I. W WHY pour the ruby wine, For glad carousal, brothers mine, In the sparkling glass that flashes In your hand, When, mourning, sits in dust and ashes Our Fatherland?
II. What means the joyous song Of the festive bridal throng? Oh! let music no more waken The echoes of our strand, For the bridegroom hath forsaken Our Fatherland! III. No more your masses falter, Trembling priests, before the altar. Can prayer avail the dead or dying? Oh! vain demand! Prostrate, trodden on the ground, is lying Our Fatherland! IV. Ye princes, fling ye down Your blood-bought jewelled crown— Bear the circlet on your brow no more, Nor signet on your hand; For, shivering, stands before your door Our Fatherland! V. Woe to ye rich; in gloom Hath toll'd your hour of doom— There, reck'ning up your gold, ye sit in state In palace grand, While Lazarus is dying at your gate, Our Fatherland! VI. And woe to you, ye poor— Want and scorn ye must endure; Yet before ye many noble jewels shine In the sand. Ah! they are patriots' tears—even mine— For Fatherland!
VII. But the Poet's mission Is but prophetic vision; To him the daring heart is granted— Not the hand. He may cease—the death-song has been chanted For Fatherland!