Ages before the dawn of civilization, primitive man had learned to extract certain ores and metals from the earth by subterranean mining. Such nations as the Egyptians, for example, understood mining in most of its phases, and worked their mines in practically the same manner as all succeeding nations before the time of the introduction of the steam engine. The early Britons were good miners and the products of their mines were carried to the Orient by the Phoenicians many centuries before the Christian era. The Romans were, of course, great miners, and remains of the Roman mines are still in existence, particularly good examples being found in Spain. Even the aborigines of North America possessed some knowledge of mining, as attested by the ancient copper mines in the Lake Superior region, although by the time of the discovery of America, and probably many centuries before, the interloping races of Indians who had driven out or exterminated the Lake Superior copper mines had forgotten the art of mining, if indeed they had ever learned it. But the fact that their predecessors had worked the copper mines is shown by the number of stone mining implements found in the ancient excavations about Lake Superior, The great progress in mining methods, however, as in the case of most other mechanical arts, began with the introduction of steam as a means of utilizing energy; and another revolution is in rapid progress owing to the perfection of electrical apparatus for furnishing power, heat, and light. Methods of mining a hundred years ago were undoubtedly somewhat in advance of the methods used by the ancients; but the gap was not a wide one, and the progress made by decades after the introduction of steam has been infinitely greater than the progress made by centuries previous to that time. This progress, of course, applies to all kinds of mines and all phases of mining; but steam and electricity are not alone responsible for the great nineteenth-century progress. Geology, an unknown science a century ago, has played a most active and important part; and chemistry, whose birth as a science dates from the opening years of the nineteenth century, is responsible for many of the great advances. Obviously a very important feature of any mine must be its location, and the determination of this must always constitute the principal hazard in practical mining. Prospecting, or exploring for suitable mining sites, has been an important occupation for many years, and has in fact become a scientific one recently. Formerly mines were frequently stumbled upon by accident, but such accidental discoveries are becoming less and less frequent. The prospector An example of what science has done in this direction was shown a few years ago in a western American town during one of the "oil booms" that excited so many communities at that time. In the neighborhood of this town evidences of oil had been found from time to time—some of them under peculiar and suspicious circumstances, to be sure—and the members of the community were in an intense state of excitement over the possibility of oil being found on their lands. Prices of land jumped to fabulous figures, and the few land-owners that could be induced to part with their farms became opulent by the transactions. An "oil expert" appeared upon the scene about this time—just "happening to drop in"—who declared, after an examination, that the entire region abounded in In general, prospecting for oil differs pretty radically from prospecting for most other minerals. A very common way of locating an ore-mine is by the nature of the out-crop,—that is, the broken edges of strata of rocks protruding from hillsides, or tilted at an angle on level areas. If the ore-bearing vein is harder than the surrounding strata it will be found as a jutting edge, protruding beyond the surface of the other layers of rocks which, being softer, are more easily worn away. On the other hand, if this stratum is soft or decomposable it will show as a depression, or "sag" as it is called. Of course such protrusions and depressions may only be seen and examined where the rocks themselves are exposed; vegetation, drift, and snow preventing such observations. But the vegetation may in itself serve as a guide to the experienced prospector in determining the location of a mine, peculiar mineral conditions being conducive to the In hilly or mountainous regions, where the underlying rocks are covered with earth, portions of these surfaces are sometimes uncovered by the method known as "booming." In using this method the prospector selects a convenient depression near the top of a hill and builds a temporary dam across the point corresponding to the lowest outlet. When snow and rain have turned the basin so formed into a lake, the dam is burst and the water rushing down the hillside cuts away the overlying dirt, exposing the rocks beneath. This method is effective and inexpensive. The beds of streams, particularly those in hilly and mountainous regions, are fertile fields for prospecting, particularly for precious metals. Stones and pebbles found in the bed are likely to reveal the ore-foundations along the course of the stream, and the shape of these pebbles helps in determining the approximate location of such foundations. An ore-bearing pebble, well worn and rounded, has probably traveled some little distance from its original source, being rounded and worn in its passage down the stream. On the other hand, if it is still angular it has come a much shorter distance, and the