This odorous tree is a native of China. It is a symmetrical evergreen with dense foliage. The light, mossy-green leaves are imparipinnate, the leaflets ovate-repand, and they are rough on the under surface. The flowers, which are borne in clusters, on the new wood, are small, yellow, and very fragrant. The fruit ripens from June until October; it is about the size of a gooseberry; the skin is yellowish-brown, shaded with green. The pulp is sub-acid with a balsamic fragrance. It contains one large seed about the size of a kernel of corn. There are two varieties, the sweet and the sour; both may be eaten raw, and are very highly prized by the Chinese. I know of but two trees of this kind in the Hawaiian Islands; they are of the sour variety, and are growing in private gardens in Honolulu. Plate XXXIII. Plate XXXIII.—Wampi. |