The Plain Quadrille is usually danced with four couples, that is, eight dancers; but sometimes a double formation is used, and four dancers face each other at each side of the square. In the Plain Quadrille there are five figures, and eight bars of music are given to each.
Repeat with sides. The dance is begun by the couples first addressing each other, and then addressing the lady or gentleman in the nearest couple. Thus the gentleman will first bow to his partner, then to the lady on his left, and the lady will courtesy first to her partner, then to the gentleman on her right. During this, eight measures of introductory Head Couples Right and Left.—The first and second couples join nearest hand and cross over, between opposite couples. Each gentleman and opposite lady touch right hands in passing. The gentleman and his partner join left hands, and the lady moves halfway round. At the end of this movement each couple will stand in the opposite ends of the set, occupying the opposite couple’s place. The same movement is repeated in returning to places. Head Couples Balance.—Each gentleman crosses hands with his partner; that is, he extends his left hand and takes his partner’s left, and takes his partner’s right hand in his right. In taking this position the right hands should be above the left. With hands crossed thus, the couple promenade across the set, passing the opposite couple to the right. Return to places in same manner. Head Couples Ladies’ Chain.—The ladies of first and second couples cross to opposite gentlemen, touching right hands as they pass. They offer left hand to opposite gentlemen, who turn them half round. Ladies return, Head Couples Balance.—Repeat movement as before. The entire figure as described above is repeated by the side couples.
This figure is then repeated by head couples, and is danced twice by the side couples. Head Couples Forward Two.—This includes the four movements following. Head Couples Forward and Back.—Each gentleman extends right hand to partner and takes lady’s left hand. Starting with right foot, he takes four steps forward and four steps backward. Cross Over.—The couples drop hands, and walk straight across set, ladies passing between gentlemen, but without touching hands. Chassez to Partners.—The partners face each other Cross to Places.—Walk to places as before, ladies passing inside.
This figure is then repeated by head couples, and danced twice by side couples. Head Couples Right Hands Across.—The head couples cross over and give right hands to opposite dancers in passing. Ladies pass between opposite couple, and, when doing so, touch the opposite gentleman’s hand. Left Hands Back.—On the return, each gentleman takes the left hand of the opposite lady in his left. The hands are retained while passing, then all face the center and the ladies cross right hands to partners. Balance in Center.—The four dancers perform this Half Promenade.—All drop left hands, each gentleman retaining his partner’s right, and promenade to position originally occupied by opposite couple. Two Ladies Forward and Back.—Two ladies move forward four steps, and retire four steps. Two Gentlemen Forward and Back.—Gentlemen repeat movement. Forward Four and Back.—Gentlemen join hands with partners and move forward four steps, and retire four steps. Half Right and Left.—Both couples cross over; each person gives right hand in passing to the opposite person, and left hand to partner, and turn to places.
The head couples repeat the figure, and it is then danced twice by the side couples, the first, second, third and fourth gentleman taking the lead alternately. Head Couples Forward and Back.—The gentlemen of the head couples extend right hand to partners, taking four steps forward, and retiring four steps. Forward Four, First Lady Cross Over.—The two gentlemen advance four steps; first gentleman leaves his partner, who joins left hand with opposite gentleman. Latter retires with both ladies, the first gentleman retiring to his place alone. Forward Three and Back.—The second gentleman and two ladies advance four steps, and retire four steps. Forward Again and Ladies Cross Over.—The second gentleman advances with ladies. Ladies cross over to first gentleman, who advances to meet them. Second gentleman retires, the other three dancers retiring at the same time. Forward Three.—The first gentleman and two ladies Forward Again.—The first gentleman and two ladies advance again and meet second gentleman, all joining hands in a circle. Four Hands Half Around.—The four dancers turn half around to the left, and each couple retires to the place occupied by opposite couple. Half Right and Left.—Head couples cross over, each lady passing between opposite couple and touching opposite gentleman’s right hand in passing. Ladies then give left hands to partners and turn to places.
Hands All Around.—All join hands in a circle and slide to the left, taking eight steps. Then slide back again Head Couples Forward Two.—Same as in the second figure. All Chassez.—Partners face each other, chassez four steps to the right and return. Address and retire. The fifth figure is sometimes danced by substituting the ladies’ chain for hands all around. For description of ladies’ chain see first figure. |