinkers will, I believe, agree with me in concluding that a sound reply to it will solve the great mystery of the everlasting radiations of our sun and all the other suns of the universe. So long as we regard these suns as the sources of continually expended forces of light and heat, their everlasting and unabated renewal becomes a mystery utterly inscrutable to the human intellect, since the creation of new force, or any addition to the total forces of the universe, is as inconceivable to us as any addition to the total matter of the universe. The great solar question assumes a far more hopeful shape when we admit that all the forces of past radiations are somewhere diffused in space, and we ask whether a sun contains any mechanism by which it may collect and concentrate this diffused force, and thus perpetually gather from surrounding suns as much as it radiates towards them. The next part of my work is an attempt to show that such a mechanism does exist in our solar system, and to explain its action. We know that if atmospheric air is compressed it becomes heated, that if this heat is allowed to radiate and the air is again expanded to its original dimensions, it will be cooled below its original temperature to an extent precisely equal to the heat which it gave out when compressed. On this principle I endeavor to explain the everlasting maintenance of the solar and stellar radiations. The sun is attended by his train of planets whose orbital motion he controls, but they in return react upon him as the moon does upon the earth. If this reaction were regular, like that of the moon upon the earth, a regular atmospheric tide would result; but the great irregularity of the dimensions, distances, and velocities of the planets produces a result equivalent to a number of clashing irregular tides in the solar atmosphere; or, otherwise stated, the centre of motion and centre of gravity of the whole system It must be remembered that, according to the preceding, the inner or lower strata of the solar atmosphere should consist of our ordinary atmospheric mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, and the dissociated elements of water and carbonic acid, besides some of the more volatile elements of the solar nucleus. Outside of this there should be a boundary limit where the dissociated gases are combining as rapidly as their latent heat can be evolved by radiation; this will form a shell or sphere of flame,—the photosphere,—and above or beyond this will be the sphere of vapors resulting from this combustion, which, by their resistance to radiation, will limit the evolution of heat and consequent combustion. Now the vortices above referred to will break through the shell of combustion, and drag down more or less of the outer vapor into the lower and hotter regions of dissociated gases. As there can be no action without equal and contrary reaction, there can be no vortices, either in the solar atmosphere or a terrestrial stream, without corresponding upheavals. These upheavals will eject the lower dissociated gases more or less completely through the vaporous jacket which restrains their normal radiations, and, thus liberated, they will rush into combination with an explosive energy comparable to that which they display in our laboratories; not, however, with an instantaneous flash, but with a continuous rocket-like combustion, the rapidity of which will be determined by the possibility of radiation. The heat evolved by this combustion, acting simultaneously with the diminution of pressure, will effect a continually augmenting expansion of these upheaved gases, and as the rapidity of combustion will be accelerated in proportion to elevation above the restraining vapors, an outspreading far in excess The reader who is acquainted with the phenomena of the solar prominences will at once perceive how all these expectations are fulfilled by actual observations, especially by the more recent observations of ZÖllner, Secchi, etc., which exhibit the typical solar prominence as a stem or jet rushing upwards through some restraining medium, and then expanding into a cloud-like or palm-tree form after escaping from this restraint. I need scarcely add that the clashing tide waves are the faculÆ, and the vortices the sun-spots. My present business, however, is to show how these vortices and eruptions—this down-rush in one part of the solar atmosphere and up-rush in another—contribute to the permanent maintenance of the solar light and heat. It must be understood that these outbursts are only visible to us as luminous prominences during the period of their explosive outburst, and while still subject to great expansive tension. Long after they have ceased to be visible to us their expansion must continue, until they finally and fully mingle with the medium into which they are flung, and attain a corresponding degree of rarefaction. This must occur at tens and hundreds of thousands of miles above the photosphere, according to the magnitude of the ejection. The spectroscopic researches of Frankland and