I beg to thank the following gentlemen and firms for the help they have given me in connection with the letterpress and illustrations of "How It Works"— Messrs. F.J.C. Pole and M.G. Tweedie (for revision of MS.); W. Lineham; J.F. Kendall; E. Edser; A.D. Helps; J. Limb; The Edison Bell Phonograph Co.; Messrs. Holmes and Co.; The Pelton Wheel Co.; Messrs. Babcock and Wilcox; Messrs. Siebe, Gorman, and Co.; Messrs. Negretti and Zambra; Messrs. Chubb; The Yale Lock Co.; The Micrometer Engineering Co.; Messrs. Marshall and Sons; The Maignen Filter Co.; Messrs. Broadwood and Co. ON THE FOOTPLATE OF A LOCOMOTIVE. ON THE FOOTPLATE OF A LOCOMOTIVE. How It Works Dealing in Simple Language with Steam, Electricity, |