In the youth of the year, when the birds were building, When the green was showing on tree and hedge, And the tenderest light of all lights was gilding The world from zenith to outermost edge, My soul grew sad and longingly lonely! I sighed for the season of sun and rose, And I said, "In the Summer and that time only Lies sweet contentment and blest repose." With bee and bird for her maids of honor Came Princess Summer in robes of green. And the King of day smiled down upon her And wooed her, and won her, and made her queen. Fruit of their union and true love's pledges, Beautiful roses bloomed day by day, And rambled in gardens and hid in hedges Like royal children in sportive play. My restless soul for a little season Reveled in rapture of glow and bloom, And then, like a subject who harbors treason, Grew full of rebellion and gray with gloom. And I said, "I am sick of the Summer's blisses, Of warmth and beauty, and nothing more. The full fruition my sad soul misses That beauteous Fall time holds in store!" But now when the colors are almost blinding, Burning and blending on bush and tree, And the rarest fruits are mine for the finding, And the year is ripe as a year can be, My soul complains in the same old fashion; Crying aloud in my troubled breast Is the same old longing, the same old passion. O where is the treasure which men call rest?