Lockyer having shown that the atmospheric pressure at about the outer surface of the photosphere does not far exceed that of our atmosphere, I may safely regard all the upper portion of these solar ejections as having left the solar atmosphere proper, and become commingled with the general interstellar medium. If the sun were stationary, or merely rotating, in the midst of this universal atmosphere, the same material that is ejected to-day would in the course of time return, and be whirled into the great sun-spot eddies; but such is not the case; the sun is driving through the ether with a velocity of about 450,000 miles per twenty four hours. What must be the consequence of this motion? The sun will carry its own special atmospheric matter with it; but it cannot thus carry the whole of the interstellar medium. Now, the new atmospheric matter which is thus encountered and inspired, is the recipient of the everlasting radiations whose destination is the subject of Mr. Grove’s inquiry; and these, when thus encountered and compressed, will of necessity evolve more or less of the heat which, through millions of millions of centuries they have been gradually absorbing; while, on the other hand, the expired or ejected matter of the gaseous eruptions will, like the artificially compressed air above referred to, have lost all the heat which during its solar existence it had by compression, dissociation, and re-combination contributed to the solar radiations. Therefore, when again fully expanded, it will be cooler than the general medium from which it was originally inspired by the advancing sun. The daily supply of fresh atmospheric fuel will be a cylinder of ether of the same diameter as the sun, and 450,000 miles in length! I have calculated the weight of this cylinder of ether on the assumption (which of course is purely arbitrary) that the density of the interstellar medium is one ten-thousandth part of that of our atmosphere. It amounts to 14,313,915,000,000,000,000 tons, affording a supply of 165 millions of millions of tons per second; or, if we assume the interstellar medium to have a density of only one-millionth of that of our atmosphere, the supply would be I will not here dwell upon the bombardment hypothesis, beyond observing that my explanation of solar phenomena supplies a continuous bombardment of the above-stated magnitude without adding anything to the magnitude of the sun. So far, then, I answer Mr. Grove’s question, by showing that the heat radiated into space by each of the solid orbs that people its profundities, is received by the universal atmospheric medium; is gathered again by the breathing of wandering suns, who inspire as they advance the breath of universal heat and light and life; then by impact, compression, and radiation, they concentrate and re-distribute its vitalizing power; and after its work is done, expire it in the broad wake of their retreat, leaving a track of cool exhausted ether—the ash-pits of the solar furnaces—to reabsorb the general radiations, and thus maintain the eternal round of life. But ere this, a great difficulty has probably presented itself to the mind of the reader. He will refer to the calculations that have been made in order to determine the actual temperature of the solar surface and the intensity of its luminosity. Both of these are vastly in excess of those obtained in our laboratory experiments by the combustion of the elements of water. Even taking into consideration the dissociated carbonic acid whose elements should be burning in the photosphere with those of water, and adding to these the volatile metals of the solar nucleus whose dissociated vapors must, under the circumstances stated, be commingled with those of the solar atmosphere, and therefore contribute to the luminosity by their combustion, still by burning here on the earth a jet of such mixed gases and vapors we should not obtain any approach to either the luminosity or the temperature which is usually attributed to the sun. I have made a very few simple experiments, the results A similar series of experiments upon the radiation of the heat of flames through each other, indicated similar results; but my apparatus for these experiments was not so delicate and reliable as in the experiments on light, and, therefore, I cannot so decidedly affirm the absolute diathermancy of flame to its own radiations. Within the limits of error of This important law, though hitherto unnoticed by philosophers, is practically understood and acted upon by workmen who are engaged in furnace operations. Present space will not permit me to illustrate this by examples, but in passing I may mention the “mill furnaces,” where armor-plates and other large masses of iron are raised to a welding temperature by radiant heat, and the ordinary puddling furnace, where iron is melted by radiant heat. In both of these special arrangements are made to obtain a “body” or thickness of radiant flame, while intensity of combustion is neglected and even carefully avoided. According to this there are two factors