enberg@html@files@45426@45426-h@45426-h-5.htm.html#Page_100" class="pginternal">100. Books, illustrated, the destruction of, for collecting purposes, 6. —— the difficulty of collecting them, 96. —— the value of dates in, 96, 97. —— difficulties in compiling a complete bibliography of, 98. 'Book of British Ballads' (S.C. Hall, 1852), 101. 'Book of Celebrated Poems,' illustrations by Cope and K. Meadows, 101. 'Book of Favourite Modern Ballads' (1859), illustrations by Cope, Horsley, A. Solomon, and S. Palmer, 110. 'Book of Job' (1858), illustrated by J. Gilbert, 107. Borders, F., 44. Boughton, G.H., viii, 55, 147. Bow Bells, 14. Bowers, G., 34, 35. 'Boy Pilgrims,' The (1866), illustrations by A. Boyd Houghton, 129. 'Boy's Book of Ballads' (1861), illustrations by Sir J. Gilbert, 114. Boy's Own Magazine, illustrations and illustrators of, 1, 85. - Bayes, A.W., 85.
- Dudley, R., 85.
- Pasquier, J.A., 85.
- Thomson, J.G., 85.
Boyd Houghton, A., illustrations to: - Once a Week, 33, 34, 36.
- Good Words, 46, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55.
- London Society, 56, 59, 61.
- Churchman's Family Magazine, 64.
- Sunday Magazine, 66–71.
- Argosy, 74.
- Quiver, 74, 75.
- Tinsley's Magazine, 76.
- Broadway, 76.
- Good Words for the Young, 78, 79.
- Golden Hours, 84.
- Every Boy's Magazine, 85.
- Fun, 89.
- Illustrated London News, 92.
- Graphic, 93, 165.
- Dalziels' 'Arabian Nights,' 122, 164.
- 'Victorian History of England,' 124.
- 'A Round of Days,' 125.
- 'Home Thoughts and Home Scenes,' 126, 165.
- 'Happy Day Stories,' 72.
- Green, T., 73.
- Henley, 72.
- Hughes, E., 73.
- Lawson, J., 73.
- Lawson, F.W., 72, 73.
- Linton, J.D., 73.
- Mahoney, J., 72.
- Paterson, H., 73.
- Pinwell, G.J., 72.
- Pritchett, R.T., 72.
- Ridley, M.W., 72.
- Small, W., 72, 73.
- Staniland, C.J., 72.
- Thomas, G.H., 72.
- Walker, F.S., 72.
- Watson, J.D., 72.
- Wirgman, T.B., 72.
Cassell's 'History of England' (1867, vol. i.), illustrations by W. Small, 133. —— 'Illustrated Readings' (1867), illustrations by F. Barnard, J. Mahoney, S.L. Fildes, W. Small, and J.D. Watson, 135. Cassell, John, 14. Casket, The, 14. 'Chambers's Household Shakespeare' (1861), illustrations by K. Halswelle, 114. 'Chandos Poets,' The (1869), illustrations by Boyd Houghton, Fraser, and French, 140. Chatto and Jackson's 'History of Wood Engraving,' 97, 113. 'Childe Harold' (1859), illustrations by Skelton, 109, 110. 'Children's Garland,' The (1873), illustrations by J. Lawson, 148. 'Children's Hour,' The (1866), illustrations by W. Small, 129. 'Children's Sayings' (1862), illustrations by W. Crane, 118. 'Child's Play' (1858), 109. 'Choice Series,' The (1869), illustrations by B. Foster, Gilbert, H. Weir, etc., 137, 138. 'Christian Lyrics' (1868), illustrations by R. Barnes, Boyd Houghton, etc., 133. 'Christmas with the Poets' (1861), illustrations by Birket Foster, 115, 116. Chromo-Lithograph, The, 34. Churchman's Family Magazine, illustrations and illustrators of, 63, 64, 65. - Allen, W.J., 64.
- Armitage, E., 64.
- Armstead, H.H., 64.
- Barnes, R., 64
- Boyd Houghton, A., 64.
- Claxton, F., 64.
- Claxton, M., 64.
- Cooper, A.W., 64.
- Cope, C.W., 34, 37.
- 'Foul Play,' 37.
- Cornhill, 41, 42.
- 'Wives and Daughters,' 41, 42.
- 'Harry Richmond,' 42, 43.
- 'The Hand of Ethelberta,' 43.
- Good Words, 45.
- London Society, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60.
- Leisure Hour, 83.
- Sunday at Home, 84.
- Punch, 88, 89.
- 'Sacred Poetry,' 123.
- 'Our Life,' 123.