prospector will be guided accordingly in his search for the ore-vein. But prospecting is not limited to these simple surface One of the most satisfactory ways of making borings is by means of the diamond drill. This drill is made in the form of a long metal tube, the lower edge of which is made into a cutting implement by black diamonds fixed in the edge of the metal. By rotating this tube a ring is cut through the layers of rock, the solid cylinder or core of rock remaining in the hollow centre of the drill. This can be removed from time to time, the nature and thickness of the geological formation through which the drill is passing being thus definitely determined. CONDITIONS TO BE CONSIDERED IN MININGThree great problems always confront the mine operator—light, power, and ventilation. Of these ventilation is the most important from the workman's standpoint, although the problem of light is scarcely Choke damp, which is a gas considerably heavier than the atmosphere, is usually found near the bottom of mines, running along declines and falling into holes in much the same manner as a liquid. It kills by suffocation, and, as it will not support combustion, it may be detected by lowering a lighted candle into a suspected cavity, the light being extinguished at once if the gas is present. To rid the cavity of it, forced ventilation is used where possible, the gas being scattered by draughts of fresh air. If this is impracticable, and the cavity small, the choke damp may be dipped out with buckets. But the problem of the mining engineer is not so much to rid cavities of gas as to prevent its accumulation. In modern mining, with proper ventilation and A FLINT-AND-STEEL OUTFIT, AND A MINER'S STEEL MILL. A FLINT-AND-STEEL OUTFIT, AND A MINER'S STEEL MILL. A FLINT-AND-STEEL OUTFIT, AND A MINER'S STEEL MILL. The upper picture shows a flint-and-steel outfit, the implements for lighting a fire before the days of matches. The lower picture shows a miner's steel mill, which was used for giving light in mines before the day of the safety-lamp. It consists of a steel disk which is rotated rapidly against a piece of flint, producing a stream of sparks. It was thought that such sparks would not ignite fire-damp—a belief which is now known to be erroneous. The danger from this choke damp, therefore, is one that concerns the individual workman rather than large bodies of men or the structure of the mine itself. With fire damp, however, the case is different, as an explosion of this gas may destroy the mine itself and all the workmen in it. It is, therefore, the most dreaded factor in mining, and is the one to which more attention has been directed than to almost any other problem. This fire damp is a mixture of carbonic oxide and marsh gas which, being lighter than air, tends to rise to the upper part of the mines. For this reason explosions are more likely to occur near the openings of the mine, frequently entombing the workmen in a remote part of the mine even when not actually killing them by the explosion. As this gas is poisonous as well as explosive the miners who survive the explosion may succumb eventually to suffocation. Previous to the year 1816 no means had been devised for averting the explosions of fire damp except the uncertain one of watching the flame of the candle with which the miner was working. On coming in contact with air mildly contaminated with fire damp the candle flame takes on a blue tint and assumes a peculiarly elongated shape which may be instantly detected by a watchful workman. But miners were, and still are, a proverbially careless class of men even where a matter of life and death is concerned, and too frequently gave no heed to the warning flame. But in 1816 Sir Humphrey Davy invented his safety lamp, a device In making his numerous experiments, Davy had observed that iron-wire gauze is such a good conductor of heat that a flame enclosed in such gauze could not pass readily through meshes to ignite a gas on the outside. He found by experiment that a considerable quantity of explosive gas might be brought into contact with the gauze surrounding a flame, and no explosion occur. At the same time this gas would give warning of its presence by changing the color of the flame. When a lamp was made with a surrounding gauze having seven hundred and eighty meshes to the square inch, it was found to give sufficient light and at the same time to be practically non-explosive in the presence of ordinary quantities of gas. One would suppose that such a life-saving invention would have been eagerly adopted by the men whose lives it protected; but, as a matter of fact, owing to certain inconveniences of Davy's lamps, many miners refused to use them until forced to do so by the mine-owners. One of these disadvantages was that this safety lamp gave a poor light overhead. This is particularly annoying to the miner, who wishes always to watch the condition of the ceiling under which he is working. When not under constant observation, therefore, a miner would frequently remove the gauze of the lamp and work by the open flame, regardless of consequences. Or again, he would sometimes forgetfully use the flame for lighting his pipe. To overcome Since the time of the first Davy safety lamp there have been numerous improvements in mechanical details, although the general principle remains unchanged. One of these improvements is a device whereby the lamp, when accidentally extinguished, may be relighted without opening it, and without the use of matches. This is done