lass="indx">Chester, reduced by Edward the elder, 131. Chorges, bishop of, account of, 414, 417. Christianity, introduced into Mercia, 71. Chronicle, Saxon, 3, 30, 39, 98. Churchyards, privileges of, 492, note. Circscet, what, 202. Cissa, king of Sussex, 92, note. Cistertian order, origin of, 347; observances of, 349. Clergy, vanity of their dress condemned, 76. Clerks, two, at Nantes, story of, 268. Clermont, council of, its enactments, 356. Clock, mechanical, 175. Cologne, abp. of, his exemplary conduct, 183. Comet, appearance of, 251, 343. Complines, what, 350, note. Constantine the Great, exhausts Britain, 6. Constantine, elected emperor, and slain, 6. Constantine, king of Scots, expelled his kingdom, 129; killed, 130. Constantinople, described, 372. Its emperors, 374. Corbaguath, or Corbanach, commander of the Persian forces, 381. His death, 421. Councils, ecclesiastical, civil, &c., 76, 127, 163, 191, 311, 356, 462, 499, 501, 517, 525. Court, licentiousness of Rufus’s, 337. Courtiers, their insolence to the clergy, 339. Crida, king of Mercia, 70, note. Cross, part of our Saviour’s, 118, 136, 390, 411. Crucifix, said to have spoken, 163. Celebrated one at Lucca, 332. At Winchester, 523. Crusaders, march of, 364. Their extreme distress, 377. Their admirable conduct, 387–391. Cuichelm, king of Wessex, 19, 20. Cumberland, assigned to Malcolm, 141.
nternal">242. Ethelfrid, king of Northumbria, 43. Ethelnoth, archbishop of Canterbury, 203. Ethelred, king of Mercia, 72. Ethelred, son of Ermenred, murdered, 15, 237, 243. Ethelred, or Ethelbert, king of Northumbria, 68. Ethelred, king of Wessex, 111. Ethelred II, king of England, 165, 186–193. Ethelfleda, lady of the Mercians, 123. Ethered, earl, governor of Mercia, 116. Ethelric, king of Northumbria, 42. Ethelwald opposes Edward the Elder, 123. Ethelwalch, king of Sussex, 30. Ethelwold, bishop of Winchester, 149. Ethelwulf, king, 97; his grant of tithes, 98; marries Judith, 99; returns from Rome, 106; his charter, 107; his descent, 109. Euripus, or sea-flood, destroys villages, 191. Eustace, earl of Boulogne, his affray, 218. Exeter, fortified and walled by Athelstan, 134; burnt, 168; reduced by Wm. I, 281. Famine, ravages England, 170. Feudal law, practices connected with, 447, note. Fire, sacred, miracle of, at Jerusalem, 384, 404. Fitz-Hubert, Robert, 506, 511. Fitz-Osberne, William, 288. Flanders, Robert earl of, 366, 436. Formosus, pope, his pretended epistle, 127. Forest, New, account of, 306. Franks, origin of, 63; their character, 95. France, recapitulation of kings of, 64, 99. Frea, wife of Woden, 8. Frideswide, St. church at Oxford burnt, 191. Fulcher of Chartres, on Syrian transactions, 395. Fulbert of Chartres, his character, 204, 314. Fulda, monastery of, 210; disease at, 318. Fulk, earl of Anjou, account of, 265. Gelasius II, pope, expelled Rome, 464. Geoffrey, Martel, account of, 267. Gerbert, pope Sylvester II, 172–181. German, St. 24; his miracles, of St. Magnus, 182; of Ethelred and Ethelbert, 238; of St. Kenelm, ib.; St. Wistan, 239; St. Edmund, 240; St. Milburga, 243; Eadburga, 244; Editha, 245; of Edward the Confessor, 248. Money, debased state of in time of king Stephen, 511. Montgomerie, Roger, conspires against William II, 329. Morcar, son of Elgar, made earl of Northumbria, 223; defeated by Danes, 256; his death, 285. Moreton, William earl of, rebels against Henry I, 431. Mountain, perforated, tale of, 178. Murrain, dreadful, 417. Necromancy, 180, 232. Nice, in Bithynia, siege of, 366, 377. Nidering, or Nithing, signification of, 330. Normandy, granted to Rollo, 125; distracted state of, 260, 331, 422, 431. Normandy, William I, duke of, account of, 143. Normandy, Richard I, duke of, his pacification with Ethelred, 171. Normandy, Richard II, duke of, account of, 188. Normandy, Robert I, duke of, account of, 259; his expedition to Jerusalem, 189. Normandy, Robert II, Curthose, duke of, pawns his duchy, 339; joins the crusade, 366, 410; account of, 420; arrangement with Henry I, 422; imprisoned till death, 423. Normans, subdue part of Gaul, 8; unjust preference of after the conquest, 253; dislike to William II, 329; feuds of with the English, 217; manners and customs of, 280. Northumberland, Robert, earl of, 323, 339. Northumbria, kingdom of, 41; divided into two provinces, 46; its extent, 93; yields to Egbert, 96; unites with Danes, 112; subdued by Athelstan, 129. Norwegian, singular courage of one, 256. Norway, succession of its kings, 292. Odo, archbishop of Canterbury, separates Edwy from Elfgiva, 146. Odo, bishop of Bayeux and earl of Kent, 307; rebels against Rufus and is banished, 444. His voyage to Jerusalem, ib. Slaves, female, prostituted and sent to Denmark, 222. Custom of selling, 279. Sleepers, seven, story of, 250, note. Solyman, sovereign of Romania, his army defeated, 376. Defeats the Franks, 408. Sow, a warlike engine so called, 388. Spear of Charlemagne, which pierced our Saviour, 135. Spike, used at the Crucifixion, 135. Statue, in the Campus Martius, 176. Statue, brazen, at Rome, story of, 232. Stephen, earl of Moreton, account of, 482. Comes to England and is chosen king, 490. Crowned, and goes into Scotland, 491. His character, 495. His perfidy to Robert, earl of Gloucester, 496. His violent conduct, 500. Contest with his brother the legate, 504. Conflicts with the Empress’s party, 506, 507. Besieges Lincoln, 514. Defeated and made captive, 515. Liberated, 524. Plunders Wareham, 533. Burns Oxford, ib. Stigand, bishop of Winton, 221, 253, 281, 302. Sugar-cane, account of, 397, note. Suger, abbat of St. Denis, his account of Henry I, 446, note. Sultan, meaning of that term, 379. Superstition, singular, 122, and note. Sussex, kingdom of, 92, note. Sweyn, king of Denmark, invades England, 185. His conduct, 189, and death, 190. Sweyn, son of Godwin, 219, 222. Goes to Jerusalem and is killed by the Saracens, ib. Swithun, St., bishop of Winchester, 98. Sword, miraculous, Athelstan’s, 130; Constantine’s, 135. Tancred, prince of Antioch, enters Bethlehem, 383; his covetousness, 390; his conduct and death, 419. Tewkesbury, monastery of, 433. Thanet, isle of, appropriated to the Angles on their arrival, 9. Thanet, monastery of, minster, 15. Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury, 15, note, 51. Thorns, crown of, 136. J. HADDON, PRINTER, CASTLE STREET, FINSBURY.