- Watts's 'Divine and Moral Songs,' 128.
- 'The Moon Shines Full,' 128.
- 'Legends and Lyrics,' 128.
- 'Touches of Nature,' 131.
- Foxe's 'Book of Martyrs,' 132, 133.
- 'Story of a Feather,' 133.
- 'Lucile,' 134.
- 'Savage Club Papers,' 135.
- 'Pictures from English Literature,' 141.
- Thornbury's 'Legendary Ballads,' 146.
- 'Songs of Many Seasons,' 147.
- 'Pegasus Re-saddled,' 148.
Duncan, A., illustrations to 'Ancient Mariner,' 104. Duncan, E., 34, 99, 107, 112, 117. Dunn, Edith, 75. 'Early English Poems' (1863), illustrations by Creswick, Duncan, B. Foster, J. Gilbert, R. Redgrave, and J. Thomas, 117. Edwards, D., 107. Edwards, Kate, 36, 58, 59. Edwards, M.E., illustrations to: - Once a Week, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37.
- Cornhill Magazine, 42.
- Good Words, 52.
- London Society, 57–61.
- Churchman's Family Magazine, 64, 65.
- Sunday Magazine, 66, 67.
- Cassell's Magazine, 72, 73.
- Argosy, 73, 74.
- Quiver
—— rage for his drawings, 116. 'Flower Pieces,' 160. 'Foul Play,' Du Maurier's illustrations to, 37. 'Found Drowned,' Edwards's illustrations to, 33. 'Four Georges,' The, 39. Foxe's 'Book of Martyrs' (1867 ?), R. Barnes, Boyd Houghton, Du Maurier, M.E. Edwards, J. Gilbert, J. Henley, J. Lee, F.W. Lawson, A. Pasquier, T. Morten, F.J. Skill, W. Small, G.H. Thomas, and J.D. Watson, 132, 133. 'Framley Parsonage,' 40. Fraser, F.A., 36, illustrations to: - Good Words, 54.
- London Society, 62.
- Sunday Magazine, 67, 69, 70.
- Cassell's Magazine, 72, 73.
- Saint Paul's, 77.
- Good Words for the Young, 78, 79.
- Dickens's Works (Household Edition), 138.
- Chandos Poets, 140.
Freere, M.E., 80. French, H., 60, 70, 78, 138, 140. Friston, D.H., 64, 76, 81. FrÖlich, L., 114, 128. Frost, A.B., 138. Fun, illustrations and illustrators of, 89, 90. - Barnard, F., 89.
- Boyd Houghton, A., 89.
- Brunton, W., 89.
- Gilbert, W.S., 89.
- Henley, L.C., 89.
- Lawson, F.W., 89.
- Sanderson, H., 89.
- Seccombe, Lieutenant, 89.
- Stretch, Matt, 89.
- Thomson, J.G., 89.
- Walker, F.S., 89.
Fyfe, W., 46. Gale, W., 153. Gascoine, J., 58. Gaskell, Mrs., 'Wives and Daughters,' 41, 42. 'Gems of Literature' (1866), illustrations by Noel Paton, 127. 'Gems of National Poetry' (1868), 100. 'Gertrude of Wyoming' (1857), illustrations by B. Foster, T. Dalziel, H. Weir, W. Harvey, 92. Graphic, 93. 'Sacred Poetry,' 10. —— influence of 'process-work' on, 11. —— earliest attempt of magazine, 16. —— object of, 17. —— to the early Victorian novels, 18. —— to the Cornhill, 38, 39. —— black and white, its requisites, 65, 66. —— influence of photography on, 66. —— preference of a drawing to a photograph, 67, 68. —— in daily papers, 94. —— new method employed in 'Pleasures of Memory' (1867), 137, 138. —— regard for the older, 139. —— comparisons of old and modern, 139. Illustrator, position of the modern, 3, 9. —— the popular artist of the period, 10, 134. —— appreciation of, 10. —— summary of the work of the sixties, 148, 149. Ingelow, Jean, 'Poems' (1867, 4to), 4; illustrations to, by Boyd Houghton, E. and T. Dalziel, J.W. North, E.J. Poynter, G.J. Pinwell, and J. Wolf, 129, 130. 'Ingoldsby Legends,' The (1864), illustrations by Cruikshank, Leech, and Tenniel, 123. Jackson, Mason, 'The Pictorial Press,' 92, 98. Jackson's 'Engraving.' See Chatto. Jerrold's 'Story of a Feather' (1867), illustrations by Du Maurier, 133. 'Jingles and Jokes for Little Folks' (1866), illustrations by Paul Gray, 129. Johnson, E.K., 57, 64. Journalism, 55. Judy, general poorness of its drawings, 90. —— illustrated by Matt Morgan and J. Proctor, 90. —— value as representative of the 'eighties,' 90. Junior Etching Club, 118, 151, 152, 153. Justyne, P.W., 64. 'Juvenile Verse and Picture Book' (1848), Gilbert, Tenniel, R. Cruikshank, Weigall, and W.B. Scott's illustrations to, 100. 'Kavanagh' (1857), illustrations by Birket Foster, 108. Keats's 'Poetical Works' (1866), illustrations by G. Scharf, 129. Keene, Charles, 19. —— quality of his work, 25; illustrations to: - Once a Week, 25, 26, 36.
