Louise Chandler Moulton, Æt. 20 From a daguerreotype. | Frontispiece | | FACING PAGE | Elmwood Cottage, Pomfret, Conn., the girlhood home of Louise Chandler Moulton Engraved on a watch belonging to her mother. | 5 | Louise Chandler Moulton, Æt. 18 From a daguerreotype containing a slip of paper upon which Mrs. Moulton had written, "Taken in Boston the day I first saw my husband,—Spring of 1853." | 34 | Facsimile of a letter from Robert Browning | 96 | Lucius Lemuel Chandler, Mrs. Moulton's father From an old daguerreotype. | 104 | The library in Mrs. Moulton's Boston home, 28 Rutland Square From a photograph. | 109 | Louise Chandler Moulton From a photograph by W. Kurtz. | 122 | Facsimile of the original draft of "Laus Veneris," in Mrs. Moulton's handwriting | 143 | Facsimile of a letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes | 164 | Louisa Rebecca Chandler, Mrs. Moulton's mother From an old daguerreotype. | 199 | William U. Moulton From a photograph. | 215 | Louise Chandler Moulton From a photograph by Mendelssohn, London, taken about 1896. | 227 | Louise Chandler Moulton's grave in Mount Auburn, Cambridge, Mass. | 275 | Facsimile of book plate from the Memorial Collection of the Books of Louise Chandler Moulton, Boston Public Library | 282 |