
Abel, occupation, 197; offering accepted, 198; slain by Cain, 199.

Abou Ben Adhem, 221.

Abram, Abraham, 21; strove to find God, 21; seized by idolatrous priests, 21; God delivered and spoke to him, 21; learns to know God; father of Isaac and grandfather of Jacob who served God; from them sprang the Children of Israel, 22; wavered not, 101.

Adam was like us, 23; taught by an angel, 24.

Aesop, fable of, 227.

Alms should be given in secret, 85.

Anger, fruits of, 199-200.

Apostasy, 323.

Apostles sent to preach, 291; slow to understand that the Gospel was for all mankind, 292; their acts, 321; their deaths, 322;

Architect, figure of, illustrating Church of Christ, 153-4; 161; plans and specifications of, 161; necessary, 162.

Articles of Faith, 129.

Ascension, 283.

Atonement of Jesus not understood by His disciples, 271; necessary, 272; theories regarding, 274; true theory, 275; Nephite explanation of, 276.

Authority, divine, test of true Church, 153; Jesus bowed to His Father's; must be conferred, cannot be assumed, 155.


Baldwin, Matthias, an illustration of faith, 113-5; a liberal man, 175.

Baptism of Jesus, 41; essential; taught by Jesus to Nicodemus; a rebirth, 130; necessity for it; case of Naaman; proof of obedience and humility, 131-2; illustrated by chemical experiment, 132; Jesus taught baptism and its proper mode; immersion, 133; purpose of; should follow repentance; baptism of infants wrong, 134; summary of Jesus's teachings regarding, 135; baptism of the Spirit, 137.

Beatitudes; high ideal of life, 192; great beatitude, 193. Beelzebub, Jesus's miracles attributed to, 263.

Book of heaven, 163.

Bread of Life, 326.

Brother of Jared cut sixteen small stones; asked God to touch them and make them shine; saw the finger of the Lord; struck with fear, 45; the Lord commends him for his faith; sees the Lord who was in the form of a man; saw the body of God's spirit, 48.


Cain, story of, 197; offering not accepted; angry, 198; controlled by Satan, slew Abel, 199.

Centurion's servant healed, 256-7.

Church organization necessary, 145-6; shown by parable of wheat and tares, 146-7; meaning of the parable, 147; Church and Kingdom of God, 148; Church to be built on rock of revelation, 148-9; Church officers, 149; Jesus architect of His Church, 154; one test of true Church is principle of revelation, 154; another is divine authority, 156; two priesthoods, 156; architect's plans and specifications, 161; a third test is presence and practice of the Gospel, 161; the three marks, 163; membership in the Church a supreme privilege, 167; conditions of membership, 168; what it teaches, 233; established anew through the Prophet Joseph Smith, 323-4; Church of authority, 326.

Comforter promised, 39; is the Spirit of truth, 39, 42; is the Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead, 42; came to disciples on day of Pentecost, 43.

Commandment, great, 191.

Communities must exist, 228; must be organized, 228-9.

Cornelius, case of, 293.


Darkness covers the earth, 160.

Dead, gospel preached to, 285.

Defile, things that, 194.

Devil, power of evil; who is he? Lucifer the Lightbringer; volunteered to be a Savior, 57; his plan rejected; he rebelled and became Satan, the father of lies; a murderer from the beginning, 58; tempts Jesus, 61-2; entered into Judas Iscariot, 63; necessary that the devil should tempt men, 65. Dickens, comment on parable of the prodigal son, 78.

Disciples learned about God, 31; overwhelmed when Jesus was crucified, 38; received Holy Ghost on day of Pentecost, 43; knew they were sons of God, 72; why they could not cast out a devil, 108; regarded Jesus as earthly King; could not understand atonement, 271; told by Him of his coming death, 271-2.

Divorce, Jesus's teachings on, 230.

Duty to the state, 231; the Church, 232.


Emerson on Christ, 313.

Enemies, right attitude toward, 216.

Eternal life, greatest gift, 17; what is eternal life, 17; defined again, 23; again, 24; conditions of, 25.

Eternal loss is to fail to find God, 84.

Evil always present, 56; how evil came into the world, 56; 58; devil is power of evil, 57; why evil is in the world, 63-5.