by means of little strips of paper containing patches of a fulminating substance which is ignited by friction, working on the same principle as the paper percussion caps used on toy pistols. But even the improved safety lamp seems likely to disappear from mines within the next few years, now that electricity has come into such general use. As yet, however, no satisfactory portable electric lamp or lantern has been perfected, such lamps being as a rule too heavy, expensive, and unreliable. Even if these defects were remedied, the advantage would still lie with the Davy lamp, since the electric lamp, being enclosed, cannot be used for the detection of fire damp. But this advantage of the safety lamp is becoming less important, since well-regulated mines are now more thoroughly ventilated, and the danger from fire damp correspondingly lessened. In some Continental mines the experiment has been tried of constantly consuming the fire damp, before it has had time to accumulate in explosive quantities, Probably the simplest method of properly ventilating a mine is that of having two openings at the surface, one on a much higher level than the other if the mine is on a hillside, the lower one corresponding to the lowest portion of the mine where possible. By such an arrangement natural currents will be established, and may be controlled and distributed through the mine by doors or permanent partitions, or aided by fans. But of course only a comparatively small number of mines are so situated that this system can be used. It is possible, of course, to ventilate a mine from a single shaft or opening by use of double sets of pipes, one for admitting air and the other for expelling it; but this system is obviously not an ideal one, and is prohibited by law in most mining districts. Such laws usually stipulate that there must be at least two openings situated at some distance from each other. The older method of creating air currents was by means of furnaces, but this method, while very effective, is expensive and dangerous. In using this system a furnace is built near the outlet of the air shaft, the combustion of the fuel creating the necessary draught. But in the nature of things this furnace is a constant menace to the mine, besides being an extremely wasteful Another important problem that constantly confronts the mining engineer is that of drainage. Mines are, of course, great reservoirs for the accumulation of water, which must be drained or pumped out continually; and as the shafts are sunk deeper and deeper it becomes increasingly difficult to raise the water to the surface. Special means and machinery are employed for this purpose which will be considered more in detail in a moment. ELECTRIC MACHINERY IN MININGElectricity is, of course, the great revolutionary factor in modern mining. There is scarcely a department of mining in which electric power has not wrought revolutionary changes in recent years; and the subject has become so important and so thoroughly specialized as to "create a literature and a technology of its own." From the electric drill, working hundreds of feet below the surface of the earth, to the delicate testing-instruments in the laboratory of the assaying offices, the effect of this electrical revolution is being felt progressively more and more every year. Moreover, electricity, on account of its transmutability, At present, however, the question of distance of the seat of power has been practically eliminated by the possibilities of electric conduction. A stream, situated miles away, when harnessed to a turbine and electric motors may afford a source of power more economical than could be furnished a few years ago by a power plant supplied with fuel at the very door of the mine. We need not enter into the details of this transmission of power, however, since the subject has been discussed in a general way in another place. Our subject here is rather to deal with the application of electricity to certain mining implements of special importance. One of the most useful acquisitions to the equipment of the modern miner is a portable mechanical drill, which makes it possible for him to dispense with the time-honored pick, hammer, and hand-drill. But it is only recently that inventors have been able to produce this implement. The great difficulty has lain in the fact that a reciprocating motion, which is essential for certain kinds of drilling, is not readily secured with electric power. The use of steam or compressed air The first attempts to produce an electric drill with a reciprocating motion were so unsuccessful that inventors turned their attention to perfecting some rotary device. This proved more successful, and rotary drills, operating long augers and acting like ordinary wood-boring machines, are now used extensively for certain kinds of drilling. The more recent forms perform the same amount of work as the air drill, with a consumption of about one-tenth the power. Moreover, none of the energy is lost at high altitudes as in the case of air drills, and they are not affected by low temperatures which sometimes render the air drill inoperable. On the other hand, the air drill is a hardy implement, capable of withstanding very rough usage, whereas the electric drill is probably the more economical, as well as the more convenient drill of the two. In certain kinds of mining, such as in the potash mines of Europe and the coal mines of America, these electric drills operating their long augers have been found particularly useful. The