American Athletic Rules. MEETINGS. TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE The form of fractions in this book, for example '9 1-4' for 9¼, has been retained. Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. More detail can be found at the end of the book. BEADLE and ADAMS—NEW YORK The American News Co., 39 & 41 Chambers St. N.Y. STANDARD BOOKS OF GAMES AND PASTIMES BEADLE AND ADAMS, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK. DIME BASE-BALL PLAYER FOR 1880. Containing the League and National Club Averages for 1879, together with the Model Games of the season. The prize winners in the National Championship, and new chapters on Batting, Fielding, and Base Running. Also, a New Scoring System, with record of the Metropolitan Championship Games and Pacific League Averages. Edited by Henry Chadwick. HAND-BOOK OF CROQUET. A Complete Guide to the Principles and Practice of the Game. This popular pastime has, during the few years of its existence, rapidly outgrown the first vague and imperfect rules and regulations of its inventor; and, as almost every house at which it is played adopts a different code of laws, it becomes a difficult matter for a stranger to assimilate his play to that of other people. It is, therefore, highly desirable that one uniform system should be generally adopted, and hence the object of this work is to establish a recognized method of playing the game. DIME BOOK OF 100 GAMES. Out-door and in-door SUMMER GAMES for Tourists and Families in the Country, Picnics, etc., comprising 100 Games, Forfeits and Conundrums for Childhood and Youth, Single and Married, Grave and Gay. A Pocket Hand-book for the Summer Season. CRICKET AND FOOT-BALL. A desirable Cricketer's Companion, containing complete instructions in the elements of Bowling, Batting and Fielding; also the Revised Laws of the Game; Remarks on the Duties of Umpires; the Mary-le-Bone Cricket Club Rules and Regulations; Bets, etc. By Henry Chadwick. HAND-BOOK OF PEDESTRIANISM. Giving the Rules for Training and Practice in Walking, Running, Leaping, Vaulting, etc. Edited by Henry Chadwick. YACHTING AND ROWING. This volume will be found very complete as a guide to the conduct of watercraft, and full of interesting information alike to the amateur and the novice. The chapter referring to the great rowing-match of the Oxford and Cambridge clubs on the Thames, will be found particularly interesting. RIDING AND DRIVING. A sure guide to correct Horsemanship, with complete directions for the road and field; and a specific section of directions and information for female equestrians. Drawn largely from "Stonehenge's" fine manual, this volume will be found all that can be desired by those seeking to know all about the horse, and his management in harness and under the saddle. GUIDE TO SWIMMING. Comprising Advisory Instructions; Rules upon Entering the Water; General Directions for Swimming; Diving: How to Come to the Surface; Swimming on the Back; How to Swim in times of Danger; Surf-bathing—How to Manage the Waves, the Tides, etc.; a Chapter for the Ladies; a Specimen Female Swimming School; How to Manage Cases of Drowning; Dr. Franklin's Code for Swimmers; etc. Illustrated. By Capt. Philip Peterson.