pginternal">99, 103, 139–142, 248, 285, 299, 301–308, 348, 367 Fampoux, 347 Fanny’s Farm, 114 Faucourt, 309 Favreuil, 348 Fesny, 395 Fifth Army Headquarters, adverse report of, 145–146 Fighting Side, 46, 190 Flers, 63 FlesquiÈres, 173, 177, 188, 363, 365 Fleury Redobut, 99 Foch, Marshal, on the Tanks, 403 Fontaine-Notre-Dame, 182, 187, 367 Forsyth-Major, Major, 225 Framerville, 311 FrÉmicourt, 348 French Tanks Corps, 209–218 Fresnoy, 357, 359 Frezenberg, 142, 145, 152 Fuller, Lieut.-Colonel, 165 Gauche Wood, 187 Gaza, Second and Third Battles of, 224–234 German Press, and the Tanks, 405 German Tanks, fights with, 261, 383 Germans and the Tanks, 55, 64, 106, 117, 323–333 Ginchy, 61 Glencorse Wood, 142, 152 GomiÉcourt, 344 Gonnelieu, 369 Gould, Second Lieutenant, 301 Gouzeaucourt, 185, 362 Graincourt, 177, 179, 363 Groves, Captain, 266 Gueudecourt, 70 Guillemont, 359, 371 Guise, 385 Haig, Sir Douglas, despatches of, 41
i class="indx">Moroccans, and Tanks, 267 Mory Copse, 347 Moyenneville, 335, 340 Murray, General, 226 “Musical Box” Tank, adventures of, 303–308 Naedale, Lieutenant T.C., 374, 388 Neuve Eglise, 252 Neuville-Vitasse, 104, 347 Neuvilly, 389 Nieppe Forest, 256 Niergnies, 383 Noel, Sergeant J., D.C.M., 107 Norton, Major, 256 Nutt, Major, 225 Oisy, 392 O’Kelly, Colonel, 250 Oosthoek Wood, 130 Oosttaverne, 114 Palestine, Tanks in, 224–234 Pankhurst, Mrs., 38 Passchendaele, 143, 156, 159 Pear-Shaped Trench, 274 PeiziÈre, 248 PÉronne, 292 “Pill-Boxes,” 127, 148–151 Pitt, Lieutenant, 251 Poelcapelle Village, 154–158 Poelcapelle Road, Disaster on, 157 Pollard, Hugh, on the Future of Tanks, 408 Ponsonby, General John, 178 PoziÈres, 61 PrÉmont, 381 Premy Chapel, 366 Preux, 393 Proyart, 309, 314 Quadrilateral, 61, 357, 359 Quennemont Farm and Ridge, 359, 362, 369, 375 Ravenel, 270 Rawlinson, General Sir Henry, 320 Reconnaissance Branch, 29 Reconnaissance Officer, Narrative of, 256 Reconnaissance Service, 80, 133 Rees-Williams, Lieutenant O.L., 348 Renouf, Major, 46 Reutelbeek, 154 Ribbans, gunner, 303–308 Ribecourt, 99 Weekly Tank Notes, quotations from, 54, |