The Mammee Apple, which grows well in Hawaii, is a native of the West Indies, and is a fruit much esteemed in tropical countries. In Jamaica it thrives well, up to an elevation of 3000 feet. The tree attains a height of from 30 to 40 feet, and the wood, which is beautifully grained, is durable and well adapted to building purposes. Its leaves are rigid and leathery. The round seeds, varying in number from 1 to 4, germinate freely, and the young plants are easily raised. The fruit is from 3 to 6 inches in diameter, is brown or russet color, and has a yellow pulp, which is sweet and aromatic. The outer rind, as well as the pulp immediately surrounding the seeds, is very bitter. The fruit may be eaten raw, and is very delicious when preserved. Plate XXVIII. Plate XXVIII.—Mammee Apple. |