ordinary type of drill is so arranged that it can be operated at any angle, vertically or horizontally. The lighter forms are mounted on upright stands, with screws at the ends From the workman's standpoint these rotary drills are infinitely superior to reciprocating or percussion drills, where the constant jarring of the machine, besides being extremely tiresome, sometimes produces the serious disease known as neuritis. Various means have been attempted to prevent this, such as by overcoming the jar in a measure by flexible levers which do not transmit the vibrations to the hands and arms; but such attempts are only partially successful, and a certain amount of jarring cannot be avoided. In the rotary electric drills there is none of this, the workmen simply controlling the drill and the motor with levers, and receiving at most only a slight jar from the vibrations of the auger. TRACTION IN MININGIn recent years electric traction engines for use in mines have been rapidly replacing horse-and mule-power, and have become important economic factors Following this first mining-locomotive a great number were quickly produced. In Pennsylvania alone something like four hundred are now in use, and in Illinois two million tons of coal were hauled in this manner in twelve mines in 1901. It was estimated at the beginning of the present century that some 3,000 electric locomotives specially built for mining were in use in the United States alone. The earlier types of mining-locomotives were much higher and bulkier than those of more recent construction, the motors being mounted above the trucks and geared downward. Very soon, however, the "turtle-back" or "terrapin-back" type was developed, with the motors brought close to the ground, so that even quite a heavy locomotive might not be much higher than the diameter of its driving-wheels. When these queer-looking machines were boxed in so that even the wheels were covered, they lost all resemblance to locomotives or vehicles of any kind, appearing like low, rectangular metal boxes placed upon the car tracks, With these locomotives, some of them not more than two and a half feet high, it was possible to haul trains even in very low and narrow passages—much lower, in fact, than could be entered by the little mules used in former years. This in itself was revolutionary in its effects, as many thin veins were thus made workable. This type of low locomotive is the one that has come into general use throughout the world. Such locomotives range in size from two to twenty tons, with wheel gauges from a foot and a half wide to the standard railway gauge of four feet, eight and a half inches. Locomotives weighing more than twenty tons are not in general use on account of the small size of the mine entrances. In the ordinary types the motorman sits in front, controlling the locomotive with levers and mechanical brakes placed within easy reach, but sunk as low as possible. As a rule, the motors are geared to the truck axles, either inside or outside the locomotive frame. An overhead copper wire supplies the current by contact with a grooved trolley wheel mounted on the end of the regulation trolley pole. An electric headlight is used, and the ordinary speed attained by the compact motors is from six to ten miles an hour. The amount of work that can be performed by one of these little, flat, box-like locomotives is entirely out of proportion to its size. A 10-ton locomotive in a THE LOCOMOTIVE "PUFFING BILLY" AND A MODERN COLLIERY TROLLEY. THE LOCOMOTIVE "PUFFING BILLY" AND A MODERN COLLIERY TROLLEY. This locomotive was constructed in 1813 at Wylam Colliery, England, by William Hedley. It was entirely successful, and was in operation for almost half a century, up to the time of its removal in 1862 to the South Kensington Museum. The vertical cylinders and arrangement of walking beams for transmitting power are particularly interesting. The power was transmitted through cogged wheels to the rear axle, as is done with modern automobiles. A particular advantage has been gained by the use of electric locomotives over older methods in the process of "gathering" the cars. In many coal mines, even when the main hauling is done by electricity, the gathering or collecting of cars from the working faces of the rooms was formerly done either by mule-power or by hand. In some low-veined mines, hand power alone was used, on account of the low roof. In such places, low, compressed-air locomotives were sometimes used; but these were very expensive. These have now been very generally replaced by "turtle-back" electric locomotives, operated at a distance from the main trolley wire by means of long, flexible cables, so geared that they can be paid out or coiled as desired. On the main line these locomotives take the current from the trolley wire by means of the trolley pole, but when the place for gathering is reached, the connection is made by means of the flexible cable, and the trolley pole fastened down so as not to be in the way. This allows the locomotive to push the little cars into the rooms far removed from the main line, with passages In certain regions, a system of third-rail current-supply is used, this rail being also a tooth rail with which a cog on the locomotive works frictionally. For climbing steep grades this system of cogged rails has many advantages over other systems. Another type of electric locomotive used in some mines is a self-propelling or automobile one equipped with storage batteries. Such locomotives do away with the inconvenience