- Cornhill Magazine, 138.
- 'Scrambles on the Alps,' 141.
- 'National Nursery Rhymes,' 141.
Marks, H.D., 62. Marks, H.S., 34, 36, 64; illustrations to: - Thornbury's 'Legends of the Cavaliers,' 107.
- 'Lyra Germanica,' 113.
- 'Sacred Poetry,' 115.
- 'Two Centuries of Song,' 132.
- 'National Nursery Rhymes,' 141.
- 'Passages from Modern English Poets,' 152.
'Masterpieces of Engraving,' (Linton), 97. Meadows, Kenny, illustrations to 'Book of Celebrated Poems,' 101. Mearns, Miss L., 33. 'Melbourne House' (1864), 124. Menzel, his influence on English illustrators, 150. —— his illustrations to KÜgler's 'Frederick the Great,' 150, 151. Meredith, G., 'Evan Harrington,' 25. —— 'Adventures of Harry Richmond,' 42, 43. 'Merrie Days of England' (1858), illustrations by B. Foster, G. Thomas, and Corbould, 109. 'Merrie Heart,' The (1868), illustrations by W. Crane, 136. Michelet's 'The Bird' (1862), illustrations by Giacomelli, 121, 122. Miles, Helen J., 35. Millais, Sir J., P.R.A., illustrations to: - Trollope, 18, 40.
- Once a Week, 22, 23, 24, 25, 37.
- 'Cornhill Gallery,' 39.
- Cornhill Magazine, 39, 40.
- 'Small House at Allington,' 40, 41.
- Good Words, 46, 48, 49, 50, 55.
- London Society, 56, 58.
- Churchman's Family Magazine, 63.
- Saint Paul's, 77.
- Punch, 88.
- Tennyson's 'Poems,' 105, 157.
- 'Poets of Nineteenth Century,' 106.
- 'Lays of the Holy Land,' 108.
- 'Home Affections,' 109.
- 'Papers for Thoughtful Girls,' 118.
- 'Puck on Pegasus,' 118.
- 'Parables of Our Lord,' 48, 49, 119, Du Maurier, G., 30, 3
eade, (C.), 'The Cloister and the Hearth' ('A Good Fight'), 20.
- —— 'Foul Play,' 37.
- —— 'Put yourself in his place,' 42.
- Redgrave, R., 101, 117.
- Rethel's influence, 151.
- 'Rhymes and Roundelays' (1856), illustrations by Birket Foster, 103.
- Rice, 60.
- Rich, A., 146.
- 'Ridicula Rediviva' (1870), illustrations by J.E. Rogers, 141.
- Ridley, B., 61.
- Ridley, M.W., 72, 75, 80, 85.
- RiviÈre, Briton, illustrations to:
- Good Words, 54.
- Good Words for the Young, 78.
- Robertson, H.R., 147.
- Robinson, T., 80.
- Rogers, W.H., 113.
- —— 'Spiritual Conceits,' 116.
- Rogers, J.E., illustrations to 'Mores Ridicula,' 'Ridicula Rediviva,' and Miss Mulock's 'Fairy Tales,' 141.
- 'Romola,' 41.
- 'Roses and Holly' (1867), 134.
- Rossiter, C., 153.
- Rossetti, Christina, Amor Mundi, Sandys's illustration to, 65.
- —— 'If,' Sandys's illustrations, 74.
- —— 'Goblin Market' (1862), illustrations by D.G. Rossetti, 117, 162.
- —— 'The Prince's Progress' (1865), illustrations by D.G. Rossetti, 125.
- —— 'Sing Song' (1872), illustrations by A. Hughes, 171.
- Rossetti, Christina, 'Speaking Likenesses' (1874), illustrations by A. Hughes, 171.
- Rossetti, D.G., opinion on wood as an artistic medium, 47.
- —— designs to Tennyson's 'Poems,' 105, 158, 161.
- —— 'Goblin Market,' 117, 161, 162.
