God made them all. LESSON FOUR. God made the birds. God made the apples. God made the apple tree. God loves the birds. I love the birds. Cursive: God made the birds and trees. LESSON FIVE. I have box Cursive: I have a box. I havetree Cursive: I have a tree. John made the box. God made the tree. LESSON SIX. I have a rose Cursive: I have a rose. This is a leaf Cursive: This is a leaf. God made the rose and the leaf. rose leaf box tree LESSON SEVEN. See the little bees cursive: See the little bees. The bees love the rose. cursive: The bees love the rose. bee on rose The bees are on the rose. cursive: The bees are on the rose. bees little on are LESSON EIGHT.
LESSON NINE. This is a butterfly. cursive: This is a butterfly, He has two wings. cursive: He has two wings. The bird has two wings. cursive: The bird has two wings. The bird can fly. cursive: The bird can fly. The butterfly can fly. cursive: The butterfly can fly. I love to see the butterfly. cursive: I love to see the butterfly. The butterfly loves the rose. cursive: The butterfly loves the rose. He has can butterfly fly wings LESSON TEN. cursive: The butterfly has two wings. God made the butterfly. I love the butterfly. The butterfly loves the rose. The bees love the rose. The bees are on the rose. The bee has wings. The bird has wings. The butterfly has beautiful wings. The red rose is beautiful. The grape vine has green leaves. Leaf, butterfly and boat Drawing Lesson. LESSON ELEVEN. grapes grapes grapes grapes grapes grapes See this vine. cursive: See this vine. It is a grape vine. cursive: It is a grape vine. I see the grapes. cursive: I see the grapes. The grapes grow on the vine. cursive: The grapes grow on the vine. Jesus said, I am the true Vine. LESSON TWELVE.
Do you know me? cursive: Do you know me? I love the kitties. cursive: I love the kitties. I take care of them. cursive: I take care of them. I am kind to them. cursive: I am kind to them. LESSON THIRTEEN. I see the bird. I love the beautiful birds. God loves the beautiful birds. Jesus loves the birds. The rose is beautiful. I see three apples. The apples are on the tree. I see two birds. I see the box. John made it. God made the birds and the trees. God made the grape vine. Jesus is the true vine. The roses and birds are beautiful. LESSON FOURTEEN. Holy Bible. The Bible is God's holy Book. Who wrote the Bible? Holy men wrote the Bible. God told them what to write.
Can you read the Bible?
Cursive: Can you read? Do you see? What do you see? LESSON FIFTEEN. Three kittens Happy little kitties! Cursive: Happy little kitties! Who takes care of them? Cursive: Who takes care of them? What do they see? Cursive: What do they see? Look at their eyes. Cursive: Look at their eyes. Are they like yours? Cursive: Are they like yours? LESSON SIXTEEN. grapes grapes grapes grapes The Bees. Mary, see the little bees. See the bee on the flower. What is he doing? He is getting honey. He is a busy little bee. Watch him fly to his home. Do you know where his home is? I can hear the bee buzz. LESSON SEVENTEEN. Bible Verses. The Lord is good to all. Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye Him, sun and moon. Praise Him, all ye stars of light. Let them praise the name of the Lord. harp O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. Sing praise upon the unto our God. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart. LESSON EIGHTEEN. grapes grapes grapes This is a family of They are little black ants. The ants work. They live in the ground. Watch the ants make a house. The house is made in the ground. They make rooms in the house. Watch the ant carry food. The Bible says, "Watch the ant and be wise." LESSON NINETEEN. roses roses roses roses roses See this butterfly cursive: Pretty butterfly. Beautiful wings LESSON TWENTY.
Watch the geese walk. They can swim better than they can walk. Their body is the shape of a boat. Their legs are set far back on the body. Do you know why? cursive: Watch the geese get their dinner in the water. LESSON TWENTY-ONE. spider Here is a spider web This spider The web is his home. Do you see his home? roses roses Do you see the spider? The spider loves to work. Watch a spider make a web. Do all spiders make webs?
