A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Abbott, Mount 130
- Agnes, Lake 42
- ” ” depth of 43
- ” ” in winter 118
- ” ” solitude of 42
- Air circulation in Canadian Rockies 267
- Alders in Selkirks 125
- Alpine insects, varieties of 271
- ” plants 271
- American Fur Company 238
- Anemones 107
- Assiniboine, another name for Stoneys 53
- Assiniboine, Mount, altitude of 177
- ” ” features of 178
- ” ” first circuit of 168
- ” ” ” view of 153
- ” ” outline 156
- ” ” south side of 174
- Astley, Mr 61
- Athabasca Pass 244
- Atmosphere, eastward movement of 123
- Avalanche from Mount Lefroy 33
- B
- Balsam fir 38
- Banff, altitude 11
- ” climate 11, 15
- ” location 1
- ” population 2
- ” Springs Hotel 3
- ” surroundings 3
- ” topography of 4
- Barometer, diurnal minima of 113
- Bean, Mr 72
- Bear’s Paw, chief of Stoneys 49
- Beehive, the 41, 44
- ” altitude of 44
- Blackiston, Lieut. 246
- Blind valleys 172
- Bourgeau, M. 246
- Bow Lakes 201
- ” ” future popularity of 211
- ” Lake, Lower 191
- ” ” Upper 195
- ” River 2
- British Columbia 253
- Brown, Mount, altitude of 184
- Bull-dog flies 25
- Butterflies, habits of 72
- C
- Caledonia, New 238
- Calypso borealis 143
- Cambrian Age, reference to 42
- Canada, highest point reached in 115
- Canadian National Park 1
- ” Pacific Road, cost of 255
- ” Rockies, comparisons of 264
- Cannibalism, anecdote of 242
- Canoe River 240
- Caribou mining region 256
- Cascade Mountain, ascent of 14
- ” ” description of 5
- ” ” origin of name 6
- Castilleias 107
- Castle Crags 65
- Cave and basin at Banff 159
- Chalet at Lake Louise 22
- ” old 26
- Character, effect of camp life on 273
- Cheops, Mount 130
- Chiniquy, Tom 49
- Chinook winds, cause of 266
- Chipmunks 106
- Cirque 77
- Climate of Canadian Rockies 265
- Cloud effects 29, 82
- Coast Range 262
- Condensation of clouds 267
- Condition, physical 89
- Continental watershed 18, 37
- Contrast of surroundings 95
- Cold weather in September 13
- Colorado, altitude of mountains in 37
- Color, sunset and sunrise 30
- Columbia River 120
- Columbine, yellow 19
- Cook, Captain 230
- ” ” explorations of 237
- Cordilleran System 262
- Coureurs des bois 221
- Cox, Ross 240
- Crees, Mountain 52
- Crevasses, dangers of 203
- Cross River 171
- D
- Daly Mountain 193
- Dawson, Dr., on Stoney Indians 52
- Desolation Valley 107
- Devil’s Club 125
- ” Head 7
- ” Lake 6
- ” ” Indian legend of 8
- Diamond hitch 142
- Dominion of Canada 252
- E
- Eagle Pass 254
- ” Peak 126
- ” ” later attempts on 129
- Earth, interior of 259
- Edith, Mount, Pass 219
- Epilobium 107
- Experiences in camp 273
- Exploration, pleasure of 75, 96
- F
- Forbes, Mount, altitude of 184
- Forest fires, ancient 188
- ” ” causes of 188
- ” fire smoke 11
- Forests, near Lake Louise 38
- ” of Pacific Coast 135
- ” regeneration of 190
- ” Selkirk 125
- Forest trees, replacement of 190
- Fraser, Simon 239
- ” River, first exploration of 238
- Fur trade, origin of 220
- G
- Glacier, House 121
- ” debris 55
- ” thickness of ice in 78
- Glissading, method of 70
- Goat, Rocky Mountain 117, 163, 164
- Gold, discovery of 245
- Golden-rod, Alpine species 72
- Gold Range 262
- Great Mountain 77, 80
- ” Slave Lake, origin of name 231
- Green, Dr. 124
- Grouse 269
- H
- Hazel Peak, altitude 108
- Hector, Dr. 10, 246
- Hector, Mount 216
- Heely’s Creek 139
- Hermit Range 127
- Hooker, Mount, altitude of 184
- Huber and Sulzer 124
- Hudson Bay Company 224, 226
- I
- Ice Age 5, 264
- ” pillars 56
- Indian, ability to follow trails 49
- ” frankness 63
- ” gratitude 51
- ” habits of 50
- ” idea concerning weeping 234
- ” Kootanie 247
- ” loquacity 8
- ” pathos 51
- ” sarcasm 100
- ” summer 29
- ” trails 152, 212
- K
- Kananaskis Pass, legend of 246
- Kicking Horse Pass, discovery of 250
- ” ” River, origin of name 249
- Kootanie River, direction of flow 120
- L
- Laggan, distance from Banff 62
- ” distance to Lake Louise 24
- ” ” ” Mount Temple 79
- Lake Louise, altitude of 22
- ” ” depth of 17
- ” ” early morning at 26
- ” ” forests about 23
- ” ” highest recorded temperature at 22
- ” ” in October 31
- ” ” past history of forests at 24
- ” ” prevalent wind at 24
- ” ” size and shape of 16
- ” ” summer temperature of water 26
- ” ” topography of region near 36
- ” ” visitors at 22
- Lakes in Canadian Rockies 272
- Lake trout, size of 6, 202
- Laurel, sheep 19
- Lefroy, Mount, avalanche from 90
- ” ” description of 18
- ” ” precipices of 34, 90
- Linnea borealis 175
- Little Fork Pass, altitude of 208
- Lyall’s larch 39
- M
- Mackay, Alexander 232
- Mackenzie, Sir Alexander 226
- ” River, discovery of 231
- Mackenzie’s plan for an overland route 238
- Maple trees 175
- Marion Lake 130
- Mariposa Grove 135
- Marmots 43, 106
- Milton and Cheadle 252
- Minerals on mountain sides 173
- Minnewanka Lake 8
- Mirror Lake 42, 45
- Moon, effect of latitude on 268
- Morley 51
- Mosquitoes, annual disappearance of 25, 199
- Mountains, age of 261
- ” altitude of