Abinger, Lord, 18
“Abt Vogler,” 205
“Andrea del Sarto,” 152, 170
“Any Wife to Any Husband,” 152
“Apprehension, An,” 47
Arnold, Matthew, 112
Arnould, Joseph, friendship for Browning, 14, 39, 40, 129;
letters to Domett, 69, 94, 99, 103
Ashburton, Lady Louisa, 222
“Asolando,” 5, 282, 292
“Aurora Leigh,” 50, 52, 76, 127, 134, 143, 148, 158, 160, 164, 167, 171, 174-176, 210
“Balaustion’s Adventure,” 229
Barrett, Alfred, 16, 164
——, Arabel, 16, 50, 129, 137, 164, 202, 212
——, Edward (brother), 16, 22, 59;
death of, 18, 62, 135
——, Edward (father) legal name, 17;
marriage, 18;
character, 20, 21, 121, 164;
death, 178
——, Elizabeth. See Moulton-Barrett, Elizabeth
——, George, 16, 50
——, Henrietta (Mrs. Surtees Cook), 16, 50;
marriage, 121;
affection for sister, 129;
137, 164, 192
——, Mrs. (mother), 18, 21
“Battle of Marathon,” 20
“Beatrice Signorini,” 237, 267
“Bells and Pomegranates,” 14, 39, 67, 68
“Ben Karshook’s Wisdom,” 158
Berdoe, Dr., commentary on "Paracelsus," 37
“Bertha in the Lane,” 46, 71
“Bishop Blougram’s Apology,” 205
Blagden, Isabella, friendship with Brownings, 111, 112, 178, 182, 184, 190, 191, 197, 200, 201, 207, 225;
death, 229
Blessington, Lady, 33, 113, 138
“Blot in the ’Scutcheon, A,” 69
“Book of the Poets, The,” 64, 206
Boyd, Hugh Stuart, tutor, 22;
letters from Elizabeth Barrett, 25, 45, 53, 55, 63, 64, 68, 73, 89
Bronson, Mrs. Arthur (Katherine DeKay), friendship with Browning, 242, 273;
letters from Browning, 243, 248, 249, 252-260, 265, 271, 272, 277-286, 291, 292;
hospitality, 242, 274-276;
entertains Browning in Asolo, 286, 287, 290;
letters from Robert Barrett Browning, 293-294;
letter from Sarianna Browning, 295
Bronson, Edith (Contessa Rucellai), 275, 280
Brooks, Rev. Dr. Phillips, 211, 212
Browning, Mrs. (mother), 4-6, 38
——, Elizabeth Barrett, birth, 16;
childhood, 17, 19;
ancestry, 17, 18;
first literary work, 20;
accident to, 21;
studies, 22;
tastes, 23, 24;
removal to Sidmouth, 24;
translation of "Prometheus Bound," 44;
removal to London, 45;
fugitive poems, 46-48, 53;
Hebrew Bible, 49;
definite periods in her life, 50;
change of residence, 54, 56;
notable friends, 58, 59;
publication of "The Seraphim," 56;
literary criticisms, 60, 61, 67, 68;
goes to Torquay, 59;
personal appearance, 58;
death of brother, 62;
returns to England, 63;
translations from Greek, 64;
description of her room, 65;
refusal to meet Browning, 65;
publication of two volumes of poems, 71;
literary reputation established, 71, 72;
first letter from Browning, 73, 74;
correspondence of poets, 74-89;
meets Browning, 80;
lyrics, 83, 84;
marriage, 87, 89;
will, 93;
lyrics, 100, 101;
mentioned for Laureateship, 121, 122;
books read by, 143;
genius for friendship, 148;
comment on dress, 151;
description of, 153, 179;
souvenir locket, 153;
views on life, 159;
appreciation of Tennyson, 166;
success of "Aurora Leigh," 174-176;
American appreciation, 187;
ill health, 193, 195;
closing days, 196;
last words, 197;
burial, 197;
tomb, 200;
tablet on Casa Guidi to her memory, 218, 264;
Tauchnitz edition of poems, 227
Browning, Reuben (uncle), 8
——, Robert (father), character and qualities, 4-6;
removal to Paris, 132;
talent for caricature, 137;
death, 210
——, Robert (grandfather), 4
——, Robert, ancestry of, 4-6;
birth, 4;
childhood and early tastes, 6-8;
first literary work, 7;
home atmosphere, 10, 11;
school, 12;
influenced by Byron and Shelley, 13, 14;
juvenile verses, 14;
publication of "Pauline," 14;
visit to Russia, 27, 28;
meets Wordsworth, Landor, Dickens, and Leigh Hunt, 30, 32;
personal appearance, 31;
writes play for Macready, 33;
visit to Venice, 35, 36;
removal to Hatcham, 38;
English friends and social life, 38-41;
hears of Elizabeth Barrett, 41;
visit to Italy, 70, 71;