LESSON TWENTY-TWO. Number Story. number story LESSON TWENTY-THREE. vine vine Here is a beautiful vine. It came from a tiny black seed. It is a morning glory vine. Do you see the pretty buds? Can you find a morning glory flower in the evening? Who gives the morning glory life? cursive: Morning glory. a tiny black seed. evening. LESSON TWENTY-FOUR. The Flood. One time God let it rain for many days. The water was very deep. It covered all the earth. All the trees were covered with water. ark All the mountains were covered. In one place the people were safe. Yes, in the ark. God had told Noah to make the ark. Noah loved God. He believed what God told him. The people did not love God. They did not believe what God told Noah. They did not believe that God would send a flood. But the flood came. Noah and his family were safe in the ark. LESSON TWENTY-FIVE. The Bean's Story. I. bean planted Here I am in my warm bed. John made the box. He put the dirt into the box. Mary put me in my bed. Then she covered me with dirt. The sun made the bed warm. The children wanted me to wake up. They gave me some water. They said, "This will wake her up." I love the warm sun and the water. The children knew this.
LESSON TWENTY-SIX. The Bean's Story. II. bean seed with roots Good morning, children. You see I am awake now. I am getting out of my white coat. I put my feet out first. You call my feet roots. My roots help me to stand. Did you know that I have mouths in my roots? I cannot run about to get my food. I get food out of the ground.
LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN. The Bean's Story. III. bean sprouting I am glad the children like to watch me. This morning they can see my tiny leaves. Shall I tell the children about the mouths in my leaves? I get food out of the air. My leaves have work to do. In this, they are like your hands. I shall have many hands by and by.
LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT. The Bean's Story. IV. bean growing Do you see my long stem? I can stand up now. I shall reach up toward the sun. Can you draw my pretty leaves? See the bud at the end of my stem. Watch for the leaves that are in that bud. It will open soon. Can you make it open?
LESSON TWENTY-NINE. The Bean's Story. V. bean vine What do you think of me now? I have grown big and tall. Here are two little bean pods. You see the tiny beans in the pod. Here are some white flowers. They will soon fall off. Watch for more bean pods. By and by the tiny beans will grow big. What will they look like? My work will soon be done. Think what I have done for you. You may thank Him who gave me life. LESSON THIRTY. Cursive: We planted a bean. It looked like [drawing] One day it looked [drawing] like this. By and by it had leaves. Then it looked [drawing] like this. Mary. LESSON THIRTY-ONE. The Lily. lily lily Look at this pure white lily. Jesus wants us to think how the lilies grow. He said, "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow." Who made the beautiful white dress for this lily? If God cares for the lily, will He not care for us? He wants us to obey Him as the lily does. Then He will clothe us as He does the lily. He will make our lives pure and beautiful. LESSON THIRTY-TWO. still life fruit Here are grapes, an apple, and bananas. Which do you like best? Can you tell where bananas grow? Do not be afraid to eat plenty of good, ripe fruit. All who obey God shall eat fruit from the tree of life in the earth made new. LESSON THIRTY-THREE. A Friend of Ours. Yes, the sheep is a friend. Your warm dress was made from her coat. She gives it away in the spring. In the fall you are glad to put it on. The sheep are timid. sheep They need some one to care for them. The man who cares for the sheep is the shepherd. The little sheep are lambs. Jesus calls us His lambs. So you can say, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." A good shepherd would give his life for his sheep. lily lily lily lily Jesus gave His life for us. King David was a shepherd. One time a lion was going to kill one of his lambs. David killed the lion. Some day the lion and the lamb shall live together. Yes, and a little child shall lead them. LESSON THIRTY-FOUR. milk maids and cows See how that girl carries the milk. Look at the girl who is milking. I never saw any one milk from that side of the cow. I do not think those girls live in this country. This must be a milking scene in some country far across the water. They have some strange ways of doing things in those countries. LESSON THIRTY-FIVE.
