We went out to see Yank, with the full intention of spending the evening and cheering him up. He was dozing, restless, waking and sleeping by fits and starts. We sat around in the awkward fashion peculiar to very young boys in the sickroom; and then, to our vast relief, were shoved out by SeÑora MoreÑa. With her we held a whispered conversation outside, and completed satisfactory arrangements for Yank’s keep. She was a chuckling, easy-going, motherly sort of creature, and we were very lucky to have her. Then we returned in the gathering dusk to our camp under the trees across the way. A man rose from a seat against a tree trunk. “Good evenin’, stranger,” said he. “Good evening,” responded Johnny guardedly. “You are the man who stuck up Scar-face Charley in Morton’s place, ain’t you?” “What’s that to you?” replied Johnny. “Are you a friend of his?” His habitual air of young carelessness had fallen from him; his eye was steady and frosty, his face set in stern lines. Before my wondering eyes he had grown ten years older in the last six hours. The other was lounging toward us–a short, slight man, with flaxen moustache and eyebrows, “Well, I was just inquirin’ in a friendly sort of way,” replied the newcomer peaceably. “I don’t know you,” stated Johnny shortly, “nor who you’re friends to, nor your camp. I deny your right to ask questions. Good night.” “Well, good night,” agreed the other, still peaceable. “I reckon I gather considerable about you, anyhow.” He turned away. “I had a notion from what I heard that you was sort of picked on, and I dropped round, sort of friendly like; but Lord love you! I don’t care how many of you desperadoes kill each other. Go to it, and good riddance!” He cast his pale blue eyes on Johnny’s rigid figure. “Also, go to hell!” he remarked dispassionately. Johnny stared at him puzzled. “Hold on!” he called, after a moment. “Then you’re not a friend of this Hound?” The stranger turned in slow surprise. “Me? What are you talking about?” He looked from one to the other of us, then returned the few steps he had taken. “I believe you don’t know me. I’m Randall, Danny Randall.” “Yes?” puzzled Johnny. “Of Sonoma,” added Randall. “I suppose I should know you, but I’m afraid I don’t,” confessed Johnny. Randall turned back to the tree beneath which lay our effects. We blew up the fire, scoured the frying pan, made ourselves food. Randall brought a pail of water. We all ate together, without much conversation; then lit our pipes and piled on dry wood to make a brighter friendship fire. “Now, boys,” said Randall, “I’m going to ask you some questions; and you can answer me or not, just as you please. Only I’ll say, it isn’t just curiosity.” Johnny, who was studying him covertly from beneath the shadow of his hat, nodded briefly, but said nothing. “How long have you been in the mines?” “Since March.” “Since March!” echoed Randall, as though a little bewildered at this reply. “Yet you never heard-What camp?” Johnny studied a while. “Hangman’s Gulch for six weeks,” said he. “Then just prospecting.” “Where?” “I don’t believe I’ll answer that question,” replied Johnny slowly. “But somewhere back in the hills?” persisted Randall. “Somewhere back in the hills,” agreed Johnny. “Seems to me-” I broke in, but Johnny silenced me with a gesture. He was watching Randall intently, and thinking hard. “Then you have been out of it for three months or so. That explains it. Now I don’t mind telling you I came “Fair,” said Johnny. “You need to be. Let’s see if you are. Stand up. Try to get the draw on me. Now!” Johnny reached for his pistol, but before his hand was fairly on the butt, Randall had thrust the muzzle of a small revolver beneath his nose. His pale blue eyes had lit with concentration, his bleached eyebrows were drawn together. For an instant the thought flashed across my mind that this was a genuine hold-up; and I am sure Johnny caught the same suspicion, for his figure stiffened. Then Randall dropped his hand. “Very pretty,” said Johnny coolly. “How did you do that? I didn’t catch your motion.” “From the sleeve,” said Randall. “It’s difficult, but it’s pretty, as you say; and if you learn to draw from the sleeve, I’ll guarantee you’ll get the draw on your man every time.” “Show me,” said Johnny simply. He handed Johnny a beautifully balanced small Colt’s revolver, engraved, silver-plated, with polished rosewood handles. This he showed Johnny how to stow away in the sleeve, how to