{Leash} Standard Dog Leash
The stout core necessary for a dog leash may be made of standard core braid or of extra heavy twine. Fold one end back to make a loop 7 long. Bind the end with wire. Put the other end through the eye of the snap, then bend it back and bind it with wire to make a loop 1½ long. (Fig. 14.) Fig. 14 Tie the center of the strands to the center of the core with one end of a piece of cord. Tie the other end of the cord to any firm object so that you can keep the leash pulled tight while you are braiding. Arrange the strands as in figure 15. Fig. 15 Braid toward one end as follows: Bring the upper right strand around the back, forward between the left strands, and across the core to lie parallel to the other right strand. In successive steps, merely take the uppermost strand—left or right as the case may be—around the back, between the strands of the opposite side, and across the front. Keep the stitches pushed tightly together to achieve a uniform result. (Figs. 16 and 17.) Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Continue around the loop until you come back to the main braid. Then make a square as follows: Holding the braid as in figure 18, cross the two rear strands. (Fig. 19.) Bring the rear right strand down over the forward right strand. (Fig. 20.) Loop the latter over the first strand and bring it down between the other two strands. (Fig. 21.) Loop the third strand similarly over all the strands and bring it down in back. (Fig. 22.) Bring the fourth strand over the third and through the loop of the first. (Fig. 23.) Pull the strands tight (Fig. 24) so that the top appears as a square. Fig. 18 Fig. 19 Fig. 20 Fig. 21 Fig. 22 Fig. 23 Fig. 24 Then make a square braid. Fold one strand back on itself. (Fig. 25.) Fold the next strand (Fig. 26) back on itself over the first one. Fold the third strand over the second. (Fig. 27.) Fold the last strand over the third and through the loop of the first. (Fig. 28.) Fig. 25 Fig. 26 Fig. 27 Fig. 28 Complete the stitch by drawing all the strands tight. Continue making squares in this way until the strands are only about 2½ long. The spiral braiding described on page 6 may be used in place of this square braiding or in combination with it. End the braid with a lock knot by looping each strand under the loose end of the overlying strand and through the top stitch as shown in figures 29-32. Pull the ends tight, making certain as you do so that none of the strands appear twisted. Then clip off the ends of the strands. (Fig. 33.) Fig. 29 Fig. 30 Fig. 31 Fig. 32 Fig. 33 Follow the same steps in making the other half of the leash. Suggested VariationsSpiral braiding may be substituted after the first square. This is made in exactly the same way as square braiding except that each strand is bent over the top of the braid on the opposite side of the core, rather than back along itself. (Figs. 34-38.) Fig. 34 Fig. 35 Fig. 36 Fig. 37 Fig. 38 After completing the loops at the ends, many craftsmen prefer to make several more ordinary stitches before starting the squares. Six-Strand Leash
Six-strand round braiding can also be used for leashes. It is made in much the same way, except that the top strand is brought around the back, then forward below the first strand, over the second strand, and under the third strand. (Fig. 39.) When in doubt about the order of the strands, remember to weave the top strand so that it passes over the front strand on the opposite side. You can see this clearly in figure 39. Fig. 39 When making the square braiding, lay an opposite pair of strands along the core and weave the remaining four as described above. The strands on the core may be clipped with the others after making the lock knot. {Leash} Standard Lanyard{Lanyard}
Lanyards are made in much the same way as leashes, but without the core. The snap is fastened securely so that the work can be pulled against it. Then both strands are run half way through the ring to give four equal braiding strands. Cross the strands on the ring in exactly the way shown in figure 40. This arrangement corresponds to the starting position of the leash. The braiding is done in the same way as that described for the leash, beginning with the upper right strand. (Fig. 16.) When only one foot of lacing is left, form the loop of the lanyard by folding the braid back as in figure 41. Cross the two lower strands behind the main braid (Fig. 42), and finish with the square or spiral braid and the lock knot as described for the leash. If you wish the square braid to slip along the lanyard, braid it loosely. The alternative pattern shown is made by arranging the strands at the start as in figure 43. Fig. 40 Fig. 41 Fig. 42 Fig. 43 Six-Strand Lanyard
This is made in the same way as the six-strand leash by starting as follows: The rear left strand is brought around its forward part and bent to the right. (Fig. 44.) Both parts of the middle strand are brought to the right. (Fig. 45.) The forward part of the right strand is woven to the left over one—under one—over one, and the rear part of the same strand is woven over two—under one. Start braiding with the upper right strand. Fig. 44 Fig. 45 Other Types of Leashes and LanyardsUnusual and very attractive results can be obtained by utilizing round gimp in making these projects. Leashes and lanyards, for instance, of either the six- or four-strand type are very smart when made with small round gimp. The larger cord gimp is suitable for four- or six-strand leashes and for four-strand lanyards. Some of these possibilities are illustrated on this page. The amount of material required is the same as for the standard gimp projects and the method of working is identical. It is advisable, however, to use picture wire as a core for the leashes. When making articles of large round gimp, it will also be found more satisfactory to use spiral braiding in place of the square braiding. Heavy leashes for large dogs can be made of wide gimp braided over a stout rope core. |