return to England, 71;
correspondence of the poets, 74-89;
first meeting with Miss Barrett, 80;
marriage, 87, 89;
sees "Sonnets from the Portuguese," 109;
lyrics, 120, 121, 152;
keynote of his art, 122-125;
interpretation of Shelley, 133, 134;
Fisher’s portrait of, 153;
Page’s portrait of, 155;
literary standing, 172;
finds "Old Yellow Book," 181;
homage to Landor, 183;
leaves Florence forever, 200;
returns to London, 200;
takes London house, 202;
literary work, 203-207;
extension of social activities, 206, 207;
friendship with Jowett, 209;
meeting with Tennyson, 210;
death of father, 210;
Oxford conferred degree of M.A., 211;
made Honorary Fellow of Balliol College, 211;
new six-volume edition of poems, 213;
dedication to Tennyson, 213;
success of "The Ring and the Book," 214-215;
comparison of character of Pompilia to that of his wife, 219;
visits Scotland with the Storys, 221-222;
conversation and personal charm, 222-224;
with Milsand in "Red Cotton Night-cap Country," 224-226;
prepares Tauchnitz edition of Mrs. Browning’s poems, 227;
friendship with Domett, 228;
relations with Tennyson, 230-232;
facility for rhyming, 231;
visit to Oxford and Cambridge, 232;
sojourn at "La Saisiaz," 233-234;
revisits Italy, 235, 239-240;
doctrine of life, 237;
Oxford conferred degree of D.C.L., 241;
son’s portrait of, 242;
friendship with Mrs. Bronson, 242;
gift from Browning Societies, 243;
letters to Mrs. Bronson, 243, 248, 249, 252-260, 84
Cook, Mrs. Surtees. See Barrett, Henrietta
Corson, Dr. Hiram, criticism of Browning’s poetry, 29, 218;
visit to Browning, 35, 222, 244, 245-247, 290-291;
founder of Browning Society, 240-241;
letters from Browning, 247, 259;
Cosimo I, statue of, 114
“Cowper’s Grave,” 46, 57
Coxhoe Hall, 16
Cranch, Christopher Pearse, 111
Crosse, Andrew, 58, 59
“Crowned and Wedded,” 46
“Cry of the Children, The,” 46
“Curse for a Nation, A,” 186
Curtis, George William, 118, 119
Cushman, Charlotte, 40, 141
“Dead Pan, The,” 47, 68, 83
“Deaf and Dumb,” 205
“Death in the Desert, A,” 205, 237
“Denial, A,” 84
“De Profundis,” 18, 52, 136
“Development,” 5
Dickens, Charles, 30, 33, 59, 61, 69
Dilke, Mr., 64
Domett, Alfred, friendship for Browning, 14, 39, 228;
Browning’s letters to, 42, 43;
Arnould’s letters to, 69, 94, 99, 103
Dowden, Dr. Edward, 97, 133
Dowson, Christopher, 39
“Drama of Exile, A,” 46, 71-72
“Dramatic Idyls,” 236
“Dramatis PersonÆ,” 203-205
“Dryope,” statue of, 263
Dulwich Gallery, 11
Eastnor Castle, 22
Egerton-Smith, Miss, 233-234
Elgin, Lady, 131, 132, 167
Eliot, George, 190
“Englishman in Italy, The,” 71
“Epistle of Karnish,” 158
“Essay on Mind,” 22
“Eurydice to Orpheus,” 265
“Evelyn Hope,” 120
“Face, A,” 205
Faucit, Helen (Lady Martin), 70, 143
“Ferishtah’s Fancies,” 244
Field, Kate, Browning gives locket, 154;
visit to the Brownings, 182;
Browning’s letters to, 183, 186, 208;
Mrs. Browning’s letter to, 187
“Fifine,” 237
“Flight of the Duchess, The,” 80, 152
“Flute-Music,” 267
Forster, John, criticism of “Paracelsus,” 30;
friendship for Browning, 31, 32, 129;
33, 39, 69
Fox, Rev. William Johnson, 30, 140, 141
“Fra Lippo Lippi,” 152, 169-170
Franceschini, tragedy of, 181
Fuller, Margaret. See D’Ossoli, Marchesa
Furnivall, Dr., 240
“Futurity,” 47
Garrow, Theodosia. See Trollope
Giorgi, Signor, 217
“Gold Hair,” 204
Gosse, Edmund, 97, 281
“Grammarian’s Burial, A,” 152
“Greek Christian Poets, The,” 23, 65, 206
Griffin, Professor Hall, 27, 118, 134
“Guardian Angel, The,” 103, 152
Gurney, Rev. Archer, 38
“Half Rome,” 218
Haworth, Fanny, letter from Browning, 36;
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 150, 178-179
“Hector in the Garden,” 47
“Helen’s Tower,” 222
“HervÉ Riel,” 211
Hillard, George Stillman, 106, 118
