This tree is a native of India and Malay. And was introduced to Hawaii by Mr. David Forbes of Kukuihaele, Hawaii. The Jack fruit is a large, handsome tree, with leaves from 4 to 6 inches in length, which on the old growth are obovate-oblong and on the young branches are narrow. The oblong, irregular fruit, which varies in weight from 20 to 60 pounds, is borne on the trunk, as well as on the old branches. The green rind is covered with small hexagonal knobs. The pulp when ripe has all overpowering odor and is seldom eaten; but the oily seeds when roasted are edible, and are said to resemble chestnuts. On Tantalus, Oahu, the Jack fruit thrives well, and has produced fair sized fruits. It is a tree that needs a great deal of moisture, and consequently is seldom grown on the low lands. Plate LII. Plate LII.—Jack Fruit. |