and dangers of contact rails or trolley wires, but are heavy and expensive. A compromise locomotive, particularly useful for gathering, is one equipped with both trolley pole and storage batteries. This locomotive is so made that the storage batteries are charged while it is running with the trolley connection, so that no time is lost in the charging process. Such locomotives have been found very satisfactory for many purposes, and but for the imperfections common to all storage batteries would be ideal in many ways. They can be worked over any improvised track, regardless of distance, which is an advantage over the flexible-cable system where distances are limited by the length of cable; and the Closely allied to the systems of traction by electric locomotives, is the modern electric telpherage system. Until quite recently the haulage of ores and other raw materials used in mining, when done aerially, has been by means of travelling rope or cable. When distances to be travelled in this manner are short, such as across streams or valleys, where no supports are used, the term "cableway" is generally applied; but where the distance is so long that supports are necessary, the term "tramway cable" is used. It is to these longer systems that electric telpherage is particularly applicable. The advantage of such an electric system over the older method is the same as the advantages of the trolley road over the cable, all ropes and cables being stationary, the electric motor, or "telpher," travelling along on one cable and taking its current by means of a trolley pole from a wire above. For heavier work metal rails supported between posts are employed in place of a flexible cable, and over such systems loads of several tons can be hauled. Such an electric telpher system is used in one of the Cuban limestone quarries, the telpher and cars travelling a long distance upon cables, except at some of the curves, where solid rails are substituted, hauling a load of a thousand pounds at a speed of from twelve to fifteen miles an hour. The current comes from a distant source, and the telpher is so arranged that it The various processes of hoisting in mines by electricity is closely akin to that of traction, since, after all, "an elevator is virtually a railway with a 100-per-cent grade." As such work is done spasmodically, long periods of rest intervening between actual periods of work, a great deal of energy is wasted by steam hoisting engines, where a certain pressure of steam in the boiler must be maintained at all times. For this reason electrical energy for hoisting has come rapidly into popularity in recent years. "The throttling of steam to control speed," said Mr. F. O. Blackwell in addressing the American Institute of Mining Engineers, "the necessity for reversing the engine, the variation in steam pressure, the absence of condensing apparatus, the cooling and large clearance of cylinders, and the condensation and leakage of steam pipes when doing no work, are all against the steam hoisting engine. One of the largest hoisting engines in the world was recently tested and found to take sixty pounds of steam per indicated horse-power per hour. The electric motor, on the other hand, is ideal for intermittent work. It wastes absolutely no energy when at rest, there being no leakage or condensation. Its efficiency is high, from one-quarter load to twice full load." There seems to be practically no difference as far as Results comparing very favorably with these have been obtained also in some of the mines in Germany and Bohemia, where electricity has been introduced extensively in mining. In one of these mines the daily hoisting capacity is twenty-seven hundred tons from a depth of over sixteen hundred feet, at a speed of over fifty-two feet per second. In the Comstock mine, at Virginia City, Nev., electric hoists are used which obtain their power from a plant situated on the Truchee River thirty-two miles away. ELECTRIC MINING PUMPSIn pumping, which is always one of the important items in mining, the use of electric power has been found quite as advantageous as in the other fields of its application. No special features are embodied in most of the types of mining pumps over the rotary and reciprocating types used for ordinary purposes, For some time the question of the durability of electric pumps was in dispute, but developments in quite recent years seem to prove that, in some instances at least, such pumps are practically indestructible. "The question of what would happen to an electric motor in a mine if pumps and motors get flooded has often come up. From tests made recently at the University of LiÈge, Belgium, it appears that a suitably designed polyphase alternating-current motor of a type largely used on the continent of Europe was completely submerged in water. It was run for a quarter of an hour; it was then stopped and allowed to remain submerged, under official seal, for twenty-four hours, at the end of which time it was again run for a few minutes. It was next removed from the water, again put under seal, and left to dry for twenty-four hours. The insulation was then tested, and the motor was found to be in perfect order. It would be hard to imagine a test more severe than this. "As bearing upon this question it is interesting to note that among the pumps in use around Johannesburg, South Africa, at the beginning of the Anglo-Boer War, there were twelve of a well-known American make, each of which was operated by a 50-horse-power induction motor of