Syzygium Jambolana. JAVA PLUM.


This tall, hardy tree is a native of Southern Asia. In Polynesia it grows well, up to an elevation of 5000 feet. It is a very common tree in the Hawaiian Islands. Its leaves, which are from 4 to 6 inches long, and from 2 to 3 inches broad, are opposite, obtuse or shortly-acuminate. The flowers, which bloom in June, July and August, are white and quite fragrant, and are especially attractive to the honey-bee. The oblong fruit grows in large clusters, ripens from September until November, and varies in size from a cherry to a pigeon's egg. It is purplish-black in color, and is edible only when thoroughly ripe. It contains one large, oblong seed.

Plate XVI.

Plate XVI.Java Plum.
One half natural size.

G. P. W. Collection. Plate XVII


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