201. Elephant and his trunk, 232; anecdotes of, 234-236. Epomophorus, a genus of tropical bats alluded to by the poet-laureate, 39. Erskine's sheep and the woolsack, 298. Esquimaux dogs, 78, 86. Ettrick Shepherd's monkey, 27, 28; on fox-hunting, 139-141; on whales, 316. Fabricius on Arctic fox, 143. Ferret, 75, 76. Field mouse turned up by Robert Burns, 206-208. Findhorn fisherman and monkey, 29, 30. Flush, lines to her dog, by Mrs Browning, 89-93. Foote, Samuel, makes cows pull bell at Oxford, 306. Forster, Dr, on the fox-bats of the Friendly Islands, 42, 43. Fournier on the squirrel, 196. Fowler the tailor and Gainsborough the artist, 2, 3. Fox, Charles James, on the poll-cat, 77. Fox, 138. Fox-hunting, from the "Noctes," 139-141. Fox-bats, particulars of their history, 41-47. Frederick the Great and his Italian greyhounds, 104. French count at deer-stalking, 293, 294; dogs, time of Louis XI., 110; marquis and his monkey, 30, 31. Fry, Mrs, on Irish pigs, 252. Fuller, Thomas, on destructive fieldmice, 208, 209. Fuller on Norfolk rabbits, 223. Fuseli on Northcote's picture of Balaam and the Ass, 281. Future state of animals, Toplady on, 312. Gainsborough and Fowler the tailor, 2, 3; his wife and their dogs, 100, 101; pigs, countryman on, 252; kept an ass, 277. Garrick and the horse, 259. Gell, Sir William, his dog, 101. General's cow at Plymouth, 308. George III. at Winchester, meets Garrick, 290. Miller, Hugh, on badger-baiting in the Canongate, 72-74. Miscellaneous eating about a pig, 238. Mitchell, D. W., on the habits of a young chimpanzee, 22-24. Mitchell's antipathy to cats, 155. Model dog of the artist Collins, 96, 97. Mole, its habits, 49. Monkey revered by Hindoos, 35. Monkeys, 9; liable to lung disease in British islands, 22; Rev. Sydney Smith on, 34, 35; poor relations, 34. Montagu, Duke of, and his hospital for old cows, &c., 309. Montgomery, James, his translation of a definition of man, 4; and his cats, 155, 156. Moore, General, and his horse at Corunna, 268. Moore on Gilpin and Boatswain, two dogs, 95, 96. Moore, Dr John, sketch of a French marquis and his monkey, 30, 31. More, Hannah, on dog of Garrick's, 105. Moreau and his greyhound, 113. Moses, a dog of Mrs Schimmelpenninck's, 122. Moth larvÆ eating at night, 37. Mounsey, anecdote of, 269. Mouse that amused Baron von Trenck, 209, 210. Mules should have their own way, 286. Museum of John Hunter, 164, 165. Musical cats, 152, 153. Musk rat, 200. Myrmecophaga jubata, 225-229. Names given to horses, 270-274. Napier, Charles, and the lion in the Tower, 173. Natural history collectors of the days of Addison and Steele, 5, 8. Neill, Dr Patrick, 5. Nelson and the Polar bear, 67-69; in Arctic seas, 186. Newfoundland dog, 126. N'Geena, or gorilla, 18. Nicol, George, the bookseller and hunter, 165. Norfolk, Duke of, and his spaniels, 114. North, Sir Dudley, visits the rhinoceros, 231. North, Lor[1] There are many anecdotes in this book not included in this list, which gives however, the principal. PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE AND COMPANY EDINBURGH AND LONDON Transcriber's note: "The Aye-Aye, or Cheiromys of Madagascar (with a Plate)" Unfortunately no plate could be found for this particular section. Reference to it was removed from the Table of Contents. |