Abel, occupation, 197; offering accepted, 198; slain by Cain, 199. Abou Ben Adhem, 221. Abram, Abraham, 21; strove to find God, 21; seized by idolatrous priests, 21; God delivered and spoke to him, 21; learns to know God; father of Isaac and grandfather of Jacob who served God; from them sprang the Children of Israel, 22; wavered not, 101. Adam was like us, 23; taught by an angel, 24. Aesop, fable of, 227. Alms should be given in secret, 85. Anger, fruits of, 199-200. Apostasy, 323. Apostles sent to preach, 291; slow to understand that the Gospel was for all mankind, 292; their acts, 321; their deaths, 322; Architect, figure of, illustrating Church of Christ, 153-4; 161; plans and specifications of, 161; necessary, 162. Articles of Faith, 129. Ascension, 283. Atonement of Jesus not understood by His disciples, 271; necessary, 272; theories regarding, 274; true theory, 275; Nephite explanation of, 276. Authority, divine, test of true Church, 153; Jesus bowed to His Father's; must be conferred, cannot be assumed, 155. BBaldwin, Matthias, an illustration of faith, 113-5; a liberal man, 175. Baptism of Jesus, 41; essential; taught by Jesus to Nicodemus; a rebirth, 130; necessity for it; case of Naaman; proof of obedience and humility, 131-2; illustrated by chemical experiment, 132; Jesus taught baptism and its proper mode; immersion, 133; purpose of; should follow repentance; baptism of infants wrong, 134; summary of Jesus's teachings regarding, 135; baptism of the Spirit, 137. Beatitudes; high ideal of life, 192; great beatitude, 193. Book of heaven, 163. Bread of Life, 326. Brother of Jared cut sixteen small stones; asked God to touch them and make them shine; saw the finger of the Lord; struck with fear, 45; the Lord commends him for his faith; sees the Lord who was in the form of a man; saw the body of God's spirit, 48. CCain, story of, 197; offering not accepted; angry, 198; controlled by Satan, slew Abel, 199. Centurion's servant healed, 256-7. Church organization necessary, 145-6; shown by parable of wheat and tares, 146-7; meaning of the parable, 147; Church and Kingdom of God, 148; Church to be built on rock of revelation, 148-9; Church officers, 149; Jesus architect of His Church, 154; one test of true Church is principle of revelation, 154; another is divine authority, 156; two priesthoods, 156; architect's plans and specifications, 161; a third test is presence and practice of the Gospel, 161; the three marks, 163; membership in the Church a supreme privilege, 167; conditions of membership, 168; what it teaches, 233; established anew through the Prophet Joseph Smith, 323-4; Church of authority, 326. Comforter promised, 39; is the Spirit of truth, 39, 42; is the Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead, 42; came to disciples on day of Pentecost, 43. Commandment, great, 191. Communities must exist, 228; must be organized, 228-9. Cornelius, case of, 293. DDarkness covers the earth, 160. Dead, gospel preached to, 285. Defile, things that, 194. Devil, power of evil; who is he? Lucifer the Lightbringer; volunteered to be a Savior, 57; his plan rejected; he rebelled and became Satan, the father of lies; a murderer from the beginning, 58; tempts Jesus, 61-2; entered into Judas Iscariot, 63; necessary that the devil should tempt men, 65. Disciples learned about God, 31; overwhelmed when Jesus was crucified, 38; received Holy Ghost on day of Pentecost, 43; knew they were sons of God, 72; why they could not cast out a devil, 108; regarded Jesus as earthly King; could not understand atonement, 271; told by Him of his coming death, 271-2. Divorce, Jesus's teachings on, 230. Duty to the state, 231; the Church, 232. EEmerson on Christ, 313. Enemies, right attitude toward, 216. Eternal life, greatest gift, 17; what is eternal life, 17; defined again, 23; again, 24; conditions of, 25. Eternal loss is to fail to find God, 84. Evil always present, 56; how evil came into the world, 56; 58; devil is power of evil, 57; why evil is in the world, 63-5. FFaith, power of; fig tree withered by faith; mountains may be removed by faith, 105-6; interpretation of this saying; victory comes by faith, 107; Jesus walking on the water, 107-8; Peter failed for lack of faith, 108; impossible to please God without faith, 109; Matthias Baldwin, an illustration, 113-5. Fall of Adam made savior necessary, 24. Family basis of society. 