The date, which is a native of North Africa, Arabia, and Persia, is a noble palm, often growing to a height of from 80 to 100 feet. It is of remarkable longevity, and will continue to produce fruit even at the age of a hundred years. The neighborhood of the sea is considered unfavorable to their production, although they will luxuriate in saltish soil and bear well when brackish water is used. Many varieties of dates exist, the fruit differing in shape, size and color. They will grow from seeds, although the superior varieties can be continued only from off-shoots of the root. These will commence to bear in five years. In Asia, the growers of the commercial date find it necessary to pollinate artificially by hanging sprays of the male flowers in the branches of the fruit-bearing trees. There are no imported trees bearing in Hawaii, and although there are many date trees in Honolulu, artificial pollination would doubtless greatly increase the yield and the quality of the fruit. Plate CX. Plate CX.—The Date Palm. |