engaged in producing the radiant effect from a given surface, intensity and quantity, i.e., brilliancy and thickness in the case of light, and temperature and thickness in the case of heat. In the Bude light, for example, consisting of concentric rings of coal-gas, we have small intensity with great quantity, in the lime-light we have a mere surface of great brilliancy but no thickness. If I am right, the surface of the moon maybe brighter than the luminous surface of the sun, the peculiarities of moonlight depending upon intensity, those of sunlight upon quantity of light. The flame that roars from the mouth of a Bessemer converter has but small intrinsic brilliancy, far less than that of an ordinary gas flame, as may be seen by observing the thin waifs that sometimes project beyond the body of the flame. Nevertheless, its radiations are so effective that it is a painfully dazzling object even in the midst of sunny daylight; but then we have here not a hollow flame fed only by outside oxygen, but a solid body of flame several feet in thickness. Even the pallid carbonic acid flame which accompanies the pouring of the spiegeleisen has marvellous illuminating power. The reader will now be able to understand my explanation of the sun-spots, of their nucleus, umbra, and penumbra. From what I have stated respecting the planetary When the photosphere or shell of combining gases is thus ripped open, the telescopic observer looks down the vortex, which, if deep enough, reveals to him the inner regions of dissociated gases and vapors. But these have the opposite property to that which I have shown to belong to flame; they are opaque to their own special radiations, while the flame is transparent to the light of the inner portions of itself. Thus, the dissociated interior of the solar envelope, though absolutely white-hot, will be comparatively dark (direct experiment has proved that the darkness of the spots is only relative). The sides of the vortex funnel will consist of a mixture of dissociated gases, flaming gases, and combined gases, and will thus present various thicknesses of flame, and thereby display the various shades of the penumbra. Space will not permit me here to follow up the details of this subject, as I have done in the original work, where it is shown that if the telescope had not yet been invented, all the telescopic details of spot phenomena might have been described À priori as necessary consequences of the constitution I have above ascribed to the sun. Not merely the great spot phenomena, but all the minor irregularities of the photosphere follow with similarly demonstrable necessity. Thus the many interfering solar tides must throw up great waves, literally mountainous in their magnitude, the summits and ridges of which, being raised into higher regions of the absorbing vaporous atmosphere Besides these great ground-swells of the flaming ocean of the photosphere, there must be lesser billows, and ripples upon these, and mountain tongues of flame all over the surface. The crests of these waves, and the summits of these flame-alps, presenting to the terrestrial observer a greater depth of flaming matter, must be brighter than the hollows and valleys between; and their splendor must be further increased by the fact, that such upper ridges and summits are less deeply immersed in the outer ocean of absorbing vapors, which limits the radiation of the light as well as the heat of the photosphere. The effect of looking upon the surface of such a wild fury of troubled flame, with its confused intermingling of gradations of luminosity, must be very puzzling and difficult to describe; and hence the “willow leaves,” “rice grains,” “mottling,” “granules,” “things,” “flocculi,” “bits of white thread,” “cumuli of cotton wool,” “excessively minute fragments of porcelain,” “untidy circular masses,” “ridges,” “waves,” “hill knolls,” etc., etc., to which the luminous irregularities have been compared. At the time I wrote, the means of examination of the edge of the sun by the spectroscope was but newly discovered, and the results then published referred chiefly to the prominences proper. Since that, a new term has been introduced to solar technology, the “sierra,” and the observations of the actual appearances of this sierra precisely correspond to my theoretical description of the limiting surface of the photosphere, which was written before I was acquainted with these observed facts. This will be seen by reference to Chapter x., the subject of which is, “The Varying Splendor of Different Portions of the Photosphere.”4 The mean specific gravity of the sun is not quite 1½ times that of water. The vapors of nickel, cobalt, copper, iron, chromium, manganese, titanium, zinc, cadmium, aluminium, magnesium, barium, strontium, calcium, and sodium, have been shown by the spectroscope to be floating on the outer regions of the sun. None of these could constitute the body of the sun in a solid or liquid state, and be subjected to the enormous pressure which such a mass must exert upon itself without