THE PETRIFIED FOREST AND THE METEORITE MOUNTAIN "A spell is laid on sod and stone, Night and day are tampered with. Every quality and pith Surcharged and sultry with a power That works its will on age and hour." Emerson A June day in the Petrified Forests of Arizona is an experience that can never fade from memory. Every excursion into this strange, uncanny realm of Arizona, which is an empire in its area; every journey one takes, every trail he follows, leads into strange and fascinating locality; and Adamana, the gateway to the Petrified Forests, has its own spellbinding power for the tourist. Adamana consists of a water tank, the station, and two bungalows, in one of which very comfortable entertainment is offered, and in the other of which dwells a character whom all travellers meet,—Adam Hanna, a distant relative of the late Mark Hanna, the original settler of this region. For a long time the place was known as Adam Hanna's, and when with advancing civilization this designation To leave the comfortable ease of a Pullman sleeper at the witching hour of five in the morning to stop over at Adamana and visit the Petrified Forest requires a degree of fortitude beyond that usually calculated. Left to one's self, one would emulate the example of the man who journeyed to the north pole to see a sunrise that occurred only three days in the year. On the first two mornings he refused to rise on the plea of the further extension of his opportunities; on the third, when his servant reminded him that it was the "last call," he turned over and philosophically remarked that he would come again next year. But the dusky porter allows the tourist no such margin for reflection, and one finds himself standing in some wonderful place spellbound by the witchery of the desert, and the long train vanishing in the distance, almost before he knows whether he has exchanged the land of dreams for the land of day and daylight realities,—for this weird and mystic panorama of the infinite desert, with the bluest of turquoise skies already lighted by the blazing splendor of the June sunrise, and the grotesque, uncanny buttes scattered at intervals all over that vast plain. The intense silence was unbroken save by the voice and footstep of the man representing the little bungalow termed the Forest Hotel. Contrary to one's preconceived ideas of an Arizona It is astonishing how swiftly one relinquishes preconceived ideas of living and learns to get on without electric bells, long-distance telephones, and elaborate conveniences in general, even to the "prepared air," strained through thin layers of cloth, as the latest superfine condition added to a great New York hotel, and adapts one's self to a mode of life in which a simple but very clean room, primitive food, wonderful air, good, kind people, and a petrified forest to amuse him, take the place of the complex and elaborate life of the great Eastern cities. At Adamana one finds himself seventy-five miles from Gallup, New Mexico, the nearest town of any importance, from which all household supplies must be ordered. When the coffee gives out, for instance, seventy-five miles from a lemon; and when a Sunday and a holiday have almost followed each other, thus delaying all orders, one has then the most delightful and spacious opportunities for experimenting on the simple life. The desert offers other things; and while these do not include the menu of "If I am I, as I do hope I be." Perhaps, indeed, he does not so tenaciously cling to that which he remembers of himself yesterday, and is rather interested, on the whole, in accepting some possibly new transformation of his being. The locality seems to him sufficiently well indicated as being, according to his first impression, simply somewhere in the magic and witchery of space. This address might not be accepted by the government postal service, but even that heretofore indispensable matter in some way fades into comparative insignificance. What does one who has an Arizona sky, and a bewildering shimmer of color afar on the horizon that might be "A painted ship upon a painted ocean" or almost anything else,—what does he want of the sublunary detail of eight postal deliveries a day, beginning at half-past seven in the morning, with his first dawn of returning consciousness, and ending with midnight, when he is, very likely, summoned out of his sleep "The only news I know Is bulletins all day From Immortality." There are no birds to "... carol undeceiving things," as in Colorado; but there is, instead, intense silence,—a silence so absolutely intense as to be, by a paradox, fairly vocal; and if one does but catch the music of the spheres for which he finds himself listening, it must be that his powers of hearing are defective. One recalls the lines: "Who loves the music of the spheres And lives on earth, must close his ears To many voices that he hears." To be sure, the Chinese have a proverb that it is not worth while to cut off one's feet to save buying shoes. Yet, if instead of depriving himself of feet he has