- Abolitionists, Garrisonian, 87
- After the "Separation," 195
- Aldrich, Royal, reference to, 69
- Ancestry and Boyhood, 17
- Apostolic Christian, an, 7
- Appendix, 226
- Apprenticeship of E. H., 22
- Atlee, Dr. Edwin A., E. H.'s letter to, Appendix B;
- reference to, 166
- Baltimore Y. M., E. H. attends, 44
- Baptists, Southern, reference to, 94
- Barclay's Apology, quotation from, 143-144
- Bartram, John, reference to, 190;
- sketch of, 190;
- his supposed deism, 190-191
- Beacon Controversy, the, 169-170
- Berry, Mary, at Easton, Md., 37
- Binns, Henry Byran, describes E. H.'s preaching, 212-218
- Black people commended, 37
- Bownas, Samuel (note), 18
- Braithwaite, Anna, referred to, 49;
- sketch of (note), 161;
- writes to E. H., 162;
- writes to Friend in Flushing, 163;
- writes to E. H. from England, 165;
- writes to E. H. from Kipp's Bay, 168;
- advised by Jericho ministers and elders, 169;
- late reference to "Hicksism," 170
- Braithwaite, Isaac, reference to (note), 161;
- reference to, 179-183
- Braithwaite, J. Bevan (note), 164-170
- Camp meetings, E. H. condemns, 104
- Carpenter. E. H. apprenticed as, 22
- Christ, Divinity of, 115, 116, 156
- Christ as saviour, 156-157
- Clarkson, Thomas, receives Hicks' pamphlet, 90
- Clement of Alexandria, reference to, 106
- Conflict, The American (note), 94
- Cotton gin, invention of, 94
- Court Crier, E. H. imitates, 62
- Cropper, James (note), 89;
- letter from E. H., 90
- Dancing, opinion of, 22
- Discipline, E. H.'s regard for, 29
- Disownment and doctrine, 188
- Disownments for doctrine, 190;
- E. H. on, 191-193;
- during slavery agitation, 215-216;
- helps organize charity society, 216-217;
- putting off harness, 218-225;
- his last traveling minute, 220;
- attends his last monthly meeting, 220-221;
- suffers stroke of paralysis, 221;
- his death, 221;
- his funeral, 221;
- last letter to Hugh Judge, 222
- Hicks, Elias, Jr., son of E. H., 73
- Hicks, Elizabeth, daughter of E. H., 72;
- picture of, facing, 97 ...
- Hicks, Sir Ellis, reference to, 17
- Hicks Family, the, 71
- Hicks, Jonathan, son of E. H., 73
- Hicks, John, son of E. H., 72
- Hicks, Jemima, wife of E. H., estimate of, 74-75;
- letters to, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82;
- death of, 198;
- funeral of, 198-199
- Hicks, Martha, daughter of E. H., 72;
- picture of, facing, 97
- Hicks, Sarah, daughter of E. H., 72
- Hicks, Judge Thomas, great-grandfather E. H., 18;
- befriends S. Bownas, 18
- Hicksville, reference to, 66
- Hicks, Valentine, son-in-law of E. H., reference to, 66;
- President Long Island Railroad, 100;
- picture of, facing, 97
- Hodgson, W., reference to E. H.'s sentiments, 206
- Home at Jericho, the, 66
- Hopper, Isaac T., reference to disownment of, 87
- Humor, E. H. indulges in, 196
- Immortality, E. H. on, 112-114
- Indiana Y. M., E. H. attends, 51
- Inquirer, The Christian (note), 102
- Introduction, 11
- Jackson, Halliday, arrested at Ohio Y. M., 49;
- statement about (note), 49
- Jericho, home at, 66
- Jericho Monthly Meeting, members at time of "separation," 188;
- E. H. advises, 200
- Jesus, death and resurrection of, 118-120
- Johnson, Oliver, on abolition claims of Friends, 88
- Jones, Ann, in Dutchess County, 171;
- extracts from s
g@html@files@50374@50374-h@50374-h-6.htm.html#Page_188" class="pginternal">188;
- membership of, 188;
- disowns E. H., 189
- Wharton, William, reference to, 207
- Wheat, E. H. sells at low price, 14
- Whitall, Joseph, reports E. H. unsound, 128
- White, George F., influential in disownment of Isaac T. Hopper, 87;
- on slave labor, 87;
- attacks various organizations, 87
- Whitman, Walt, estimation of E. H., 205;
- reference to, 218-219;
- hears E. H. preach, 219;
- describes E. H.'s preaching, 213
- Willets, Deborah (note), 178;
- extract from letter, 179-180
- Willets, Jacob (note), 178;
- statement about division in meetings, 178
- Willets, Joshua, son-in-law of E. H., 70
- Willis, Edmund, traveling companion of E. H., 38
- Willis, John, traveling companion of E. H., 32
- Willis, Mary, reference to, 212;
- her recollections of E. H., 212-213
- Willis, Thomas and Phebe, oppose E. H., 124;
- dealt with by Jericho Monthly Meeting, 125;
- reference to, 182
- Women, equality of, 15
- Woolman, John, on slavery, 84
- World, the, against mixing with, 103-104
APPENDIX. - A, Descendants of Elias Hicks, 226-228
- B, Letter to Dr. Atlee, 229-233
- C, The Portraits, 234
- D, The Death Mask, 234
- E, A Bit of Advertising, 235
- F, Acknowledgment, 235
- G, Sources of Information, 236-237