raising the mean specific gravity vastly above this; nor is there any other kind of matter with which we are acquainted which could exist within so large a mass in a liquid or solid state, and retain so low a density. I must confess that my faith in the logical acumen of mathematicians has been rudely shaken by the manner in which eminent astronomers have described the umbra or nucleus of the sun-spots as the solid body of the sun seen through his luminous atmosphere, and the solid surface of Jupiter seen through his belts, and have discussed the habitability of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune always on the assumption of their solidity, while the specific-gravity of all of these renders this surface solidity a demonstrable physical impossibility. If the sun (or either of these planets) has a solid or liquid nucleus, it must be a mere kernel in the centre of a huge orb of gaseous matter, and though I have spoken rather definitely of the solar atmosphere in order to avoid complication, I must not, therefore, be understood to suppose that there exists in the sun any such definite boundary to the base of the atmospheric matter as we find here on the earth. The temperature, the density, and all we know of the chemistry of the sun justify the conclusion that in its outer regions, to a considerable depth below the photosphere, there must be a commingling of the atmospheric matter with the vapors of the metals whose existence the spectroscope has revealed. Some of these must be upheaved together with the dissociated elements of water. It is obvious that, under these circumstances, there must occur a series of precipitations analogous to those from the aqueous vapor of our atmosphere. These gaseous metals, or their oxides, must be condensed as clouds, rain, snow, and hail, according to their boiling and metal points, and the conditions of their ejection. We know that sudden and violent atmospheric disturbance, accompanied with fierce electrical discharges, especially favor the formation of hailstones in our terrestrial atmosphere. All such violence must be displayed on a hugely exaggerated scale in the solar outbursts, and therefore the hailstone formation should preponderate, especially as the metallic vapors condense more rapidly than those of water on account of the much smaller amount of their specific heat, and of the latent heat of their vapors. What will become of these volleys of solid matter thus ejected with the furious and protracted explosions forming the solar prominences? In order to answer this question, we must remember that the spectroscope, as recently applied, merely displays the gaseous, chiefly the hydrogen, ejections; that these great gaseous flames bear a similar relation to the solid projectiles that the flash of a gun does to the grape-shot or cannon-ball. Mr. Lockyer says: “In one instance I saw a prominence 27,000 miles high change enormously in the space of ten minutes; and, lately, I have seen prominences much higher born and die in an hour.” He has recently measured an actual velocity of 120 miles per second in the movements of this gaseous matter of the solar eruptions, the initial velocity of which must have been much greater.5 If such is the velocity of the gaseous ejections, A cosmical cannonade is a necessary result of the conditions I have sketched, and as prominence-ejections are continually in progress, there must be a continual outpouring from the sun of solid fragments, which must be flung far beyond the limits of the gaseous prominences. As the luminosity of these glowing particles must be very small compared with that of the photosphere, they will be invisible in the glare of ordinary sunshine; but if our eyes be protected from this, they may then be rendered visible, both by their own glow and the solar light they are capable of reflecting. They should be seen during a total eclipse, and should exhibit radiant streams proceeding irregularly from different parts of the sun, but most abundantly from the neighborhood of the spot regions. As these spot regions occupy the intermediate latitudes between the poles and the equator of the sun, the greatest extensions of the outstreamings should be N.E. and S.W., and S.E. and N.W., while to the N., S., E., and W.—that is, opposite the poles and equator of the sun—there should be a lesser extension. The result of this must be an approximation to a quadrilateral figure, the diagonals of which should extend in a N.E. and S.W., and a S.E. and N.W. direction, or thereabouts. I say “thereabouts,” because the zone of greatest activity is not exactly intermediate between the poles and the equator, but lies nearer to the solar equator. Examined with the polariscope, these radiant streams should display a mixture of reflected light and self-luminosity. Examined with the spectroscope, a faint continuous spectrum due to such luminosity of solid particles should be exhibited, with possibly a few lines due to the small amount of vapor which, in their glowing condition, they might still give off. Besides