achieved wings, why, manifestly, there is no need of shoes. There are, when one comes to think of it, a vast number of things in our late civilization for which there is no special need. "For a cap and bells our lives we pay; Bubbles we earn with a whole soul's tasking: 'Tis heaven alone that is given away; 'Tis only God may be had for the asking." In fact, when one comes to reflect upon the aspects of his former life (as he sees them in mental panorama from Adamana), he can only arrive at the conclusion that life is unnecessarily choked and submerged under an ever-increasing burden of things. Emerson, of course, whose insight saw the universe as a crystal sphere which revealed "Things are in the saddle And ride mankind." Why should one be ridden by things? Why should he enslave himself,—mortgage his entire powers of achievement, such as they are, to pay his bills to the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker? Is not the life more than meat, and the spirit than fine raiment? So he may dream for the moment, gazing meditatively at the water-tank, the station, and the two bungalows that comprise Adamana. Good for that day only, at least, is its contrast to the bewildering din of entrepÔts, of ports, of custom-houses, of the general din and warfare of the world he has left behind. SAN FRANCISCO PEAK, NEAR FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA Holbrook, the other station for the Petrified Forests, is twenty miles away. Flagstaff, a very thriving and interesting Arizona town, famous as the site of the Observatory of Prof. Percival Lowell of Boston, is one hundred and fifty miles to the west; and one hour of railroad journey beyond Flagstaff is Williams, the town from which runs the branch railroad to the Grand CaÑon over the rolling mesas crowned with the beautiful peaks of the San Francisco mountains, a distance of sixty-three miles, the journey occupying three hours. The nearest town to Adamana station, in which a daily paper is published, is Albuquerque, in New Mexico, which is nine hundred "The world forgetting, by the world forgot,"— with the vast rolling mesas, with sandstone cliffs offering an uncanny landscape before the eye, with the eternal blue of Arizona skies bending above, with a silence so deep brooding over the desert that one might well feel himself on the moon rather than on earth,—a silence only broken by the semi-daily rush of the long overland trains and occasional freight lines that pass. John Muir, the famous California naturalist, explorer, and author of valuable books on the Western parks, passed the winter of 1905-06 at Adamana with his two daughters, the Misses Wanda and Helen Muir, and it is he who has discovered the new Petrified Forest which he calls the "Blue Forest"—all the specimens having a deep blue tone, while the other three are simply quarries of red moss, agate, amethyst, topaz, pale rose crystals gleaming against a smoky green ground. The landscape effect of the "Bad Lands" from the little bungalow known as the Forest Hotel is of fairy-like enchantment. A shimmer of rose and gray and gold and emerald, it gleams on the horizon. Lighted by a blazing sunset, it might well be "Moreover, something is, or seems, That touches us like mystic gleams, Like glimpses of forgotten dreams." These lines may, perchance, come echoing around one in the air as he loiters at night on the low, long piazza, while the myriad meteors of Arizona skies blaze their way through the transparent air and a sky full of stars contends with the moon for brilliancy; the unearthly, delicate, ethereal coloring of the "Bad Lands" gleaming resplendent on the distant horizon. If the wanderer has fallen upon particularly fortunate days in his horoscope and found Miss Wanda Muir—her quaint name coming from her mother, the daughter of a Polish nobleman—to drive him out to this marvellous "forest" of stone, he will have a pleasure enhanced by interesting conversation. A graduate of Berkeley College in California, and the constant companion of her father in his wanderings, Miss Muir is indeed an ideal guide, and under her hand one June morning the two horses sped along over the rough, stony ground at a pace to set every fibre tingling. One of the features of the Arizona desert is the arroyo, a dry stream, a ready-made river, so to speak, minus the water. Some of these even have a stream of flowing water, only it is under the bed of the river rather "Sometimes in driving out here," said Miss Muir, "a cloudburst comes up while we are in the Petrified Forests, and on returning the horses have to swim this dry stream. Once the water was so high it came into the wagon. Not infrequently, when we go out to the forest, some one comes dashing after us on horseback to warn us to get back as quickly as possible, or the torrents of water from a sudden cloudburst will cut us off altogether, perhaps for a day and a night." The pleasing uncertainty of life in Arizona may be realized from this danger of being suddenly drowned in the arid sands of a desert, and being confronted