Archaic, inconsistent and unusual spellings from the original book have been preserved in this ebook. Obvious typos have been fixed. Changes are indicated below and in the text with a mouse-over like this. The spelling of many family names in this book varies from the spelling used in historical documents today. The cover was developed at and is in the public domain. In the original book, “Ibid.” was used in the footnotes only when the same source was cited in adjacent footnotes on the same page. In this ebook, the use of “Ibid.” has been changed to appearing only when adjacent footnotes on the same paragraph cite the same source. This change is not noted in the details below. The index in this volume covers the content in both volumes of this work. Page numbers in the index which are located in the second volume have been linked to their corresponding pages, however the first volume is in a separate file and pages from the first volume have not been linked. Details of the changes: Table of Contents: | The Contents, List of Illustrations, Catalog and the Transcriber’s Note were added. Only Chapters I-XV, the Appendix and the Index were in the original Table of Contents. | Page 108: | Originally: | Gesprach im Reiche der Todten | In this ebook: | GesprÄch im Reiche der Todten | Page 251: | Originally: | which she intends implicity to follow. She | In this ebook: | which she intends implicitly to follow. She | Page 256: | Originally: | Malortie II., BeitrÄge zur Geschichte des Braunschweig-LÜneburgeschen | In this ebook: | Malortie II., BeitrÄge zur Geschichte des Braunschweig-LÜneburgischen | Page 290: | Originally: | “ ... immediately to the King at the "Queen’s House”. | In this ebook: | “ ... immediately to the King at the ‘Queen’s House’”. | Page 328: | Originally: | N. Falck, Neues Staatsburgerliche’s Magazin. Schleswig, 1833. | In this ebook: | N. Falck, Neues StaatsbÜrgerliche’s Magazin. Schleswig, 1833. | Page 332: | Originally: | meets her mother at LÜneberg, 248; | In this ebook: | meets her mother at LÜneburg, 248; | Page 332: | Originally: | Cartenskjold, Major, ii., 94. | In this ebook: | Carstenskjold, Major, ii., 94. | Page 333: | Originally: | Eyben, FraÜlein | In this ebook: | Eyben, FrÄulein | Page 335: | Originally: | LÜneberg, i., 248. | In this ebook: | LÜneburg, i., 248. | Page 336: | Originally: | Sturtz, Councillor, liberated, ii., 213. | In this ebook: | StÜrtz, Councillor, liberated, ii., 213. | Page 336: | Originally: | meets Matilda at LÜneberg, 248; | In this ebook: | meets Matilda at LÜneburg, 248; | Catalog Page 2: | Originally: | Marchment (A. W.), 27 | In this ebook: | Marchmont (A. W.), 27 | Catalog Page 9: | Originally: | and 4 Facsimilies of MSS. Cr. 8vo., 3s. 6d. | In this ebook: | and 4 Facsimiles of MSS. Cr. 8vo., 3s. 6d. | Catalog Page 18: | Originally: | Three Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy. Crown 8vo., 5s. | In this ebook: | Three Lectures on the VedÂnta Philosophy. Crown 8vo., 5s. |