this, there should appear the spectroscope indications of violent electrical discharges, which must occur as a necessary concomitant of the furious ejections of aqueous vapor and solid particles. All these metallic hailstones must be highly charged, like the particles of vesicular vapor ejected from the hydro-electric machine, I need scarcely add that this exactly describes the actually-observed results of the recent observations on the corona, and that all the phenomena of this great solar mystery are but necessary and predicable results of the constitution I ascribe to the sun. There is a method of manufacturing hypotheses which has become rather prevalent of late, especially among mathematicians, who take observed phenomena, and then arbitrarily and purely from the raw material of their own imagination construct explanatory atoms, media, and actions, which are shaved and pared, scraped and patched, lengthened and shortened, thickened and narrowed, till they are made to fit the phenomena with mathematical accuracy. These laborious creations are then put forth as philosophical truths, and, afterwards, the accuracy of their fitting to the phenomena is quoted as evidence of the positive reality of the ethers, atoms, undulations, gyrations, collisions, or whatever else the mathematician may have thus skilfully created and fitted. It appears to me that such fitness only proves the ingenuity of the fitter—the skill of the mathematician—and that all such hypotheses belong to the poetry of science; they should be distinctly labelled as products of mathematical imagination, and nowise be confounded with objective natural truths. Such products of the imagination of the expert may assist the imagination of the student in comprehending some phenomena, just as “Jack Frost” and “Billy Wind” may represent certain natural forces to babies; but if Jack Frost, Billy Wind, electric and magnetic fluids, ultimate atoms, interatomic ethers, nervous fluids, etc., are allowed to invade the intellect, and are accepted as actual physical existences, they become very mischievous philosophical superstitions. I make this digression in order to repudiate any participation in this kind of speculation. Though “The Fuel of the Sun” is avowedly a very bold attempt to unravel majestic mysteries, I have not sought to elucidate the known by means of the unknown, as do these inventors of imaginary agents, In like manner, the necessity of the solid ejections presented themselves before I knew anything of the recently discovered details of the coronal phenomena—when I had merely read of a luminous halo which had been seen around the sun, and relying upon Mr. Lockyer, vaguely supposed it to be an effect of atmospheric illumination. I inferred that streams of solid particles must be pouring from the sun, and showering back again, but had no idea that such streams Even when “The Fuel of the Sun” was published I knew nothing of the American observations of the quadrangular figure of the corona, or should certainly have then quoted them, nor of the fact revealed by the Eclipse of December, 1870, that, “wherever on the solar disc a large group of prominences was seen on Mr. Seabroke’s map, there a corresponding bulging out of the corona was chronicled on Professor Watson’s drawing; and at the positions where no prominences presented themselves, there the bright portions of the corona extended to the smallest distances from the sun’s limb;” and that Mr. Brothers’s photographs all show the corona extending much further towards the west than towards the east, the west being “the region richest in solar prominences.” I am sorry that the limits of this paper will not permit me to enter more fully into the bearings of the recent studies of the corona and the prominences upon my explanations of solar phenomena, especially as the differences between the inner and outer corona, which still appear to puzzle astronomers, are exactly what my explanation demands. I must make this the subject of a separate paper, and proceed at once to the next step of the general argument. Assuming that such ejections of solid matter are poured from the prominences, to what distances may they travel? In attempting to answer this question, I avowedly ventured upon dangerous ground, for at the time of writing I only knew that the force of upheaval of the prominences must be enormous, probably sufficient to eject solid matter beyond the orbit of the earth and even beyond that of Mars. Actual measurements of the eruptive velocity of But how, the reader will ask, can such solids, ejected from the sun, acquire orbital paths around him? “We have been taught that the parabola is the necessary path of such ejections.” Mr. Proctor has evidently reasoned in this manner, for in last April number of “Fraser’s Magazine” he says that some of my ideas are “opposed to any known laws, physical or dynamical,” that “there is nothing absolutely incredible in the conception that masses of gaseous, liquid, or solid matter should be flung to a height exceeding manifold that of the