with a sudden Lodore that descends from the heavens on a midsummer noon. But, as one is constantly saying to himself, Arizona is the land of surprises. No known laws of meteorology, or of any other form of science, hold good here. The mountain peak transforms itself into the bottom of a sea, and the sea suddenly upheaves itself in air and figures as a mountain. Arizona is nature's kaleidoscope; it is the land of transformation. Of the three petrified forests, each separated by a mile or two, the first is reached by a drive of some six miles, while the third is more than twice as far. The second is the largest and most elaborate, and in the aggregate they cover an area of over two thousand acres. The ground is the high rolling mesas, and over it are scattered, At Tiffany's in New York may be seen huge slabs and sections of this petrified wood under high polish. A fine exhibit of it was made at the Paris exposition in 1900, and a specimen of it was presented to Rodin, the great sculptor, who was incredulous of the possibility that this block, apparently of onyx, could have been wood. Through all the forests are these strange rock formations called buttes, rising in the most weird shapes from the sand and stones and sagebrush of the vast desert. What a treasure-ground of antiquity! This region, which seems a plain, is yet higher than the top of Mount Washington, and the All around this high plateau rise on the horizon surrounding cliffs to the height of one hundred and fifty and more feet, serrated into ravines and gorges, variegated with the sandstone formations in all their shimmer of colors, and indicating that this basin was once the bottom of a sea. It is the paradise of the ethnologist as well as of the geologist. Besides cliff ruins and hieroglyphics, almost anywhere, by chance, one may find traces of submerged walls, and following these, a man with an ordinary spade may dig up prehistoric pottery, skeletons, beads, rings, and occasionally necklaces. The pottery, both in design and in scheme of decoration, shows a high degree of civilization. Who were these prehistoric peoples who had built their pueblos and created their implements and pottery and were already old when Plymouth Rock was new? Much of the symbolic creation here still awaits its interpreter. The Petrified Forests are quarries rather than forests; the great fallen logs, branches, and chips, lying prostrate on the ground, are seen glowing and gleaming like jewels. So far as the eye can reach there is not a human habitation. Over the infinite stretch of sand and rocks bends the bluest of skies, and here and there are prehistoric Indian mines, and one ledge of cliffs on which are strange and as yet undeciphered hieroglyphics. The graves of the prehistoric inhabitants of this region are numerous, each containing rare and choice specimens of pottery which are dug out intact. This region seems to have been once thickly populated. The remains of pueblos are numerous. Skeletons are constantly being found. Although the visitor is not allowed to carry away with him a trainload or so of specimens, he may still be permitted a beautiful cross-section of an entire tree trunk, showing all the veins of the wood and the bark, a specimen thin enough to be portable, and worthy a place in any cabinet of curiosities, besides many chips showing all the range of beautiful colors which abound in Chalcedony Every evening at Adamana disclosed a sky panorama of kaleidoscopic wonder. Afar to the horizon the Bad Lands shimmered in a faint dream of colors under the full moon. The stars seemed to hang midway in the air, and frequent meteors blazed through the vast, mysterious space. Adamana is nine hours from Albuquerque, the metropolis It is a new world in itself,—the desert of Arizona. No Leaving the Petrified Forest for the Grand CaÑon, one has a wonderful journey of six hours to Williams, and thence three hours over the branch road to Bright Angel, where the new and magnificent hotel, "El Tovar," captivates the travellers, and from which a stage runs to Grand View, thirteen miles away, where Vishnu Temple, the Coliseum, Solomon's Temple, and other wonders of the marvellous sandstone architecture, in the depths of the Grand CaÑon are viewed. In waiting for the train on the branch road running from Williams to the Grand CaÑon over the beautiful In 1540 Pedro de Tovar, one of the officers who accompanied Coronado through his great expedition, passed through Arizona. Even then an extinct civilization was already old. The ruins of the dwellings of those prehistoric people abound near Flagstaff. In the recesses of Walnut CaÑon there are found cliff-dwellings in great numbers. "Some of these are in ruins, and have but a narrow shelf of the once broad floor of solid rock left to evidence their extreme antiquity. Others are almost wholly intact, having stubbornly resisted the weathering of time." Nothing but fragments of pottery now remain of the many quaint implements and trinkets that characterized these dwellings at the time of their discovery.
