An artist toiled over his pictures; He labored by night and by day. He struggled for glory and honor, But the world, it had nothing to say. His walls were ablaze with the splendors We see in the beautiful skies; But the world beheld only the colors That were made out of chemical dyes. Time sped. And he lived, loved, and suffered; He passed through the valley of grief. Again he toiled over his canvas, Since in labor alone was relief. It showed not the splendor of colors Of those of his earlier years, But the world? the world bowed down before it, Because it was painted with tears. A poet was gifted with genius, And he sang, and he sang all the days. He wrote for the praise of the people, But the people accorded no praise. Oh, his songs were as blithe as the morning, As sweet as the music of birds; But the world had no homage to offer, Because they were nothing but words. Time sped. And the poet through sorrow Became like his suffering kind. Again he toiled over his poems To lighten the grief of his mind. They were not so flowing and rhythmic As those of his earlier years, But the world? lo! it offered its homage Because they were written in tears. So ever the price must be given By those seeking glory in art; So ever the world is repaying The grief?stricken, suffering heart. The happy must ever be humble; Ambition must wait for the years, Ere hoping to win the approval Of a world that looks on through its tears.