This figure is not generally introduced into a regular quadrille, but is danced separately. It requires an extra gentleman, who takes his place in the center. The movements are performed at the will of the leader; forward four, ladies’ chain, ladies to the center, right and left all around, or any other movements being called in succession. It is preferable to introduce those movements which require all the dancers, or at least one partner out of each couple. At an unexpected moment, generally in the middle of a movement where the gentlemen are separated from their partners, a signal is given, when each gentleman secures the nearest lady for a partner, the music stops, and each lady resumes her place with her new partner; the gentleman who fails to secure a partner becomes the nine-pin, and takes his place in the center; the music recommences and dancing proceeds as before, until another signal is given. This is repeated at will, generally ending with all chassez. |