loftiest of the colored prominences; whereas it is not only incredible, but impossible, that such matter should in any case come to circle in a closed orbit round the sun.” More careful reading would have shown Mr. Proctor that I have considered other conditions besides those of the textbooks, that the case is by no means one of simple radial projection from a fixed body into free space and undisturbed return. I distinctly stated that “the recent ejections may have any form of orbit within the boundaries of the conic sections,” from a straight line returning upon itself, due to absolutely vertical projection, to a circular orbit produced by the tangential projection of such curving prominences as the ram’s horn, etc. The outline of the zodiacal light would be formed by the termination or aphelion portion of these excursions, or of such a number of them as should be sufficient to produce a visible result. Again, speaking of the asteroids, in Chapter xiv., I state that “I should have expected a still greater elongation and eccentricity in some of them, and such orbits may have existed; but an asteroid with an orbit of cometary eccentricity that would in the course of each revolution cross the paths of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars in nearly the same plane, and dive through the thickly scattered zodiacal cluster, both in going to the sun and returning A little reflection on the above-stated laws of dissociation will show that the maximum violence of hydrogen explosion will not occur at the birth of the ejections, but afterwards, when the dissociated gases have been already hurled beyond the sphere of restraining vapors. If my explanation is correct, the typical form of a solar prominence should be that of a spreading tree with a tall stem. At first the least resistence to radiation and consequent explosive combination must be in the vertical direction, as this will afford the shortest line that can be drawn through the thickness of the surrounding jacket of resisting vapor; but when raised above this envelope, the dissociated gases, cooled by their own expansion and comparatively free to radiate in all directions except downwards, will explode laterally as well as vertically, and thus spread out into a head. My theoretical prominence will be, in short, a monster rocket proceeding steadily upwards to a certain extent, and then gradually bursting and projecting its missiles in every direction from the vertical to the absolutely horizontal. Should the latter acquire a velocity of about 300 miles per I need only refer Mr. Proctor to his own recently published book on the Sun, where he will find on plates 4, 5, and 6 a number of drawings from ZÖllner and Respighi, which so thoroughly confirm my necessary theoretical deductions that they might be a series of fancy sketches of my own. When we consider that the base of a prominence is only visible when it happens to start exactly from the limb of the sun, while the vastly greater proportion of those which are observed, and have been drawn, have much of the stem cut off from view by the solar rotundity, the evidence afforded by such drawings in support of my theoretical deduction, that the typical form of the solar prominences is that of a palm-tree or bursting rocket, is greatly strengthened.7 In a paper by P. Secchi, dated Rome, March 20, 1871, and published in the “Comptes Rendus,” March 27, this veteran solar observer speaks of the prominences as composed of jets, which, “upon reaching a certain elevation, stop and whirl upon themselves, giving birth to a brilliant cloud.” This cloud is represented as spreading out on all sides from the summit of the combined jets. Again he says, “It is very common to see a little jet spot at a certain elevation above the chromosphere, and there spread itself out into a wide hat (“un large chapeau”) of an absolutely nebulous constitution.” This outspreading nebulosity is the flash of the incandescent vapors produced by the explosion which is theoretically demanded by my explanation to occur exactly in the manner and place described. These expanded incandescent gases will be rendered visible by The observations and drawings of ZÖllner and Respighi were, for the most part, made while my book was in the press, and, like those of Secchi above quoted, were unknown to me when I wrote; I was then only able to quote, in support of my theoretical requirements, the evidences of actually observed tangential ejection afforded by Sir John Herschel’s account of the great solar storm of September 1, 1859. Besides this direct tangential projection there are other elements of motion contributing to the same result, such as the whirl of the prominences on themselves, their motion of translation on the sun’s disk, and the rotation of the sun itself. I must now bring this sketch to a close by stating that, in order to submit the fundamental question of an universal atmosphere to an experimentum crucis analogous to that by which Pascal tested the atmospheric theory of Torricelli, I have calculated the theoretical