Action of the United States, 2
Alien Act of William IV., 26, 161
Alien Acts, English, 157
Alien Lists, how prepared, 29
Aliens do not create New Industry, 79
Aliens who return to Continent, 32
Allen, Mr., Evidence of, 78
Alton Locke, 69
Amalgamated Brassworkers, 81
American Act of '91, 134, 177
American Immigration, 126
American Labour, 132
Amusements of Foreign Jews, 47
Amusements of Italians, 65
Anti-Semitic Feeling, 35
Arrival of Aliens, 42
Association for Preventing Immigration, &c., 24
Asylum, Right of, 14
Attempts to confuse issue, 6
"Australia for the Australians," 144
Australian Immigration, 137
Austria, 116
Barnett, Rev. S. A., 107
Barrel Organs, 65
Bate, Dr., Evidence of, 99
Bavaria, 121
Bedford, Bishop of, 18, 143
Belgium, 118
Boarding-house, Jewish, 42
Board of Trade Returns, 25
Boot-slosher, 46
Boot Trade, Cheap, 46
British Columbia, 138
Bulgaria, 120
Burnett, John, Evidence of, 17, 75
Burnett's Report (Leeds), 22
Cabinet-making Trade, 75
Canada, 137
Canadian Act, 137
Canadian Immigration, 132
Causes of Immigration, 49
Chair-turning, 70
Chartist Act, 155, 160
Cheap Clothing Trade, 74
Children's Protection Act, 61
Chinese Immigrants Act, 143
Chinese Immigration, 139
Chinese Minister protests, 139
Chovevi Zion, 47
Clouet, E., 124
Colonial Workmen, 144
Combination useless, 60
Condition of Aliens, 42
Conference at Sydney, 143
Contract Labour Law, 177
Correspondence in Times, 31
Craving for Enjoyment, The, 107
Cruelties of Padroni, 59
Cruikshank's Allegory, 5
Customs, Letter from, 28
Dangers of Judenhetze, 51
Decoy for young Jewesses, 48
Degradation of Labour, 76
Dejonge, Henry, Evidence of, 18
Delicato, The Case of, 62
Denmark, Laws of, 167
Derby, Lord, 4
Destitution of Immigrants, 11
Dilke, Sir C., 136
Discomforts of Journey, 38
Disraeli, Mr., 83
Distribution of Jewish Immigration, 36
Dockers' Strike, 144
Drunkenness, an Effect, 106
Dunraven, Lord, 108
Economic Aspect, The, 69
Emigration rendered useless, 113
European Countries, 115
Evening News and Post, The, 39
Example of the United States, 127
Factory Inspector's Evidence, 97
Factory Regulations evaded, 88
Fayrer, Sir Joseph, 102
Feeling of Working-classes, 81
Ford Committee, The, 132
Foreign Revolutionary Societies, 56
France and Immigration, 123
Freak, Mr., Evidence of, 73
Free Trade, 154
Fur Trade, The, 70, 71
Gains of Padroni, 60
Galicia, 130
Georgian Era, The, 159
Germany and Aliens, 121
Goodman, Mr., Evidence of, 77
Goschen, Mr., 66
Goulson Street, 44
Grandmotherly Legislation, 153
Greece, 123
"Greener," The, 45
Green's History, 7
Grey, Sir George, 155
Hackney Board of Guardians, 105
Hamburg, Law of, 149
Henry IV., Act of, 157
Henry VI., Act of, 158
Henry VII., Act of, 158
Hicks-Beach, Sir M., 29
Holland, Inspector, 99
Home-work, 86
Huguenots, The, 7, 10
Ice-cream Vendors, 64
"Immigrant Emigration," 33
Increase of Immigration, 17
Individual Effort useless, 153
Infectious Diseases, 99
Injustice of Russia, 8
Irish in the United States, 127, 130
Isolation of England, 3
Italian Children, 54
Italy, Law of, 167
Jewish Board of Guardians, 24, 51, 97
Jewish Immigrant, Troubles of, 37
Jewish Immigration, 21, 33
Jewish Ladies' Rescue Society, 49
Jews, Foreign, Unsanitary habits of, 97
Jews in Russia, 8
Juvenal's Satires, 56
Keir, Mr., Statement of, 78
Killick, Mrs., 90
Kingsley, Canon, 106
Labour Legislation, 83
Labour Movement, 111
Laissez-faire Policy, 135
Leeds, Immigration into, 23
Lengthy Hours of Work, 45, 88
Lewisham Election, 84
"Limewash," 103
Lindsay, Mr., Evidence of, 27
List of Trades Unions, 186
Liverpool, Aliens in, 21
Loss of self-respect, 106
Manchester, Aliens in, 20
Mancini, Case of, 63
Mansion House Meeting, 10
Marriott, Sir W. T., 152
Mason, Rev. W. A., 18
"Meadow Bank" Case, 99
Mile End Board of Guardians, 105
Model Dwellings, 97
Moral View, The, 107
Multiplication of small masters, 69
Munich Society, 131
National View, A, 79
Netherlands, The, 119
New South Wales, 139, 145
New Zealand Act, 138, 184
Norway, 122
Official Returns, 25
Ogle, Dr. W., Evidence of, 17, 74
Old Ford, Vicar of, 91
Ottoman Government, 124
Out-work, System of, 86
Padroni, The, 58
Pampa v. Romano, 63
Parkes, Sir Henry, 145
Pauperism and Immigration, 104
Peter the Great, 95
Pilgrim Fathers, 128
Police Reports, 20
"Pool" of Unemployed, 79
Portugal, 124
Practice of counting Aliens, 31, 33
Preventible Diseases, 102
Prince of Wales, 102
Prohibition, 154
Prostitution, Increase of, 87
Queensland, 142
Refugees, 14
Residuum, The, 33
Restrictive Measures, 149
Richard II., Statute of, 157
Roumania, 120
Russian Edicts, 2
Russian Jews, 9
Russia's Injustice, 8
Russia's Policy, 125
Sanitary Aspect, The, 95
Sanitary Legislation, 102
Sanitation, Importance of, 101
Saxony, 120
Select Committee of Immigration, 150
Sentimental Objection, 4
Simmons, Mr., Evidence of, 18
Social Evils, 104
Socialistic Legislation, 153
Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress, 54
Steamship Solicitation, 49, 129
Survival of the Fittest, 108
"Sweater," The, 69
Sweaters' Dens, 102
Sweating Committee, The, 96, 102
"Sweating" prices, 71, 89
Sweden, 122
Switzerland, 123
Tasmania, 3
Thurston, Mr., Evidence of, 18
Trades Unionism, 81
Traditional Policy, 14, 154
Traffic in Italian Children, 58
Trustworthy Statistics, Need of, 34
"Tuke" Committee, The, 130
Turkey, 124
United States Legislation, 176
Urgency for Legislation, THE END.
Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, London & Bungay.