Faith, power of; fig tree withered by faith; mountains may be removed by faith, 105-6; interpretation of this saying; victory comes by faith, 107; Jesus walking on the water, 107-8; Peter failed for lack of faith, 108; impossible to please God without faith, 109; Matthias Baldwin, an illustration, 113-5.

Fall of Adam made savior necessary, 24.

Family basis of society. 227-8; sacred, 229.

Fast, how to, 86.

Faults in others, 208-9.

Fault-finding wrong, 209-10.

Feast, call the poor to, 240.

Finding and losing one's life, Jesus's strange saying, 83.

Forgiveness should accompany prayer; unless we forgive God will not forgive us, 106; law of, 214-15; must forgive to be forgiven, 216-17.

Free agency of man, 65.

Fundamental principles, 321.


Girls, two, story of, 205-7. God, work and glory of, "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man," 16; what it means to know Him and Jesus Christ, 21; God speaks to Abraham, 21; worshiped by Children of Israel, 22; first commandment forbids idolatry, 22; false conceptions of God, 22; what it means to know God, 23; what kind of a being is God? 29; Jesus's explanation, "he that hath seen me hath seen the Father," 30; God is a person, 31; called "Father" by Jesus, 31; mankind are His children and He loves them, 32; to know God gives joy and comfort, 32; what Saints know of God, 33; God is a spirit, 36; His love for the world, 69; notes the sparrow, 70; no respecter of persons, 71; an exalted man, 71; reason for His love for man, 73; willing to forgive, 80.

Gospel, possession of, test of true Church, 161; through it we learn of God, and our duty, 162; fundamental principles of it, 162-3; men judged by it, 163; was for the Gentiles, 292.


Hail used as illustration, 29.

Harmony with our environment, 84.

Holy Ghost, member of the Godhead, the Comforter and a special witness, 42; duties are many, 43; rested on the twelve in America, 43; conferred by laying on of hands, 129-138-40; baptism of necessary, 137-9; what is the gift of the Holy Ghost? 141-2; conditions on which it is obtained, 142-3.

House divided, cannot stand, 263.

Humility taught by Jesus, 168; necessary, 239-40.


Indian's speech, 159.

Impurity, causes of, 194.


Jerusalem, place to worship, 36.

Jesus, almost universally acknowledged, 13; no other man has exerted so profound an influence, 13; twelve years old, 14-5; a normal boy, 14; attended school, 14; was serious, 14; duties, 15; goes with parents to Jerusalem, 15; route, 15; missed by parents, 15; found in temple with doctors, 15; zeal for knowledge, 15; astonishes His hearers, 16; reproved by His mother He says, "I must be about my Father's business", 16; strange saying not understood, 16; came to do His Father's will, not His own, 16; His "Father's business" explained, 17; defines eternal life, 17; nature of His mission, 17; a preacher's view of Him, 23; had not learned to know Him, 23; our Elder Brother, 24; chosen to be the Savior, 24; assumed the sins of mankind, 24; gave His life to redeem them, 24; was more than a great leader, teacher and philosopher, 24; was the Only Begotten of the Father, 24; to know Him, is to accept His mission, 24; like the Father, 30; called "The Word", 31; like ordinary men, 31; people astonished who knew His family, 31; image of His Father's person, 31; called God "Father", 32; goes to Sychar in Samaria, 35; talks with Samaritan woman, 35; able to give living water, 35; declares Himself the Christ 36-7; answers messengers of John the Baptist, 37; tells the high priest He is the Christ, 38; tells Pilate He is King of the Jews, 38; after being crucified He appears to disciples on the way to Emmaus, 38; will send the Comforter, 39; subject to His parents, 41; increased in wisdom and stature, 41; baptized by John the Baptizer, "to fulfill all righteousness", 41; full of the Holy Ghost, 43; showed the body of His spirit to brother of Jared, 48; His pre-existence, 49-50; chosen to be the Savior, 58; fasted 40 days, 61; tempted by the devil, and resists, 61-2; triumphed by overcoming evil, 65; commands us to love one another, 69; combatted sin, 79; pictured God as a forgiving Father, 79; derided by scribes and Pharisees; rebuked them, 80; strange saying about finding and losing one's life, 83; tells how to give alms, pray and fast, 85-6; gives the Lord's prayer, 91; analyzed 91-4; door to the sheep fold, 135; taught baptism and its proper mode, 133; taught persistency in prayer, 99; and to pray for the things of the Kingdom, 99-100; and resignation, 102; cursed the fig tree; taught that faith would remove mountains, 105; His meaning, 106-17; we should pray believing; walked on water; saved Peter from sinking; cast out a devil; why the disciples could not cast it out, 108; wrought miracles, 115; promised same power on condition, 116; comments on those killed when tower fell, and those killed in temple by Pilate, 121; taught repentance, 121-4; bowed to His Father's authority, 154-5; called little children to Him, 168; teachings about riches, 175-8; all should improve their talents, 185; what defiles, 194; forbade anger, 201; judge not, 209; with the lawyer, 222; marriage, 229-30; new law, 237; a perfect man in every way, 253-4; divine power and marvelous works; unnumbered miracles, 254-5; environed by wickedness and poverty, 255; His a mission of love; three miracles, 256-8; not honored in Nazereth; His own home, 259; scribes attribute His miracles to Beelzebub; He refutes them, 263; foretold His own death, 271-3; came to cause division in families, 272; significance of His death, 273-5; institutes sacrament, 273; why He submitted to His enemies, 276; new testimony concerning Him, 277; His resurrection and many appearances after it, 281-3; evidence, 283; had been in Paradise, 284; preaching to the spirits in prison, 285; sends apostles to preach, 291; visited Nephites, 296-7; exalted, seen by Stephen on right hand of God, 302-3; mission not finished on earth, 303; our advocate in heaven with the Father, 303; is King of Kings and Lord of Lords; will come again, 305; is the Living Christ; worshiped by untold millions, 311; influence grows stronger with lapse of time, 313; what He has done, 314.

