I. C CLOSE the starry dream-portal, We must tread earth again, Flashes no light immortal Now on life's dreary plain. We must wait, like the Stoic, Brave, enduring, and strong, Till the soul's strength heroic Bends the fetters of wrong.
II. By the lore life has brought us, We shall fathom man's soul; By the tears sorrow taught us, We shall measure their dole. Guide them on through affliction, All earth's Saviours have trod, Till from life's crucifixion They can soar up to God. III. From the heart of man weeding Up each rough brier and thorn, With a hero-pride treading Down the world's shallow scorn; With a saint's self-denying Toiling still for our land; With a Christ-strength defying Earth and Hell's gathered band. IV. In the soul's earnest travail Must the God-work be wrought; By the world's woe and cavil, Must the deep heart be taught. Blighted youth, crushed ambition, On the altar must lie; 'Tis the world-old tradition, Thus the Prophet must die. V. But this deep lore can only Be learnÉd in the gloom, Where the gifted tread, lonely, The Prophet-path of doom: For by life-blood, and brain-sweat, Is the altar-flame fed; And from hearts crushed by pain, yet Must the incense be shed. VI. Still, 'tis grand this wild warring, Upon life's battle-field; Fear not the heart's marring If the soul never yield. Fight for God's Truth yet longer, 'Gainst the fierce storms of life, For the strong soul grows stronger By the combat and strife.