The first breadfruit trees were brought from Tahiti by the Hawaiians who, landing at Ewa, carried them across the mountain, and presented them to one of the Chiefs of Oahu, who lived at Kualoa. There they were planted and thrived. At the present day this variety of the breadfruit, now called the Hawaiian variety, is to be found growing wild throughout the Islands. There are many varieties of this handsome tree, which grows to a height of from 15 to 40 feet. It thrives best in hot, moist places, and requires a great deal of water. Its large ovate leaves are rough and deeply lobed. The male flower is a large yellow catkin. The fruit is formed from the female flowers, and is attached to the branches by large stems. In shape it is either round or oblong, varying in size from 5 to 8 inches in diameter. The thick, tough rind is, in some varieties muricated, and in others it is reticulated. In color it is green, changing to brownish when the fruit is ripe. The pulp is firm, mealy, and somewhat fibrous, and as an article of diet is much esteemed. Propagation is by suckers, or by layers from the branches. Plate XLVIII. Plate XLVIII.—Breadfruit (Hawaiian var.)—"Ulu." |