227-8; sacred, 229. Fast, how to, 86. Faults in others, 208-9. Fault-finding wrong, 209-10. Feast, call the poor to, 240. Finding and losing one's life, Jesus's strange saying, 83. Forgiveness should accompany prayer; unless we forgive God will not forgive us, 106; law of, 214-15; must forgive to be forgiven, 216-17. Free agency of man, 65. Fundamental principles, 321. GGirls, two, story of, 205-7. God, work and glory of, "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man," 16; what it means to know Him and Jesus Christ, 21; God speaks to Gospel, possession of, test of true Church, 161; through it we learn of God, and our duty, 162; fundamental principles of it, 162-3; men judged by it, 163; was for the Gentiles, 292. HHail used as illustration, 29. Harmony with our environment, 84. Holy Ghost, member of the Godhead, the Comforter and a special witness, 42; duties are many, 43; rested on the twelve in America, 43; conferred by laying on of hands, 129-138-40; baptism of necessary, 137-9; what is the gift of the Holy Ghost? 141-2; conditions on which it is obtained, 142-3. House divided, cannot stand, 263. Humility taught by Jesus, 168; necessary, 239-40. IIndian's speech, 159. Impurity, causes of, 194. JJerusalem, place to worship, 36. Jesus, almost universally acknowledged, 13; no other man has exerted so profound an influence, 13; twelve years old, 14-5; a normal boy, 14; attended school, 14; was serious, 14; duties, 15; goes with parents to Jerusalem, 15; route, 15; missed by parents, 15; found in temple with doctors, 15; zeal for knowledge, 15; astonishes His hearers, 16; reproved by His mother He says, "I must be about my Father's business", 16; strange John the Baptist sends messengers to Jesus, 37; baptizes Jesus, 41; saw Spirit of God like a dove rest on Jesus 41-2; bore his testimony, 42. Jones, Mary, story of victim of slander, 206-7. Joseph goes with Mary and Jesus to Jerusalem, 15; route 15; Joseph and Mary start to return, 15; miss Jesus, 15; find Him in temple with doctors, 15; Mary reproves Him, 16; His reply, "I must be about my Father's business", 16; parents did not understand Him, 16. Judge not, 209-213. KKnowledge of Christ, how gained, 39. Knowing God and Jesus Christ, 17, 22, 24, 25; how to know God, 25; should be aim of all education, 25. LLatter-day Saints have strong testimonies, 314-5; they have the Holy Priesthood and fulness of the Gospel; they know that Jesus is the Christ and the object of His life-work, 315. Law and Gospel compared, 237. Lawyer and Jesus, 222. Lazarus raised, 257. Lilies of the field, 99-100. Living alone impracticable, 227. Living water given by Jesus, 35. Locke, John, on the Savior, 312. Lord's prayer, 91. Love, law of, 221-2-5. Loyalty taught by Jesus, 168-9; 171; four reasons why men should be loyal to Him. 171-2. MMan, what is he? 69; God values man, 70; divine possibilities of; offspring of God, 71; may become a god; owes duties to God and himself, 72; must make sacrifices; man the crown of creation; should reverence God; is the temple of God, 73. Mammon, cannot serve God and, 169; what is serving Mammon, 170. Marconigraph, 266. Marriage a sacrament, 229; should be solemnized in a temple, 230. Mansions, many, or degrees of glory in heaven, 304-5. Miracles, many, performed by Jesus, 254-5; attributed to Beelzebub by scribes, 263; what a miracle is, 264; telephone, 265; miracles of science, 266; power of the priesthood; purpose of miracles, 267; they come by faith; privilege of sick to be healed, 268; feeding of 5000 people; spiritual food more wonderful, 319-20. Moses, revelation to, 16. NNaaman healed of leprosy, 131. Neighbor, who is my? 223. Nicodemus comes to Jesus, what Jesus told him, 43; taught baptism by Jesus, 