CHAPTER | | PAGE | I. | The World Outside | 9 | II. | Outside Pike Street | 24 | III. | The Theatre | 33 | IV. | A Friend of the People | 41 | V. | The Horizon Widens | 46 | VI. | Tea À La Mode | 58 | VII. | Jephthah | 66 | VIII. | Unconventional Justice | 75 | IX. | A Strain on the Cable | 83 | X. | Disintegration by Degrees | 97 | XI. | Politics and Pauline | 107 | XII. | One Body and One Spirit | 115 | XIII. | To the Greeks Foolishness | 120 | XIV. | The School of Adversity: the Sixth Form thereof | 134 | XV. | End of the Beginning | 148 | XVI. | Cowfold | 155 | XVII. | When Wilt Thou Arise Out of Thy Sleep? Yet a Little Sleep | 168 | XVIII. | A Religious Picnic | 175 | XIX. | “The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto Leaven” | 182 | XX. | The Reverend Thomas Broad’s Exposition of Romans viii. 7 | 188 | XXI. | The Wisdom of the Serpent | 195 | XXII. | The Oracle Warns—after the Event | 199 | XXIII. | Further Development | 208 | XXIV. | “I Came Not to Send Peace, But a Sword” | 215 | XXV. | “And a Man’s Foes Shall be They of His Own Household” | 231 | XXVI. | A Professional Consultation | 239 | XXVII. | Mr. Broad’s Last Church Meeting—Latimer Chapel | 247 | “Per various casus, per tot discrimina rerum, Tendimus in Latium; sedes ubi fata quietas Ostendunt. Illic fas regna resurgere TrojÆ. Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis.” —Virgil. “By diuers casis, sere parrellis and sufferance Unto Itaill we ettill (aim) quhare destanye Has schap (shaped) for vs ane rest and quiet harbrye Predestinatis thare Troye sall ryse agane. Be stout on prosper fortoun to remane.” —Gwain Douglas’s translation.