| Emperors of Germany. | A.D. | | Maximilian I.—(cont.) | 1519. | Charles V.,(1st of Spain.) | 1558. | Ferdinand I. | 1564. | Maximilian II. | 1576. | Rodolph II. | | Kings of England. | A.D. | | Henry VII.—(cont.) | 1509. | Henry VIII. | 1547. | Edward VI. | 1553. | Mary. | 1558. | Elizabeth. | | Kings of Scotland. | A.D. | | James IV. (cont.) | 1513. | James V. | 1542. | Mary. | 1567. | James Vi. | | Kings of France. | A.D. | | Louis XII.—(cont.) | 1515. | Francis I. | 1547. | Henry II. | 1559. | Francis II. | 1560. | Charles IX. | 1574. | Henry III. | | (The Bourbons.) | 1589. | Henry IV. | | Kings of Spain. | A.D. | 1512. | Ferdinand V., (the Catholic.) | 1516. | Charles I., (Emperor of Germany.) | 1556. | Philip II. | 1598. | Philip III. | Distinguished Men. Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Raffaelle, Correggio, Titian, (Painters,) Sir Philip Sydney, Raleigh, Spenser, Shakspeare, (1564-1616,) Ariosto, Tasso, Lope de Vega, Calderon, Cervantes, Scaliger, (1484-1558,) Copernicus, (1473-1543,) Knox, (1505-1572,) Calvin, (1509-1564,) Beza, (1519-1605,) Bellarmine, (1542-1621,) Tycho Brahe, (1546-1601.)