The Olive, which is a native of Southwestern Asia, is not a tree of any great height, but is very longlived, and yields prolifically. Although not cultivated to any extent, the Olive has been growing in Hawaii for many years. However, it has fruited only in a few favorable localities, and nothing has ever been done to test its value commercially. The tree thrives best in a warm, dry atmosphere, where the soil is rich and well drained. Long-continued droughts so detrimental to most plants will affect the Olive but slightly. The tree requires judicious pruning immediately after the fruit is gathered, when the sap is comparatively at rest. The small, thick leaves are lanceolate, opposite, and usually entire; they are dull green above and silvery beneath. The small white flowers, which come in panicles, are usually imperfect. The fruit is a small, ellipsoid drupe, which is bluish-black when ripe. Its oil is an important product. The Olive may be propagated from seeds, cuttings, layers, suckers and pieces of the old stumps. The seeds require some time to germinate, and the growth of the young plant is slow. Plate C. Plate C.—Olive. |