/li> marriage of, 294, 295; early married life of, 295, 296; quoted, 297, 298, 300, 303, 305, 319, 320, 321; in Pope Leo’s court, 302; her husband’s death, 302; removal of, 304; fame of, 306; return to Rome of, 307; Longfellow’s picture of, 308, 309, 310, 325, 326, 327; travels of, 308, 311; her influence with Michael Angelo, 313; life in Rome and Orvieto, 314; receives letters and sonnet from Michael Angelo, 317; receives present from Michael Angelo, 318; arranges meeting of Michael Angelo and Francesco d’Ollanda, 322, 323, 324; Walter Pater’s comments on, 328; death of, 329; last prayer of, 330; burial of, 331; tomb of, 332; bust of, 334; fame of, 335, 336; Margaret J. Preston’s poem on, 337. Condivi, quoted, 313. Contarini, Cardinal, 306. Corsini chapel, 152. Crawford, Marion, in Rome, 11, 13. Crawford, Thomas, in Rome, 49; - career of, 51;
- poem on, 52.
Crow, Hon. Wayman, 61. CumÆ, 241. CumÆan Sibyl, 242. - da Bisticci, Vespasiano, 383.
- Dalbano, Edoardo, 236.
- Dana, Richard Henry, 219.
- Dante, quoted, 267-270;
- Mazzini’s estimate of, 454.
- d’Avalos, Donna Constanza, 291.
- d’Avalos, Francesco, 290, 294, 295.
- De Castro, Consul General, in Rome, 169.
- Decline of art, 31.
- d’Ollanda, Francesco, 457;
- lakes of, 449;
- contemporary literature of, 456.
- James, Henry, in Rome, 11, 13.
- Jameson, Mrs., in Rome, 67;
- Johnson, Robert Underwood, quoted, 416, 421.
- Juvenal, birthplace of, 277.
- Keats, in Rome, 11, 132;
- Kemble, Adelaide, in Rome, 68.
- Kemble, Fanny, in Rome, 68.
- Keynote of life, 359.
- Khayyam, Omar, quoted, 1, 94.
- Lacus Avernus, 240.
- Lanciani, Professor, lectures by, 138, 139;
- Leaning Tower of Pisa, 450.
- Libraries of Rome, 214, 223.
- Lister, Mrs., in Rome, 172.
- Liszt, AbbÉ, in Rome, 18, 19.
- Little, Canon Knox, quoted, 347, 348, 376, 377, 380.
- Lodge, Sir Oliver, quoted, 120.
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, in Rome, 12;
- quoted, 16, 17, 125, 253, 274, 279, 281, 308, 309, 310, 325, 327, 387.
- Longfellow, Rev. Samuel, quoted, 18.
- Lowell, James Russell, in Rome, 12.
- Ludovisi collection, 185.
- Luther, in Rome, 80;
- ascent of the Scala Santa, 156.
- Margherita, Queen Mother, 140, 141;
- palace of, 142;
- quoted, 143;
- relations with artists, 144;
- at requiem mass, 179.
- Marino, 286, 287.
- Mazzini, 191, 7, 10;
- quoted, 35;
- realism of, 119.
- Tiberius, summer palace of, 262;
- Tilton, J. Rollin, in Rome, 10;
- Titian, tomb of, 405.
- Torlonia, Duca and Duchessa of, 334.
- Trelawney, grave of, 216.
- TrinitÀ di Monti, church of, 133.
- Tusculum, 207.
- Umberto, King, 142.
- Umbrians, 345.
- Urbino, 285.
- Vanderlyn, in Rome, 10.
- Vaughn, Monsignor, 181.
- Vatican, galleries of, 112.
- Vatican palace, 196, 198.
- Vedder, Anita, in Rome, 171.
- Vedder, Elihu, in Rome, 10;
- art of, 91-95;
- appreciation of, 96;
- works of, 96, 97;
- country house of, 262.
- Vedder, Mrs. Elihu, in Rome, 170.
- Venice, first glimpses of, 389;
- Grand Canal of, 390;
- in June, 391;
- color and loveliness of, 392;
- art of, 395, 396;
- origin of, 398;
- first Doge of, 399;
- Renaissance architecture in, 399;
- Doge’s Palace, 400-404;
- art in, 404;
- fall of Campanile in, 406;
- Browning Palace in, 408-413;
- centenary of Carlo Goldoni celebrated in, 413, 414;
- art exhibition in, 415;
- June evening in, 416;
- as a poet’s dream, 418.
- Vernet, Horace, in Rome, 10.
- Verona, 311.
- Veronese, Paolo, 404.
- Vesuvius, 229.
- Via Bonella, 45.
- Victor Emmanuel III, 118, 215, 432, 444.
- Villa Aldobrandini, 208.
- Villa Barberini, 209.
- Villa Borghese, 14, 187.
- Villa Doria,