In this dance partners stand side by side and facing the same way. The gentleman’s right hand rests lightly on the lady’s waist, and her left hand rests on his right shoulder. The lady starts with the right foot, the gentleman with the left. FIRST PART.This part should be danced by each couple in a direction towards and from the center of the room. Following are the steps for the gentlemen: FIRST STEP.Slide the left foot sideways. SECOND STEP.Draw the right foot up close to the left. THIRD STEP.Slide the left foot sideways again. FOURTH STEP.Spring on the left foot, and at the same time bring the Repeat the same with the right foot, thus: FIFTH STEP.Slide the right foot sideways. SIXTH STEP.Bring the left foot up close to the right. SEVENTH STEP.Slide the right foot sideways again. EIGHTH STEP.Spring on the right foot, and at the same time bring the left behind, raised from the floor, and close to the ankle of the right foot. SECOND PART.The second part is a rotary movement, performed by hopping on alternate feet, or waltzing twice round. The steps are as follows: FIRST STEP.Spring forward from the right foot to the left, bringing the right foot, toe pointing to the floor, behind, and close to the ankle of the left foot. SECOND STEP.Hop on the left foot, at the same time turning half around. THIRD STEP.Spring from the left to the right foot. FOURTH STEP.Hop on the right foot. CONCLUDING STEPS.Repeat the same with the other foot, counting five, six, seven, eight. |