This tree is found on all the large islands of the Polynesian groups, and in the Malaysian Archipelago. In the Hawaiian Islands it confines itself almost entirely to the moist, shady valleys, and thrives well, up to an elevation of 1800 feet. It is generally gregarious, and on the north side of East Maui it forms a forest belt. It attains a height of from 25 to 50 feet. Its dark, shiny, glabrous leaves are opposite, elliptico-oblong, and from 6 to 7 inches long, and from 2½ to 3 inches broad. The flowers are crimson, fluffy balls, appearing in March and April, on the naked branches and upper trunk of the tree. The fruit, which ripens from July until December, generally contains one seed, is obovate, about 3 inches in diameter. The skin is so thin as to be barely perceptible, and the fruit is very easily bruised. In color, it is a deep, rich crimson, shading into pink and white; the pulp is firm, white, and juicy, with a very agreeable flavor. Plate VIII. Plate VIII.—Mountain Apple. |