- —— 'The Prince's Progress,' 125, 161.
- —— biographical notice of, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162.
- —— his relations with A. Hughes, 159, 160.
- —— prices received for his work, 158.
- —— frontispiece to 'Early Italian Poets,' 160.
- —— frontispiece to 'The Risen Life,' 160.
- —— 'The Queen's Page,' 160.
- —— Burne-Jones on, 161.
- —— 'Day and Night Songs,' 155–176.
- Skelton, P., 33, 35, 64, 92, 108, 109, 110, 123, 133, 137, 141, 146.
- Skill, F.J., 57, 133.
- Sleigh, H., 110, 115.
- Sleigh, J., 153.
- Slinger, F.J., 33, 34, 68.
- Small, W., 43;
illustrations to: - Once a Week, 33–36.
- Good Words, 51–55.
- —— quality of his work in, 51, 52.
- 'The Woman's Kingdom,' 53.
- London Society, 59, 60, 62.
- Shilling Magazine, 65.
- Sunday Magazine, 67–69, 71.
- Cassell's Family Paper, 71.
- Cassell's Magazine, 72, 73.
- Argosy, 74.
- Quiver, 74, 75.
- Good Words for the Young, 79.
- Sunday at Home, 84.
- Graphic, 93.
- 'Words for the Wise,' 124.
- 'Pen and Pencil Pictures,' 127.
- 'Children's Hour,' 129.
- Jean Ingelow's 'Poems,' 130.
- 'Ballad Stories of the Affections,' 130.
- 'Touches of Nature,' 131.
- 'Idyllic Pictures,' 131.
- 'Two Centuries of Song,' 132.
- Foxe's 'Book of Martyrs,' 132, 133.
- Heber's 'Hymns,' 133.
- 'Spirit of Praise,' 133.
- 'Washerwoman's Foundling,' 133.
- 'North Coast and other Poems,' 134.
- 'Goden Thoughts from Golden Fountains,' 134.
- 'Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity,' 135.
- 'Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems,' 135.
- Cassell's 'Illustrated Readings,' 135.
- 'Standard Poets,' 140.
- Novello's 'National Nursery Rhymes,' 141.
- 'Pictures from English Literature,' 141.
- Thornbury's 'Legendary Ballads,' 115, 123.
- 'A Round of Days,' 125.
- 'Wayside Poesies,' 130.
- 'Touches of Nature,' 131.
- Thornbury's 'Legendary Ballads,' 144, 146.
- —— biographical account of, 165, 166.
- —— employed by Mr. Whymper, 165.
- —— anecdote of him, 165, 166.
- —— monograph on, by C. Phillips, 165.
- —— Menzel's influence on, 166.
- —— paper in Good Words by J. Swain, 179.
- Waltges, F.S., 146.
- 'Washerwoman's Foundling' (1867), illustrations by W. Small, 133.
- Watson, J.D., illustrations to:
- Once a Week, 33.
- Good Words, 46, 48, 49.
- London Society, 56–62.
- Churchman's Family Magazine, 63, 64.
- Shilling Magazine, 65.
- Sunday Magazine, 69.
- Cassell's Magazine, 72.
- Quiver, 75.
- Tinsley's Magazine, 76.
- British Workman, 81.
- Eliza Cook's 'Poems,' 102.
- 'Pilgrim's Progress,' 112, 113.
- 'Sacred Poetry,' 115.
- 'The Gold Thread,' 116.
- Dalziels' 'Arabian Nights,' 122.
- 'English Sacred Poetry,' 123.
- 'Our Life,' 123.
- 'Robinson Crusoe,' 123.
- 'The Golden Harp,' 124.
- 'What Men have said about Women,' 124.
- 'A Round of Days,' 125.
- Watts's 'Divine and Moral Songs,' 128.
- 'Legends and Lyrics,' 128.
- 'Ellen Montgomery's Bookshelf,' 129.
- 'Ballad Stories of the Affections,' 130.
- 'Touches of Nature,' 131.
- Foxe's 'Book of Martyrs,' 132.
- 'Little Songs for Little Folks,' 133.
- 'Savage Club Papers,' 135.
- 'Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems,' 135.
- Cassell's 'Illustrated Readings,' 135.
- 'Nobility of Life,' 136.
- 'Choice Series,' 137.
- 'Barbara's History,' 140.
- Leslie's 'Musical Annual,' 141.
- Thornbury's 'Legendary Ballads,' 146.
- Watts, G.F., illustrations to Dalziels' 'Bible Gallery,' 146.
- 'Wayside Poesies' (1867), illustrations by J.W. N
Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty, at the Edinburgh University Press |