This spreading tree is a native of the West Indies; and although it is seen in several gardens of our Islands, it is not common. The first tree of its kind was planted by Mr. Henry Davis in his grounds at Punahou. The tree grows to a height of from 15 to 20 feet. The light-green, leathery leaves are oval and rough, its pink flowers have a peculiar, strong fragrance. The fruit consists of two distinct parts; the heart-shaped nut or seed and the fleshy, pear-shaped receptacle to which it is attached. This receptacle is from 2 to 4 inches long, is either red or yellow, and is very juicy and astringent. The nut or seed is edible when roasted. It is much appreciated in the West Indies. While being roasted the fumes are said to be poisonous. Plate XCVI. Plate XCVI.—Cashew Nut. |