Flagstaff is a pleasant mountain town some seven thousand feet above sea level, and is particularly fortunate in being the site of the Lowell Observatory, founded by Professor Percival Lowell of Boston, which brings eminent astronomers and scientists to the place. In the Lowell Observatory some of the best work in modern science is being accomplished, and Professor Lowell and his staff have for some years been devoting themselves to the special study of Mars. Flagstaff was selected for the site of the observatory on account of the singularly clear and still air of Arizona. It is an atmosphere almost without vibration. Never were distances more curiously deceiving to the eye than in Arizona. A point that is apparently only a few yards away may be, in reality, at a distance of two miles. Professor Lowell and his staff have, therefore, In the vestibule of the Institute of Technology in Boston were shown in the spring of 1906 a number of these photographs. To the uninitiated they merely presented a black ground with white lines faintly defined. Professor Lowell says that the special significance of the photographs lies in the fact that they corroborate the results shown by other photographers of Mars, and that they also corroborate the methods. That the sensitive plate of the camera will record a star never visible through even the strongest glass, and thus prove its existence, is a wonderful fact in stellar photography. CaÑon Diablo is one of the volcanic phenomena of Arizona,—a narrow chasm some two hundred and fifty feet deep, several miles long, and five or six hundred feet wide, which the Santa FÉ road crosses on a wonderful steel spider-web bridge a few miles before reaching Flagstaff. It is one of the curious things for which the tourist is watching. For so intensely interesting is the entire journey westward after leaving La Junta in Colorado, that the traveller who realizes the wonderland through which he is passing is very much on the alert for the landscape. Between Adamana and Flagstaff is a strangely interesting country. Here is Meteorite Mountain, where evidently The Meteorite Mountain is situated not more than ten miles south of CaÑon Diablo, from which station the traveller may drive to this phenomenal cavity. Within recent months shafts are being projected into the earth to discover, if possible, whether the meteoric theory is the true one. More and more, with every year, is science undertaking to "pluck out the heart of the mystery" in this problematic Arizona. Prof. G. K. Gilbert, of the United States Geological Survey, has made a special study of this phenomenon, and it is he who experimented with a magnetic test, assuming that if an enormous meteorite had hurled itself into the earth until it was buried past excavation, the great mass of metallic iron would still respond to the test, and furnish unmistakable proof of its presence if subjected to magnetic attraction. A scientific writer who has recently made a study of Meteorite Mountain thus reports the conditions:
In the immediate vicinity of Meteorite Mountain several tons of meteoric fragments have been found of which Prof. George Wharton James has one, weighing about a ton, on his lawn at his charming residence in Pasadena. Professor Gilbert did not meet success when he tried the magnetic test, and in discussing this matter in an address on "The Origin of Hypotheses," delivered before the Geological Society in Washington last year, he said:
Sir William Crookes has been deeply interested in the phenomenon of Meteorite Mountain, which must take rank with the Petrified Forests and even with the Grand CaÑon as one of the marvels of Arizona. The meteoric shower which seems to have accompanied the falling of the huge meteorite—if the theory of its existence is true—has recorded its traces over a radius of more than five miles from the crater-like cavity. The experiment of Dr. Foote is thus described:
In this desert plateau of dull red sandstone worn by the erosion and the storms of untold ages, does there indeed lie a submerged star? And if there does, buried so deep in the earth as to elude as yet all the research of science, what force projected it, "shot madly from its sphere," into the desert lands of Arizona? To visit these extraordinary things—the Petrified Forests, the Meteorite Mountain, the Grand CaÑon—is to feel, in the words of the poet,— "These are but seeds of days, Not yet a steadfast morn, An intermittent blaze, An embryo god unborn. I snuff the breath of my morning afar, I see the pale lustres condense to a star: The fading colors fix, The vanishing are seen, And the world that shall be Twins the world that has been." |