Foot-notes by a rival of the Countess. Is that spelled right? Fifty miles an hour, Jack says. Poetic licence. Gone back to cold cream. And pie. For sale at all bookstores, ten cents a copy. The words for Pretty Polly Oliver are mixed with the music score and given below for those not able to see the picture.—DP. 1. Pretty Pol-ly Ol-i-ver, will you be my own? Pret-ty Pol-ly Ol-i-ver, as cold as a stone; But my love has grown warm-er as cold-er you’ve grown, O Pret-ty Pol-ly Ol-i-ver, will you be my own? 2. Pret-ty Pol-ly Ol-i-ver, I love you so dear! Pret-ty Pol-ly Ol-i-ver, my hope and my fear; I’ve wait-ed for you, sweet-heart, this many a long year; For Pret-ty Pol-ly Ol-i-ver, I’ve loved you so dear! 3. Pret-ty Pol-ly Ol-i-ver, I’ll bid you good bye: Pret-ty Pol-ly Ol-i-ver, for you I’ll not die; You’ll nev-er get a tru-er true lov-er than I, So Pret-ty Pol-ly Ol-i-ver, good-bye, love, good-bye! ‘Four little white doves began to coo, To coo to their mates so fair; And each to the other dove said, ‘Your coo With mine cannot compare!’ The words for Las Palomas are mixed with the music score and given below for those not able to see the picture.—DP. Cua-tro pa-lo-mi-tas blan-cas que vienen de por a—llÁ. U-nas Á las o-tras di-cen no hay a-mor como el de a-cÁ. |