130. OOpinions of great men on Christ, 312-3. Opportunity should be improved, 183-5-6. PPalestine, condition of, in Jesus's time, 255-6. Parable of the sower, 56; the lost sheep, 70; the prodigal son or the forgiving father, 77-8; the Pharisee and the publican, 80; borrowing three loaves; the judge and the widow, 98; the house built on a rock, 115; barren fig tree, 121; wheat and tares, 146-7; treasure hid in a field; pearl of great price, 167; earthly treasures, 170; light of the body, 171; unjust steward, 178-9; rich man and Lazarus, 183; the talents, 183-4; unforgiving servant, 215; good Samaritan, 222; humility, 239-40; laborers in the vineyard, 245-6; leaven, 291; householder and husbandmen, 300. Paradise, Jesus in, 284; what it is, 286-7; Paul says Jesus was image of His Father, 31. Paul and Barnabas traveled and preached to the Gentiles, 294. Peter's vision, 293; taught him Gospel, was for Gentiles, 294. Pilate constructs conduit; tower falls killing 18 men; seizes temple treasures; attacked by mob, 119; killed many in the temple; excitement, 120. Political duty, 231. Praise, love of, 85. Prayer, should be persistent; hymns quoted, 97-8; urgent desire and implicit trust necessary in, 99; things of God's Kingdom should be prayed for, 99-100; God's will be done, 101-2; implicit reliance in God and spirit of forgiveness essential in prayer, 105-6; prayer of faith efficacious, 107; wisdom obtained by prayer, 109. Pre-existent state; pre-existence of Jesus and mankind, 49-50; proved in man blind from birth, 50-1; gospel taught there; council of the spirits; Savior called for; Psalm, 1, quoted, 129. Pure in heart, to see and associate with God, 193. RRabbis did not teach forgiveness of sin, 79. Reconciliation, law of, 213. Religion that satisfies, 324; comprehensive, 325. Repentance taught by Jesus, 121-2; He upbraided certain cities for not repenting; universal principle, 123; things to be repented of, 124-5. Rewards, Jesus's doctrine of, 239-41; promised, 241; spiritual, 241-2. Rich man, entering Kingdom of Heaven, easier to pass through eye of needle, 175-7; and Lazarus, 183. Riches, Jesus's teaching about, 175-8; should be righteously acquired, 178; how used; not riches but love of them is evil, 180. Rich young ruler and Jesus; unwilling to give up riches, 176-7. Restoration of the Gospel and Priesthood to the Prophet Joseph Smith, 323. SSabbath should be kept, 170. Sacrament instituted, 273. Sacrifice required, 176. Samaritan, good, 222-4; lesson of, 224-5. Second coming of Christ foretold, 305. Self control shown by Jesus, 201; strength of, 202. Service, what it means. 187; service pleasing to god, 245; compensation for, 246; value of in the Church. 247; rewarded justly, 247-8; always secular duties to perform, 248; some in the Church; formal performance wrong; extra service a privilege, 249; quality and kind of service determines reward, 259. Sheep, other, meaning Nephites, 294-5; Jesus visited them, 296-7. Sheepfold, Jesus is door to, 135. Slander, sin of, 205-7. Smith, Prophet Joseph, prepared Articles of Faith, 129; Gospel and Priesthood restored to, 323. Sparrow, God notes it, 70. Spirit of Truth the Comforter, 39; like a dove rested on Jesus, 42. Spirits in prison, Gospel preached to, 285. Swearing forbidden, 72. Sychar, Jesus goes to, 35; people of believe, 36. TTalents should be improved, 184-5-6-8. Telephone used as illustration, 24-5; miracle of, 265. Tempest stilled, 257. Testimony of Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, 316-17. Theft, story of, 205-7. Theories of salvation through Jesus's death, 274; true theory, 275. Tithes and offerings should be paid, 249. Tobacco, why a boy uses it, 238. Treasures in heaven, not on earth, 169. Tree known by its fruit, 195. Trespasses, how dealt with, 213-4. VVulgarity condemned, 195. WWater carrier, 185-6. Webster on Christ, 313. Word, Jesus called the, 31: made flesh, 31. Worry almost a sin; no cure for it, found by men, 100; Jesus's cure, 101. Worship, right attitude in; how to worship; what and why we worship, 87. XX-ray, 266. |