- Acid, lateral action of the, 80
- Acids, on the use of, 100
- Actinometer, to make an, 107
- Air brush, grain with the, 100
- Albumen, coating the zinc plate with sensitive, 41
- — etching in half tone, 69
- — printing on the zinc in, 45
- Albumenized zinc plate, inking the, 46
- Albumenizing the glass plate, 21
- Alcohol lamp, the, 98
- All sources, hints from, 94
- Apparatus etching, 97
- — for printing upon zinc, 39
- Appliances for making negatives, 9
- As to the drawing, 94
- Austrian method, etching on, 84
- Bath, the nitrate of silver, 12, 16, 27
- Beer, preliminary coating of, 164, 170
- Bitumen, printing on zinc in, 48
- — etching in half tone, 70
- — image on zinc, developing the, 50
- — solution, to make the, 48
- Black process, Colas’s, 109
- Blackening in with a sponge, 78
- Block, printing from the half tone, 72
- Board, the developing, 141
- Box, the best drying, 99
- Bridge, the calibre, 93
- Calibre-bridge, the, 93
- Camera, the enlarging, 67
- Carbon printing, 106
- — tissue for reproductions, 32
- Chiseling illustrated, 90
- Clean etching, 91
- Clearing solution, the, 18
- Coating the zinc plate with sensitive albumen, 41
- Colas’s black process, 109
- Collodion process, the wet, 11
- — film, protecting the, 20
- — — stripping, 34
- Collotype process, the, 163
- — — sensitizing solution for, 164
- — film, exposure at the back of the, 166
- — — exposure of the, 165
- — operations, the, 167
- — plate, printing from the, 171
- — — the finished, 67
- — process, drying oven for the, 167,
- — washing, 19, 28
- Negatives, appliances for making, 9
- — making grained, 65
- — screen for grained, 65
- — the reproduction of, 31
- — transparencies for grained, 66
- Nitrate of silver bath, the, 12, 16
- Oven for the collotype process, drying, 167, 174
- Paper transfers, 132, 136
- — — developing the, 138
- — — — — sensitizing solution for, 137
- Papyrotint process, Husband’s, 147
- Pewter plate, mounting on the, 159
- Photo-engraving, half tone, 63
- Photo-engraving in line, 9
- Photograph, fading out the, 96
- Photographic manipulations, 24
- — negatives, appliances for making, 9
- Photo-inks, 144
- Photo-lithographic transfers, to develop, 140
- Photo-lithography in half-tone, 143
- Plate, graining the zinc, 40
- — the glass, 21
- — the pewter, 156
- Polishing the zinc, 39
- Pomatum wax, how to make, 81
- Positives for negative reproduction, 31
- Preparation of the rollers, 154
- Preparing the printing press, 176
- Printing, carbon, 106
- — collographic, 172
- — — damping fluids for, 173
- — — etching fluids for, 173
- Printing frame, the, 43
- Printing from the collotype plate, 171
- — from the half-tone block, 72
- — press, preparing etchings for, 102
- — — preparing the, 176
- — process, the new home, 178
- — the heliotype skin, 160
- — upon zinc, apparatus for, 39
- — — — in albumen, 45
- — — — in bitumen, 48
- Processes, the difference in, 117
- Process, the collotype, 163