Head couples cross right hands half around 4
Left hands back 4
Balance to partners, and turn 8
Ladies’ chain 8
Half promenade 4
Half right and left 4


Side couples: the same.

Head Couples Cross Right Hands.—Advance and cross right hands, the two gentlemen joining right hands above the ladies’ hands. All take eight steps to the left, half around, thus arriving at opposite sides of the set. Drop right hands, turn, cross left hands and take eight steps back to place.

Balance to Partners.—Partners face each other, advance four steps and retire four steps; turn partners with both hands.

Ladies’ Chain.—Opposite ladies advance, take right hands in passing, then join hands with opposite gentleman and turn half around, returning to places.

Half Promenade.—Partners join hands and cross to opposite side of set, turning to right in passing the opposite couple.

Head couples forward and back 4
Forward and address 4
All ladies balance to the right 8
All promenade 8


Side couples: the same, twice.

Head Couples Forward.—Advance four steps and retire; forward again and address, and retire.

Ladies Balance to the Right.—Each lady moves forward four steps to the gentleman on her right, and turns him with both hands, and remains at his side. In this manner each gentleman gets an exchange of partners.

All Promenade.—The four couples then promenade with their new partners.

This movement is repeated by the head gentlemen with their new partners; then the sides execute the same twice, which brings each lady to her own partner.

Head couples forward and back 4
Forward and dos a dos 4
Cross over, first couple inside 4
Back to place, second couple inside 4
Balance to corners 8
All join hands, forward to center 4
Forward and turn partners 4


Side couples: the same, twice.

Head Couples Forward and Back.—Advance four steps and retire.

Forward and Dos a Dos.—Forward again, each gentleman going to the left of opposite lady, passing around behind her, back to back, from left to right, and retire to place.

Cross Over, First Couple Inside.—First couple join hands and cross over, passing between opposite couple.

Back Again, Second Couple Inside.—Second couple join hands and cross over inside opposite couple to place.

Balance to Corners.—Ladies advance four steps to the right; retire four steps. Advance again and turn gentlemen on their right and return to places.

All Join Hands, Forward to Center.—All join hands, thus forming a circle, and take four steps toward center, and four steps back to place.

Forward and Turn Partners.—All, still with hands joined, advance four steps again and turn partners to places.

When the figure is repeated the second couple, in crossing over, pass inside first, and outside on returning.

Head couples forward and back 4
Forward and turn partners to places 4
Four ladies to the right 4
Four gentlemen to the left 4
Four ladies to the right 4
Four gentlemen to the left 4
All promenade 8

Danced twice by head couples and twice by sides.

Four Ladies to the Right, Etc.—Each lady advances four steps to the gentleman at her right, turns with him, and takes his former partner’s place. Each gentleman then advances to the lady at his left, turns her and assumes her former partner’s side. This movement, repeated by both ladies and gentlemen, brings original partners together, but at the side of the set opposite to their original position. All then promenade entirely around the set. The second and fourth times the figure is danced the couples will be restored to their original positions.

First couple promenade 8
Four ladies forward and back 4
Four gentlemen forward and back 4
All balance to partners and turn 8
Right and left half around 8
Half promenade to places and turn partners 8
Chassez across and turn at corners 8

Danced four times, each couple in turn leading with the promenade.

First Couple Promenade.—The first couple join hands, crossed, and promenade entirely around the inside of the set, returning to places.

Four Ladies Forward and Back.—The four ladies advance to center four steps and retire.

Four Gentlemen Forward and Back.—The four gentlemen advance to center four steps and retire.

All Balance to Partners.—Partners, facing each other, make four steps to the right and four to the left, and swing around with both hands.

Right and Left Half Around.—Each gentleman holds his partner’s right hand, passing to the right; the lady passes outside to the left; the gentlemen give alternately left and right hands to the ladies in passing, until they meet their original partners halfway around. Then stop, take partners by the right hand, and swing once around.

All Half Promenade to Places and Turn Partners.—Partners join hands and promenade to places; then turn partners in places.

Chassez Across and Turn at Corners.—The gentlemen make four steps to the right, the ladies four to the left, and turn corners with right hands once around; all make four steps back to partners and turn them with left hands to places.

The figure is repeated, each couple leading off in the promenade in turn. Finish with all chassez and address.


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