American construction with three 15-kilowatt transformers. When the mines were "An interesting illustration of the flexibility and adaptability of electric motors for pumping purposes is furnished by the Gneisenau mine, near Dortmund, Germany, where a very large electric mining plant was installed in 1903. In this instance the pump is located more than 1,200 feet below the surface, and the difficulties of installing the apparatus were so great, on account of the small cross section of the shaft, that it was necessary to build up the motor in the pumping chamber, the material being transported through the wet shaft and the winding of the coils being performed in situ. "An interesting use of the electric pump associated with the telephone in connection with mining is noted ELECTRICITY IN COAL MININGIn coal mining the effect of the use of electrical machinery has been revolutionary in recent years, particularly in the development of electric coal cutters. The old method of picking out coal by hand, where the miner labored with the heavy pick, working in all manner of cramped and dangerous positions, was supplanted a few years ago by the "puncher" machine, worked by steam or compressed air. With these machines the coal was picked out just as in the case of the hand method, except that the energy was derived from some power other than muscular. So that while these machines worked more rapidly than the hand picks, they utilized the same general principle in applying their energy. Within recent years, however, various coal-cutting machines have been devised, with which the coal was actually cut, or sawed out, these machines being peculiarly well adapted to using the electric current. The most practical and popular form of machine is Like electric locomotives, and for similar reasons, the coal-cutting machines are low, broad, flat machines, from eighteen to twenty-eight inches high. They rest upon a flat shoeboard that can be moved easily along the face of the coal. An ordinary machine weighs in the neighborhood of a ton, and requires two men to operate. The apparatus is described briefly as follows: "On an outside frame, consisting of two steel channel bars and two angle irons riveted to steel cross ties, rests a sliding frame consisting of a heavy channel or centre rail, to which is bolted the cutter head. The cutter head is made entirely of two milled steel plates, which bolt together, forming the front guide for the cutter chain. This chain, which is made of solid cast steel links connected by drop forge straps, is carried around idlers or sprockets placed at each end of the cutter head and along the chain guides at the side to the rear of the machine, where it engages with and receives its power from a third sprocket, under the motor. The electric motor, which is of ironclad In veins of coal of a thickness from twenty-eight to thirty inches, such a machine will cut about one hundred tons of coal in a day. The cost of production with such machines has been estimated at about sixty-three cents a ton, as against ninety cents as the cost of pick mining in rooms,—a saving of about twenty-seven cents a ton. Since it is estimated that for a cost of $10,000 an electrical equipment can be installed capable of working four such machines besides affording power for lighting, pumping, ventilation of the mine, etc., thus saving something like $100 a day for the operator, the great popularity of these machines is readily understood. After such a machine has been placed in position, a cut some four feet wide, four or five inches high, and six feet deep can be made in five minutes, with the expenditure of very little energy on the part of the workmen. One of the largest cuttings ever recorded by one of these machines is 1,700 square feet in nine and one-half hours, although this may have been exceeded and not recorded. Among the several advantages claimed for the chain machine over the older pick machines is the small amount of slack coal produced, and the absence of There are several different types of chain cutting machines, such as "long-wall machines," and "shearing machines," but these need not be considered in detail here. The general principle upon which they work is the same as the ordinary chain machine, the difference being in the method of applying it for use in special situations. ELECTRIC LIGHTING OF MINESFor many obvious reasons the ideal light for mining purposes is one in which the danger from the open flame is avoided, particularly in well-ventilated mines, or mines under careful supervision, where the danger from inflammable gases is slight. The incandescent electric light, therefore, has become practically indispensable in modern mining operations. For certain purposes and in certain locations where an intense To be sure, there is a certain element of danger even with incandescent lights on account of the possibility of breakage of the globes, and of short-circuiting where improper wiring has been done. To overcome as much as possible the dangers from these sources, special precautions are taken in wiring mines, and special bulbs are used. In general the incandescent lamps as used in mining are made of stout round bulbs of thick glass which are not likely to crack from the effects of water dripping upon them while heated. As a further protection it is customary to enclose the bulbs in wire cages. It is also customary to use low-current lamps with a rather high voltage, although this must be limited, as excessive voltage may in itself become a source of danger. |