This small spinose tree is a native of tropical Asia, and although not commonly grown in Hawaii, specimens may be found in several gardens. It has alternate trifoliolate leaves, and flowers, which grow in clusters, are small and fragrant. The gourd-like fruit, with its hard shell, is from 2 to 4 inches in diameter, and is either round or pear-shaped, and although heavy and solid, it will float in water. The rind, when ripe, is a yellowish-brown color, and is studded with oil cells. The interior surface of the skin is lined with open-mouthed cells, which pour their gummy secretions into the interior of the carpel, filling it and bathing the seed. The pulp is sweet and aromatic, and is esteemed for making conserves, and also as a cooling drink. In India, the roots and leaves are used medicinally. Bael gum is a sticky, astringent substance soluble in water. The fruit contains several large, flat, woolly seeds, which germinate readily, and the plant is also very easily propagated from root cuttings. Plate LXXXII. Plate LXXXII.—Bhel or Bael Fruit. |