John the Baptist sends messengers to Jesus, 37; baptizes Jesus, 41; saw Spirit of God like a dove rest on Jesus 41-2; bore his testimony, 42.

Jones, Mary, story of victim of slander, 206-7.

Joseph goes with Mary and Jesus to Jerusalem, 15; route 15; Joseph and Mary start to return, 15; miss Jesus, 15; find Him in temple with doctors, 15; Mary reproves Him, 16; His reply, "I must be about my Father's business", 16; parents did not understand Him, 16. Judas Iscariot, Satan entered into him, 63.

Judge not, 209-213.


Knowledge of Christ, how gained, 39.

Knowing God and Jesus Christ, 17, 22, 24, 25; how to know God, 25; should be aim of all education, 25.


Latter-day Saints have strong testimonies, 314-5; they have the Holy Priesthood and fulness of the Gospel; they know that Jesus is the Christ and the object of His life-work, 315.

Law and Gospel compared, 237.

Lawyer and Jesus, 222.

Lazarus raised, 257.

Lilies of the field, 99-100.

Living alone impracticable, 227.

Living water given by Jesus, 35.

Locke, John, on the Savior, 312.

Lord's prayer, 91.

Love, law of, 221-2-5.

Loyalty taught by Jesus, 168-9; 171; four reasons why men should be loyal to Him. 171-2.


Man, what is he? 69; God values man, 70; divine possibilities of; offspring of God, 71; may become a god; owes duties to God and himself, 72; must make sacrifices; man the crown of creation; should reverence God; is the temple of God, 73.

Mammon, cannot serve God and, 169; what is serving Mammon, 170.

Marconigraph, 266.

Marriage a sacrament, 229; should be solemnized in a temple, 230.

Mansions, many, or degrees of glory in heaven, 304-5.

Miracles, many, performed by Jesus, 254-5; attributed to Beelzebub by scribes, 263; what a miracle is, 264; telephone, 265; miracles of science, 266; power of the priesthood; purpose of miracles, 267; they come by faith; privilege of sick to be healed, 268; feeding of 5000 people; spiritual food more wonderful, 319-20.

Moses, revelation to, 16.


Naaman healed of leprosy, 131. Napoleon's Testimony of Christ, 13; revered Him, 18; further testimony, 311.

Neighbor, who is my? 223.

Nicodemus comes to Jesus, what Jesus told him, 43; taught baptism by Jesus, 130.


Opinions of great men on Christ, 312-3.

Opportunity should be improved, 183-5-6.


Palestine, condition of, in Jesus's time, 255-6.

