As usual in all quadrilles, during the first eight bars of music, each gentleman addresses first his own partner, then the lady on his left.
Head couples repeat as they stand. Side couples: the entire figure, twice. Head Couples to the Right and Address.—The first couple moves to the right and stops, facing the third couple, and the second couple stops facing the fourth couple. All address. Take Side Ladies and Go Opposite.—Retaining his partner’s right hand in his right hand, the first gentleman takes the third lady’s right hand in his left and conducts Ladies’ Grand Chain (Without Gentlemen).—The four ladies cross over, touching right hands in passing. They then cross from side to side of the set, touching left hands. These two movements are repeated, ending with each lady standing in front of and facing her own partner. All Chassez.—All take four steps to the right and four to the left, and then turn partners. This leaves the first couple in the second couple’s place, and the second couple in the first couple’s place; the side couples remaining in their proper places. The repetition of the figure restores the head couples to original positions. The figure is then danced twice with side couples leading.
This figure is danced four times, each gentleman and opposite lady commencing in turn. First Gentleman and Second Lady Forward.—Turn with both hands, the gentleman half around, and the lady entirely around, and stop in center, both facing the first lady. Cross Over and Turn With Left Hands.—The first lady passes between the couple in front of her, crosses over and turns second gentleman with left hand in second couple’s place; at the same time the first gentleman and second lady turn one another in first couple’s place. Head Couples Forward and Back.—Head couples advance four steps and retire four steps to places. Half Ladies’ Chain.—The first and second ladies cross over, touching right hands in passing, and turn partners to place with left hands. All Chassez and Turn Corners.—All take four steps to right and turn corner partners with right hand. Turn Partners to Places.—All take four steps back to place and turn partners with left hand.
The entire figure is performed four times, the first, second, third and fourth couples leading in rotation. First Couple Forward.—The first couple walk four steps forward. The lady then turns facing her partner, who retires, with a bow, to place. The same movement is performed by each of the other couples in succession. This leaves the four ladies standing in the center, back to back. Ladies Join Hands, Circle.—The ladies join hands and swing around in a circle to the left, ending face to face with partners, as before. Ladies then release hands. Gentlemen Forward and All Address.—The four gentlemen step forward, each giving his right hand to his partner and his left to the lady at the left and address. Balance and Turn Partners to Places.—Balance in position and turn partners to places.
Danced twice by head couples and twice by sides. Head Couples Forward and Back.—The head couples walk four steps forward and retire four steps. First Lady and Second Gentleman to Sides.—The head couples forward again; the first lady places herself on the left of the third gentleman; the second gentleman takes his position on the right of the fourth lady; the first gentleman and second lady return to their respective places. Six Forward and Back, Twice.—The three on each side forward and back; repeat this movement. Two Forward and Back.—The first gentleman and second lady (at top and bottom) forward and retire. Two Forward, Address and Face Partners.—The Four Hands Half Around.—The four on each side join hands and swing half around in circle. Gentlemen release the hands of ladies on their left, and head couples retire to opposite places; the side couples remaining in original position. Half Right and Left to Places.—Head couples cross over to their original places, joining right hands with opposite partners in passing, and each couple turns with left hands to places. Head couples repeat the figure, the first gentleman and the second lady joining the side couples at their left. The third time the figure is danced, the third lady and fourth gentleman join the head couples at their right. The fourth time, the third gentleman and fourth lady join the head couples at their left.
Head couples repeat the whole figure, with second gentleman and opposite lady. Side couples: the same, twice. Four Ladies to the Right.—Each lady takes four steps to the right, and turns the gentleman at her right with the right hand. Continuing all around the set in the same direction, she turns the next gentleman with the left hand, the next with the right hand, and, finally, her partner with the left hand. First Gentleman and Opposite Lady Forward and Back; Forward and Swing to Face Partners.—The same two walk forward four steps, then backward four steps, forward again, join right hands and swing half round, so that each faces original partner. Head Couples Chassez.—Four steps to the right; four to the left. Ending with turning partners to places. |