arrange it, how to grasp it, and the exact motion in snatching it away. “It takes practice, lots of it, and then more of it,” said Randall. “It’s worse than useless unless you get it just right. If you made a mistake at the wrong time, the other man would get you sure.” “Where can I get one of these?” asked Johnny. “Good!” Randall approved his decision. “You see the necessity. You can’t. But a derringer is about as good, and Jones has them for sale. Now as for your holster gun: the whole trick of quick drawing is to throw your right shoulder forward and drag the gun from the holster with one forward sweep. Don’t lift it up and out. This way!” He snapped his hand past his hip and brought it away armed. “Pretty,” repeated Johnny. “Don’t waste much powder and ball shooting at a mark,” advised Randall. “It looks nice to cut out the ace of hearts at ten yards, but it doesn’t mean much. If you can shoot at all, you can shoot straight enough to hit a man at close range. Practise the draw.” He turned to me. “You’d better practise, too. Every man’s got to take care of himself these days. But you’re not due for trouble same as your friend is.” “I’m obliged to you,” said Johnny. “You are not. Now it’s up to you. I judged you “Now I wonder who Danny Randall is!” speculated Johnny after our visitor had departed. “He talked as though we ought to know all about it. I’m going to find out the first fellow I get acquainted with.” Next morning we asked the MoreÑas who was Danny Randall. “El diabolo,” replied MoreÑa shortly; and trudged obstinately away to his work without vouchsafing further information. “Which is interesting, but indefinite,” said Johnny. We found Yank easier in body, and embarked on the sea of patience in which he was to float becalmed until his time was up. In reply to his inquiries as to our plans, we told him we were resting a few days, which was the truth. Then we went up to town and made two purchases; a small tent, and a derringer pistol. They cost us three hundred and fifty dollars. It was the quiet time of day; the miners had gone to work, and most of the gentlemen of leisure were not yet about. Nevertheless a dozen or so sat against the walls, smoking paper cigarettos. They all looked at us curiously; and several nodded at Johnny in a brief, tentative sort of fashion. The rest of the day, and of several days following, we spent in putting up our tent, ditching it, arranging our cooking affairs, building rough seats, and generally making ourselves comfortable. We stretched these things to cover “But that proves nothing as to how it would work out in real action,” said Johnny thoughtfully. The afternoon of the third day, while we were resting from the heat beneath the shade of our tree, we were approached by three men. “THE BIG MAN WHIRLED TO THE FLOOR” “We are still here,” replied Johnny with smooth politeness. “As you see, we have been fixing our quarters to stay here.” “Scar-face Charley is here, too,” observed the spokesman, “and he wanted me to tell you that he is going to be at the Bella Union at eight this evenin’, and he wants to know, will he see you? and to come heeled.” “Thank you, gentlemen,” replied Johnny quietly. “If by accident you should happen to see the desperado in question–who, I assume, can be in no way your friend–I hope you will tell him that I, too, will be at the Bella Union at eight o’clock, and that I will come heeled.” “You’ll be comin’ alone?” said the man, “or p’rhaps yore friend-” “My friend, as you call him, is simply a miner, and has nothing to do with this,” interrupted Johnny emphatically. “I thank you, sir,” said the spokesman, rising. The other two, who had throughout said no word, followed his example. “Do you know Danny Randall?” asked Johnny as they moved off. If he had presented his derringer under their noses, they could not have stopped more suddenly. They stared at each other a moment. “Is he a friend of yours?” inquired the spokesman after an uncertain moment. “He likes fair play,” said Johnny enigmatically. The trio moved off in the direction of town. “Nevertheless,” I told him, “I’m going to be there; and you want to make up your mind to just that.” “You will come, of course,” agreed Johnny. “I suppose I cannot keep you from that. But Jim,” he commanded earnestly, “you must swear to keep out of the row, unless it develops into a general one; and you must swear not to speak to me or make any sign no matter what happens. I must play