Abingdon, 44
Accident, 14, 243
Accumulators, 149
Africa, 92
Agora, 298
“Ajax,” 141
Alexandria, 298
All Fools’ Day, 270
America, 92, 102, 150, 301
Annealed, 21
Antiquated, 25
Antonio, 234
Apprentices (smiths), 90
Aquatic plants, 44
ArchÆologist, 177
Army, 77, 302
Ash-wheelers, 47
Athens, 298
Athletes, 63
Atlantic, 139, 169
Atlas, 73
Avon, river, 22, 45
Axles, 20
“Back to the Land,” 296
Balance, 283
Balance-week, 254
Balling-up, 17
Bank Holidays, 245
Battleship, 110
Bays, 10
Beam-engine, 151
Beltage, 100
Besom, 85
Bible, 32
“Big Firm,” 256
Birmingham, 92, 151
Bogies, 11
Boilers, 136
Boilersmiths, 74, 113
Bonuses, 301
Borough, 18
Boss, 134
“Black List,” 230
Blast-furnace, 116
Blood-poisoning, 213
Bloom, 108
“Blower,” 150
Bricklayers, 48
Bricklayers’ labourers, 49
Bridge, of furnace, 46
Bristol, 13, 44
Broad-gauge, 67
Broadway, Hammersmith, 238
“Bucket of blast,” 281
Buffalo Bill, 77, 156
Buffer, 23
Bullion van, 70
“Bummer,” 134
Burns, 19
Burs, 23
Cabin, 25
CÆsar, Julius, 264
Callipers, 102
Canada, 228
Canvas belts, 147
Cape of Good Hope, 102
Capitalist, 2
Carlyle, Thomas, 237
Carriage body-makers, 56
Carriage finishers, 38
Cassius, 264
Castellum, 12
Casuals, 69
Catastrophe, 38
Ceremonious, 57
Ceylon, 157
Chalk-pits, 13
Channel Islands, 173
Chargeman, 282
Charities, 97
Cheapjack, 173
Check-box, 130
Chelidon, 263
Cheltenham, 92
Chemicals, 33
China, 102, 157, 173
Cinematograph, 298
Cirencester, 13
Clay-pits, 262
Clinkering, 46
“Clod-hopping,” 297
Coal-heavers, 14
Coffee stalls, 129
Compensation, 227
Compressed air, 172
Condensation, 11
Consumption, 126
Contraband, 31
Corporation, 62
Cotswold Hills, 45
Cottage Hospital, 97
Countershaft, 145
Covered goods waggons, 71
“Cow-banging,” 279
Cramp, 94
Cricklade, 44
Cushion-beaters, 41
Cutting-down, 68
Cyclops, 208
Cylinder, 18
Deadwood Dick, 77
Dee, river, 22
Democracy, 294
Detectives, 37
Detonators, 23
“Diagonals,” 23
Dinner-can, 112
“Discontent,” 4
“Dolly,” 69
Donkey-engine, 150
Donkey-man, 109
Door-boy, 110
Dorsetshire, 247
Double-handed, 306
Dowlais, 173
Draughtsmen, 133
Dredger, 45
Drop-stamp, 153
Dumb-bells, 144
Durham, 92
Earthquake, 18
Ebony, 15
Educational Authority, 289
Egypt, 173
Egyptians, 298
Electricity in belts, 147
Engine-cranks, 104
Entrenchment, 13
Erin, 173
Espionage, 303
Examination, 93
Excursionists, 26
Exhaust of engines, 63
Exhibition, 88
Ex-Hussar, 73
Explosions, 36
Fable, 133
Factory Acts, 74
Factory system, 103
Falstaffian, 181
Fan, 145
Feed-pipes, 210
Feudal times, 1
Fire-engine, 33
Fires, 34
First Aid Men, 244
Fitters, 101
“Flatter,” 21
Flying Dutchman, 68
Fogmen, 23
“Foreigners,” 86
Forgemen, 106
Forging, 18
Fortress, 11
Foundry, 116
France, 150
Freight trains, 123
“Fuller,” 21
Gallery-men, 87
Gauge-glass, 166
Gazing-stock, 186
Geological data, 50
Germany, 20, 150
Gloucester, 44, 92
Government, 8, 300
Greeks, 1, 289
Grindstones, bursting of, 152
Grossness of atmosphere, 249
Gun barrel, 17
Hammer-driver, 107
Hammersmith, 237
Heavy-weights, 73
Hecuba, 290
“Hell Corner,” 142
Hercules, 52
Hereditary, 91
Hibernian, 182
Historical relics, 288
Holder-up, 69
Hooter, 125
Horatian, 290
Horse-rake, 266
Hustle, 183
Hydraulic work, 171
Idea-box, 301
“Ierky,” 59
Improvers, 90
Incendiarism, 34
Inferno, 208
Injector, 215
Inquiry office, 276
Inquisition, 303
Irishmen, 173
“Ironopolis,” 105
Italians, 298
Jackboots, 17, 111
Jam, 148
“Jaw-breakers,” 285
Jefferies, Richard, 12
“Jersey Lily,” 173
Jesus Christ, 246
Jew’s harp, 166
“Jogglers,” 82
“Joggling,” 14
John Bright, 236
Journals, axle, 13
Justin M‘Carthy, 238
Kennet, river, 22
Labour unrest, 1
“Lambs,” 177
Lancaster, 92
Latin, 289
Laughing-stock, 29
Lean-to, 142
Library, 248
Liddington Hill, 12
Lightning, 10
Literary Society, 135
Liverpool, 92
“Loco” boiler, 164
Loitering, 29
London, 44, 45, 68
Magnesia, 166
Malcontent, 305
Malleable steel, 103
Mallet, 83
Marines, 232
Mark Fell, 304
Mars, 219
May-pole, 63
Medical Report, 242
Mediterranean, 263
Merchant of Venice, 234
Mess-rooms, 262
Middlesborough, 105, 173
Midlands, 105, 155
Militia, 174
Mines, 1
MoliÈre, 154
“Monday-fied,” 257
“Monkey,” of hammer, 109
Monsieur Jourdain, 154
Monthly staff, 133
Motherwell, 173
Moulders, 119
Mrs Langtry, 237
Mulatto, 174
Municipalities, 2
Mushrooms, 221
Narrow-gauge, 67
Navy, 77, 143, 302
Newcastle, 116
New Testament, 290
New Year’s Eve, 271
Nicknames, 77
Night shift, 206
“Nobbling,” 113
Oatmeal, 261
Obsequious, 275
Officialism, 7
Oileus, Ajax, 141
Oil furnace, 3, 139
Oscar Wilde, 237
Output, 5
Overalls, 101
Overseer, 7
Overtime, 292
Oxford, 13
Painters, 38
Palmy days, 21
Pandemonium, 71, 135
Paris, 158
Parliament, 8
Parrot, river, 22
Passeres, 263
Pater familias, 127
Pattern-makers, 38