PAGE | Boston Ballad, A. | Walt Whitman | 1479 | Branch Library, A. | James Montgomery Flagg | 1446 | Chief Mate, The | James Russell Lowell | 1482 | Columbia and the Cowboy | Alice MacGowan | 1582 | Daniel Come to Judgment, A | Edmund Vance Cooke | 1399 | Darius Green and His Flying Machine | J.T. Trowbridge | 1539 | "Day is Done, The" | Phoebe Cary | 1628 | Dictum Sapienti | John Paul | 1624 | Duluth Speech, The | J. Proctor Knott | 1606 | Enchanted Hat, The | Harold MacGrath | 1510 | Eve's Daughter | Edward Rowland Sill | 1605 | Fate | R.K. Munkittrick | 1554 | Final Choice, The | Edmund Vance Cooke | 1427 | Forbearance of the Admiral, The | Wallace Irwin | 1553 | Gentle Art of Boosting, The | John Kendrick Bangs | 1575 | Girl and the Julep, The | Emerson Hough | 1401 | Grandfather Squeers | James Whitcomb Riley | 1571 | Guest at the Ludlow | Bill Nye | 1503 | Hard | Tom Masson | 1625 | Hon. Ranson Peabody | George Ade | 1429 | Icarus | John G. Saxe | 1493 | Is it I? | Warwick S. Price | 1447 | Johnny's Lessons | Carroll Watson Rankin | 1570 | Kaiser's Farewell to Prince Henry | Bert Leston Taylor | 1568 | Life Elixir of Marthy, The | Elizabeth Hyer Neff | 1555 | Litigation | Bill Arp | 1533 | Mr. Carteret and His Fellow | | | Americans Abroad | David Gray | 1462 | Mr. Dooley on Golf | Finley Peter Dunne | 1630 | Niagara be Dammed | Wallace Irwin | 1551 | Not According to Schedule | Mary Stewart Cutting | 1448 | Nothing to Wear | William Allen Butler | 1435 | One of the Palls | Doane Robinson | 1601 | Paper: A Poem | Benjamin Franklin | 1548 | Road to a Woman's Heart, The | Sam Slick | 1487 | Sceptics, The | Bliss Carman | 1626 | Staccato to O Le Lupe, A | Bliss Carman | 1499 | Table Manners | James Montgomery Flagg | 1400 | V-A-S-E, The | James Jeffrey Roche | 1603 |