[The merest approximation only can be attempted, in hinting here the pronunciation of French names. In general, the French distribute the accent pretty evenly among all the syllables of their words. We mark an accent on the final syllable, chiefly in order to correct a natural English tendency to slight that syllable in pronunciation. In a few cases, we let a well-established English pronunciation stand. N notes a peculiar nasal sound, Ü, a peculiar vowel sound, having no equivalent in English.]
>Hume, David, 48, 276. Isaiah (the prophet), 94. Israel, 154. James (King), 210. Job, 94, 210. John (the Baptist), 198. John (King), 21, 22. Johnes, Thomas, 19. Johnson, Samuel, 160, 249. Joinville (zhw?N-vel´), Jean de (1224?-1319?), 7. Julian (the Apostate), 178. Kant, Emmanuel, 42. Knox, John, 198. La BoËtie (lÄ b?-?-t?´), Étienne (1530-1563), 58, 59. LA BRUYÈRE (lÄ brÜ-e-y Êr´), Jean (1646?-1696), 12, 75-81, 153. LA FONTAINE (lÄ foN-t?n´), Jean de (1621-1695), 12, 81-92. Lamartine (lÄ-mar-t?n´), Alphonse Marie Louis de (1780-1869), 14, 206, 289. Langue d'oc, 4. Langue d'oÏl, 4. Lanier, Sidney (1842-1881), 25. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD (lÄ r?sh-foo-k?´), FranÇois, Duc de (1613-1680), 12, 48, 66-75, 131, 147, 148. Longfellow, Henry W., 50. Louis IX. (1215-1270) (St. Louis), 6, 7. Louis XI. (1423-1483), 7. Louis XIII. (1601-1643), 10, 95. Louis XIV. (1638-1715) (Quatorze), 10, 12, 113, 135, 136, 169, 172, 176, 181, 184, 189, 190, 198, 199, 200, 207, 208, 213, 217-219, 223, 255. Louis XV. (1710-1774), 199, 214, 254. Louvois (loo-vwÄ´), Marquis de, 17, 58. Sainte-Beuve (s?Nt-buv´), Charles Augustin (1804-1869), 9, 14, 189, 193, 199, 235, 289. Sal´a-din (Saracen antagonist of Richard the Lion-hearted), 117. Salon (sÄ-loN´), 11. Sand (sÄNd), George (Madame Dudevant, 1804-1876), 3, 14. Saurin (s?-r?N´), Jacques (1677-1730), 182. "Savoyard Curate's Confession," 279. Scott, Sir Walter, 7, 19, 25, 105. Selden, John ("The learned"), 205. Seneca, 48, 50. SÉVIGNÉ (s?-v?n-y?´), Madame de, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal (1626-1696), 11, 105, 134-151, 170. Shakspeare, 16, 48, 63, 92, 94, 114, 160, 240. Socrates (contrasted by Rousseau with Jesus), 280, 281. Sophocles, 153, 166, 168. StaËl-Holstein (stÄ-?l´ ol-st?N´), Anne Louise Grermanie de (1766-1817), 13, 289. Stanislaus (King of Poland), 285. St. John, Bayle, 56, 58, 59. St. Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de (1737-1814), 289. St. Simon (s?-moN´), Louis de Rouvroi, Duc de (1675-1755), 208, 209. Swift, Dean, 37. Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 94. Tacitus, 7. Taine, H. (1828-), 233. Tartuffe (tar-tÜf´), 106-114, 147. Tasso, 245, 247. ThÉlÈme (t??-l?m´), 38, 40. Themistocles, 289. Thibaud (t?-b?´), troubadour (1201-1253), 6. Trajan, 254. Troubadour, 4. TrouvÈre (troo-vÊr´), 5, 6. Tully (Cicero), |