Parable of the sower, 56; the lost sheep, 70; the prodigal son or the forgiving father, 77-8; the Pharisee and the publican, 80; borrowing three loaves; the judge and the widow, 98; the house built on a rock, 115; barren fig tree, 121; wheat and tares, 146-7; treasure hid in a field; pearl of great price, 167; earthly treasures, 170; light of the body, 171; unjust steward, 178-9; rich man and Lazarus, 183; the talents, 183-4; unforgiving servant, 215; good Samaritan, 222; humility, 239-40; laborers in the vineyard, 245-6; leaven, 291; householder and husbandmen, 300.

Paradise, Jesus in, 284; what it is, 286-7; Paul says Jesus was image of His Father, 31.

Paul and Barnabas traveled and preached to the Gentiles, 294.

Peter's vision, 293; taught him Gospel, was for Gentiles, 294.

Pilate constructs conduit; tower falls killing 18 men; seizes temple treasures; attacked by mob, 119; killed many in the temple; excitement, 120.

Political duty, 231.

Praise, love of, 85.

Pray, how to, 86; 94.

Prayer, should be persistent; hymns quoted, 97-8; urgent desire and implicit trust necessary in, 99; things of God's Kingdom should be prayed for, 99-100; God's will be done, 101-2; implicit reliance in God and spirit of forgiveness essential in prayer, 105-6; prayer of faith efficacious, 107; wisdom obtained by prayer, 109.

Pre-existent state; pre-existence of Jesus and mankind, 49-50; proved in man blind from birth, 50-1; gospel taught there; council of the spirits; Savior called for; Jesus and Lucifer volunteer, 57; Lucifer's plan rejected; he rebelled and became Satan, the father of lies, 58.

Psalm, 1, quoted, 129.

Pure in heart, to see and associate with God, 193.


Rabbis did not teach forgiveness of sin, 79.

Reconciliation, law of, 213.

Religion that satisfies, 324; comprehensive, 325.

Repentance taught by Jesus, 121-2; He upbraided certain cities for not repenting; universal principle, 123; things to be repented of, 124-5.

Rewards, Jesus's doctrine of, 239-41; promised, 241; spiritual, 241-2.

Rich man, entering Kingdom of Heaven, easier to pass through eye of needle, 175-7; and Lazarus, 183.

Riches, Jesus's teaching about, 175-8; should be righteously acquired, 178; how used; not riches but love of them is evil, 180.

Rich young ruler and Jesus; unwilling to give up riches, 176-7.

Restoration of the Gospel and Priesthood to the Prophet Joseph Smith, 323.


Sabbath should be kept, 170.

Sacrament instituted, 273.

Sacrifice required, 176.

Samaritan, good, 222-4; lesson of, 224-5.

Second coming of Christ foretold, 305.

Self control shown by Jesus, 201; strength of, 202.

Service, what it means. 187; service pleasing to god, 245; compensation for, 246; value of in the Church. 247; rewarded justly, 247-8; always secular duties to perform, 248; some in the Church; formal performance wrong; extra service a privilege, 249; quality and kind of service determines reward, 259.

Sheep, other, meaning Nephites, 294-5; Jesus visited them, 296-7.

Sheepfold, Jesus is door to, 135.

Slander, sin of, 205-7.

Smith, Prophet Joseph, prepared Articles of Faith, 129; Gospel and Priesthood restored to, 323.

Sparrow, God notes it, 70.

Spirit of Truth the Comforter, 39; like a dove rested on Jesus, 42.

Spirits in prison, Gospel preached to, 285. Stolen money, story of, 205-7. Suspicion caused by slander, 206.

Swearing forbidden, 72.

Sychar, Jesus goes to, 35; people of believe, 36.


Talents should be improved, 184-5-6-8.

Telephone used as illustration, 24-5; miracle of, 265.

Tempest stilled, 257.

Testimony of Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, 316-17.

Theft, story of, 205-7.

Theories of salvation through Jesus's death, 274; true theory, 275.

Tithes and offerings should be paid, 249.

Tobacco, why a boy uses it, 238.

Treasures in heaven, not on earth, 169.

Tree known by its fruit, 195.

Trespasses, how dealt with, 213-4.


Vulgarity condemned, 195.


Water carrier, 185-6.

Webster on Christ, 313.

Word, Jesus called the, 31: made flesh, 31.

Worry almost a sin; no cure for it, found by men, 100; Jesus's cure, 101.

Worship, right attitude in; how to worship; what and why we worship, 87.


X-ray, 266.


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