Hodell, Dr. Charles W., 215-216
Holmes, Dr. Oliver Wendell, 48
“Holy Cross Day,” 158
Hope End, 16, 19, 22, 24
Horne, Richard Hengist, letter from Elizabeth Barrett, 19, 59;
friendship with Miss Barrett, 30, 53, 60, 61, 62, 65, 68
Hosmer, Harriet, takes cast of “Clasped Hands,” 153;
excursion with Brownings, 156, 157;
letter from Browning, 168;
visits poets, 191, 194
“How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix,” 35
“In a Balcony,” 144, 158, 203
“In a Gondola,” 36
“Inclusions,” 84
“Incondita,” 14, 140
“Inn Album,” 232, 269
“Insufficiency,” 47, 84
“In the Doorway,” 207
“Isabel’s Child,” 46, 57
Italy, political conditions of, 105, 108, 115, 117, 121, 143, 180
“Ivan Ivanovitch,” 27, 236
James, Henry, characterization of Browning, 224
“James Lee’s Wife,” 204, 261
Jameson, Mrs., friendship with Miss Barrett, 73, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 129;
letter from Browning, 108
Jerrold, Douglas, 41
Jowett, Dr., 209, 229, 281
Kemble, Mrs. Fanny, 129, 138, 153, 154, 155
Kenyon, John, 33;
meets Browning, 40;
offers an introduction to Miss Barrett, 41;
visit to Rydal Mount, 56;
account of, 58, 59;
termed the “joy-giver,” 65;
shows manuscript of “Dead Pan” to Browning, 68;
dedication of "Paracelsus" to, 69;
appreciation of, 74;
letters to the Brownings, 74, 97;
friendship, 112, 113, 129, 137;
dedication of “Aurora Leigh” to, 174;
death and legacy to Brownings, 176
Kingsley, Charles, 139
King Victor and King Charles, 69
Kinney, Mrs., 144, 145
“Lady and the Painter, The,” 288
“Lady Geraldine’s Courtship,” 71, 72, 73
“Lament for Adonis,” 23
Landor, Walter Savage, chirography of, 23;
meets Browning, 30;
courtesy of, 32;
meets Miss Barrett, 55, 59, 137;
quoted, 60;
intimacy with Leigh Hunt, 112, 113;
opinions, 138;
guest of Brownings, 182;
homage from Browning, 183;
guest of Storys, 183, 184, 190, 192
“La Saisiaz,” 233-234
“Last Poems,” 202
“La Torre all’ Antella,” 264, 295
“La ValliÈre,” 33
Leighton, Sir Frederic, 200
“Les Charmettes,” 238
“Lost Leader, The,” 32
“Loved Once,” 83, 84
Lowell, James Russell, 51, 74
“Luria,” 69
Lytton, Bulwer, 33, 53, 60
——, Lord (Owen Meredith), 142;
entertains Mrs. Browning, 145-146;
visits the Brownings, 149, 150, 158
Macready, William, meeting with Browning, 30, 31;
suggests playwriting to Browning, 32;
sees “Strafford,” 33;
produces “Strafford,” 34;
dinner to Browning, 39;
produces “A Blot in the ’Scutcheon,” 69, 70
Marcello, Contessa, 276
Martineau, Harriet, friendship with Brownings, 33, 35, 39, 60, 62, 68
Masson, Professor, Browning entertained by, 249-251
Mazzini, 13, 143
Medici, Marchesa Peruzzi di, birthday fÊte, 184;
reminiscences of, 188, 193;
visit to Scotland, 221;
villa of, 239;
translation of DuprÈ’s Autobiography, 257;
Browning’s letter to, 33, 34, 35, 57
Talfourd, Field, 39
Talfourd, Sergeant, 30, 32, 40, 60, 69
Taylor, Bayard, 129
Tennyson, Alfred, 15;
comment on “Sordello,” 41;
works, 56, 68;
Miss Barrett’s comments on, 61, 67, 120;
becomes Laureate, 122;
letter to Mrs. Browning, 139, 140;
reads “Maud” to the poets, 165;
letters from Browning, 209, 230, 284;
friendship with Browning, 231;
dedication, 213;
regarding Browning’s lines, 232
——, Frederick, 144, 158
——, Hallam, 296
“Tertium Quid,” 218
Thackeray, Anne. See Ritchie, Lady
Ticknor and Fields, 156
Tittle, Margaret, 4
“Toccata of Galuppi’s, A,” 120
Trollope, Thomas Adolphus and Theodosia, 59, 111, 112, 190, 229
“Two Poets of Croisic,” 236
“Valediction, A,” 84
Vallombrosa, 98, 99
Villari, Mme. Pasquale, 112
“Virgin Mary to the Child Jesus, The,” 46
“Vision of Poets, A,” 71
Wiedemann, Sarah Anna, 4-6
“Wine of Cyprus,” 23, 86
“Woman’s Last Word, A,” 120
Wordsworth, William, 30, 32, 55, 56, 59, 68, 94
Zampini, Fanny (Contessa Salazar), 161