PAGE | Ballade of Ping-Pong, A | Alden Charles Noble | 1690 | Boat that Ain't, The | Wallace Irwin | 1764 | Budge and Toddie | John Habberton | 1692 | Cavalier's Valentine, A | Clinton Scollard | 1782 | Conscientious Curate and the | Beauteous Ballet Girl, The | William Russell Rose | 1756 | Country School, The | Anonymous | 1734 | Evan Anderson's Poker Party | Benjamin Stevenson | 1737 | Experiences of Gentle Jane, The | Carolyn Wells | 1797 | Few Reflections, A | Bill Arp | 1799 | Great Celebrator, A | Bill Nye | 1784 | Gusher, The | Charles Battell Loomis | 1656 | He Wanted to Know | Sam Walter Foss | 1794 | Hoss, The | James Whitcomb Riley | 1759 | How I Spoke the Word | Frank L. Stanton | 1725 | How Jimaboy Found Himself | Francis Lynde | 1765 | How the Money Goes | John G. Saxe | 1780 | "Hullo!" | Sam Walter Foss | 1706 | Lugubrious Whing-Whang, The | James Whitcomb Riley | 1669 | Millionaires, The | Max Adeler | 1675 | Mystery of Gilgal, The | Hay | 1654 | Natural Philosophy | William Henry Drummond | 1722 | Nine Little Goblins, The | James Whitcomb Riley | 1635 | Old-Fashioned Choir, The | Benjamin F. Taylor | 1790 | Our Polite Parents | Carolyn Wells | 1688 | Our Very Wishes | Harriet Prescott Spofford | 1637 | Reflective Retrospect, A | John G. Saxe | 1703 | Rule of Three, A | Wallace Rice | 1779 | Runaway Toys, The | Frank L. Stanton | 1671 | Soldier, Rest! | Robert J. Burdette | 1796 | Tale of the Tangled Telegram, The | Wilbur D. Nesbit | 1709 | Threnody, A | George Thomas Lanigan | 1754 | Tim Flannigan's Mistake | Wallace Bruce Amsbary | 1673 | University Intelligence Office, The | John Kendrick Bangs | 1727 | Warrior, The | Eugene Field | 1708 | When Doctors Disagree | S.E. Kiser | 1762 | When the Little Boy Ran Away | Frank L. Stanton | 1792 | Widow Bedott's Visitor, The | Frances M. Whicher | 1660 | COMPLETE INDEX AT THE END OF VOLUME X.