density of the atmosphere of the moon and of each of the planets, and compared the results as severely as I could with the observed facts. As Jupiter is 27,100 times heavier than the moon, and between these wide extremes there are six planets presenting great variations of mass, the probabilities of accidental coincidence are overwhelmingly against me, and a close concurrence of observed telescopic refraction and other phenomena with the theoretical atmospheric density must afford the strongest possible confirmation of the soundness of the basis of my whole argument. Such a concurrence exists, and some new and very curious light is unexpectedly thrown upon the meteorology of Mars and the constitution of the larger planets. The latter, if I am right, must be miniature suns, permanently red or white-hot, must be something like a photosphere, surrounded by a sphere of vapor (the outside of which we see), must have mimic spot vortices and prominences, and in the case of Saturn must eject volleys of meteoric matter, some of which should These are startling conclusions, and when I reached them they were utterly at variance with general astronomical opinion, but I find since their publication that some astronomers have already shown considerable readiness to adopt them. In my case this view of the solar constitution of the larger planets is not a matter of mere opinion, or guessing, or probability, but it follows of necessity, and as stated on page 200, “the great mystery of Saturn’s rings is resolved into a simple consequence, a demonstrable and necessary result of the operation of the familiar forces, whose laws of action have been demonstrated here upon the earth by experimental investigation in our laboratories. No strained hypotheses of imaginary forces are required, no ethers or other materials are demanded, beyond those which are beneath our feet and around our heads here upon our own planet; all that is necessary is to grant that the well-known elements and compounds of the chemist, and the demonstrated forces of the experimental physicist, exist and operate in the places, and have the quantities and modes of distribution described by the astronomer; this simple postulate admitted, these wondrous appendages spring into rational existence, and like the eternal fires of the sun, the barren surface of the moon, the dry valleys of Mercury, the hazy equivocations of Venus, the seas and continents and polar glaciers of Mars, and the cloud-covered face of Jupiter, follow as necessary consequences of an universal atmosphere.” If I am right in ascribing a gaseous condition to the sun and the larger planets, and tracing the maintenance of this condition to the disturbing gravitation of the attendant planets or satellites, a solution of the riddle of the nebulÆ at once presents itself. We have only to suppose a star cluster or group composed of orbs of solar or great planetary dimensions, and that these act mutually upon each other as the planets on our sun, or the satellites upon Saturn, but in a far more violent degree owing to the far greater relative masses of the reacting elements, and we obtain the conditions under which great gaseous orbs would be not The reader must complete the picture. If he will take a little trouble in doing so he will find that it becomes a portrait of one or the other of the nebulÆ, according to the kind of intergravitating star-cluster from which he starts. I have endeavored to work out some of the details of the nebular conditions in Chapter xx. In Chapter xxi. I have concluded by showing the analogy between a sun and the hydro-electric machine, the sun being the cylinder and the prominences the steam jets. If issuing jets of high-pressure steam have the same properties at a distance of 93 millions of miles from the earth as upon its surface, the body of the sun and the issuing steam must be in opposite electrical conditions, and furious electrical excitation must result; and if the laws of electrical induction are constant throughout the universe, the earth must be as necessarily subject to solar electrical influence as to his thermal radiations. Thus the same reasoning which explains the origin and maintenance of the solar heat and light, the sun-spots, the photosphere, the chromosphere, the sierra, the prominences, the zodiacal light, the aerolites and asteroids; the meteorology of the planets and the rings of Saturn, also shows how the electrical disturbances which produce the aurora borealis and direct the needle may originate. Electrical theories of the corona and zodiacal light, and their connection of some kind with the aurora borealis, have been put forth in many shapes, but so far as I have learned none afford any explanation of the origin of the electrical disturbance. Without this they are like the vortices of Descartes, which explained the movements of the Explanations which are more difficult to explain than the phenomena they propose to elucidate only obscure the light of true science, and stand as impedimente to the progress of sound philosophy. |