a lone hand.” He was firm on this point; and in the end I gave my promise, to his evident relief. “This is our visitors’ day, evidently,” he observed. “Here come two more men. One of them is the doctor; I’d know that hat two miles.” “The other is our friend Danny Randall,” said I. Dr. Rankin greeted us with a cordiality I had not suspected in him. Randall nodded in his usual diffident fashion, and slid into the oak shadow, where he squatted on his heels. “About this Scar-face Charley,” he said abruptly, “I hear he’s issued his defi, and you’ve taken him up. Do you know anything about this sort of thing?” “Not a bit,” admitted Johnny frankly. “Is it a duel; and are you gentleman here to act as my seconds?” “It is not,” stated the downright doctor. “It’s a barroom murder and you cannot get around it; and I, for one, don’t try. But now you’re in for it, and you’ve got to go through with it.” “I intend to,” said Johnny. “It’s about all the warning you’ll get!” snorted the doctor. “There’s a sort of rule about it,” persisted Randall. “And that’s what I’m here to tell you. He’ll try to come up on you suddenly, probably from behind; and he’ll say ‘draw and defend yourself,’ and shoot you as soon after that as he can. You want to see him first, that’s all.” “Thanks,” said Johnny. “And,” exploded the doctor, “if you don’t kill that fellow, by the Eternal, when you get a chance-” “You’ll give him a pill, Doctor,” interrupted Randall, with a little chuckle. “But look here,” he said to Johnny, “after all, this sort of a mess isn’t required of you. You say the word and I’ll take on this Scar-face Charley and run him out of town. He’s a good deal of a pest.” “Thank you,” said Johnny stiffly; “I intend to paddle my own canoe.” Randall nodded. “I don’t know as we can help you any more,” said he. “I just thought you ought to be on to the way it’s done.” “I’m obliged to you,” said Johnny warmly. “The only doubt in my mind was when I was privileged to open.” “I’d pot him through the window with a shotgun first chance I got,” stated the doctor; “that sort of a ruffian is just like a mad dog.” “Of course you would, Doctor,” said Randall with just the faintest suspicion of sarcasm in his voice. “Well, I guess we’ll be toddling.” “Who is this Scar-face Charley,” I asked. “Got me,” replied Randall; “you fellows seemed to recognize him. Only he’s one of the gang, undoubtedly.” “The gang?” “Oh, the general run of hangers-on. Nobody knows how they live, but every one suspects. Some of them work, but not many. There are a heap of disappearances that no one knows anything about; and every once in a while a man is found drowned and floating; floating mind you!” “What of that?” I asked; “drowned bodies usually float.” “There’s no miner in these diggings but has gold enough in his belt to sink him. If a man floats, he’s been robbed, and you can tie to that reasoning. And the fellows are all well mounted, and given to mysterious disappearances.” “In other words,” broke in the doctor, “they are an organized band of cut-throats and highway robbers making this honest camp a headquarters.” “Pshaw, Doctor,” said Randall, “that’s by no means certain.” “It’s certain enough,” insisted the doctor. “I should think the miners would drive them out,” I said. “Drive them out!” cried the doctor bitterly; “they’re too busy, and their own toes haven’t been trodden on, and they’re too willing to let well enough alone so as not to be interrupted in their confounded digging for gold.” “They’re not organized and they are quite justly unwilling to get in a row with that gang when they know they’d be killed,” stated Randall quietly. “They’re getting on ‘well enough,’ and they’ll continue to be run by this lot The doctor recovered his equanimity with an effort. “They present the curious spectacle,” said he thoughtfully, “of the individual man in a new untrammelled liberty trying to escape his moral obligations to society. He escapes them for a while, but they are there; and in the end he must pay in violence.” Randall laughed and arose. “If the doctor is going to begin that sort of thing, I’m going,” said he. Our visitors took their departure. “Oh, Doctor, one moment!” I called; then, as he returned. “Tell me, who and what is Danny Randall?” “Danny Randall,” said the doctor, a humorous twinkle coming into his eyes, “is a gentleman of fortune.” “And now we know a lot more than we did before!” said Johnny, as we watched the receding figures. |