LESSON THIRTY-SIX. The Lion. Here is the lion. Is he not fine looking? Other beasts are afraid of him. He is called the king of beasts. A lamb is not safe with him now. By and by GOD will make all things new. Then the lion will eat straw like the ox. The Bible says that the wolf and the lamb, the lion and the calf, shall lie down together. Then other beasts will not be afraid of the lion. Then you can pet the lion as you do your cat now. cats Here are some cousins of the lion. Do you want to live in that home? Only the pure in heart shall live in the earth when it is made new. LESSON THIRTY-SEVEN. rabbits These little bunnies are having a fine time. They know good food when they find it. Do you know what kind of food bunnies like best? Look at their eyes. Are they like kitty's eyes? LESSON THIRTY-EIGHT. country lane I think this must be the home of our bunnies. Does it look like the country homes you have seen? Look at the road and the trees. Are the trees alike? Do you think it would have been nice if God had made all trees alike? LESSON THIRTY-NINE. Wheat and Tares. wheat Do you know what is made from wheat? If you do not, ask some one to tell you. When Jesus was on earth, He talked about wheat. At the same time He talked about some bad plants, called tares. He said that a man sowed some good seed in a field. Then some one came and sowed tares in the same field. The good seed was wheat. So the wheat and tares were growing in the same field. The servant wanted to root up the tares. The man said, "No; let them grow together until the harvest." weed Why did Jesus tell this story? See what He says about it:— "The field is the world. The good seed are the children of the kingdom. But the tares are the children of the wicked one. The harvest is the end of the world. The reapers are the angels." The harvest is very near. That is when Jesus comes in the clouds of heaven. The reapers will take the children of the kingdom home to heaven. The children of the wicked one will be destroyed. Are we wheat or tares? LESSON FORTY. flock of sheep and shepherd Here is a shepherd with his flock. I think he must be a kind shepherd. See how tenderly he carries the little lamb. Jesus is our Shepherd. Isaiah says of Him, "He shall gather the lambs with His arms." So He will tenderly care for all His lambs now. Soon He will come to take them to the home He is preparing. LESSON FORTY-ONE. rowboats at sea wreck in background Will they reach the shore? I wonder what they think? Once Jesus was with His disciples on the lake. There came a great storm. Jesus was asleep. The disciples worked like these men are working. At last they called to Jesus. When He awoke He spoke to the wind, and there was a calm. LESSON FORTY-TWO. Washing Dishes. girls washing dishes "Good morning, Mary! How can you sing while washing dishes? I always feel cross, for I do not like to wash dishes." "Well," said Mary, "I must tell you my secret. I used to feel cross, too. Now I think about the lesson I am to learn while washing dishes. Jesus said that we should make the inside of the cup clean as well as the outside." "Oh, yes, mama tells me to wash the dishes clean, but I get so tired of them." "But, Nellie, you do not see the lesson we are to learn. You know we try to look very pretty when people see us. We want them to think that we are pure and clean. When I am washing dishes, I think how Jesus makes my heart pure and clean. He says, Though your sins be red, I will make them white as snow." Nellie went home happy. Do you think she can sing now while washing dishes? bee hive, lion, flower Drawing Lesson. LESSON FORTY-THREE. Creation. I. "In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth." The earth did not look as it does now. Every thing was very beautiful. Green grass covered all the valleys, hills, and mountains. There were lovely lakes and rivers. The air and water were clear and pure. There were no swamps nor deserts, and there were no weeds. The most beautiful flowers were seen in every place. We cannot think how lovely every thing was at that time. The earth was full of the love of God. "And God saw every thing that He had made, and it was very good." LESSON FORTY-FOUR. Creation. II. God did not make the earth as man makes things. "He spake, and it was done." He was six days in making the heaven and the earth. "And God said, Let there be light, and there was light." This was on the first day. The second day He made the air. At this time water covered all the earth. The third day He made the dry land appear. He called the dry land earth. Then the rivers, lakes and seas were made. He spake, and all the earth was covered with green grass. Then came the herbs and trees. The herbs were bearing seed. The trees were bearing fruit. The seed and fruit were to be food for man. LESSON FORTY-FIVE. Creation. III. On the fourth day He said, "Let there be lights in the heaven." The sun, moon, and stars were to give light upon the earth. He made the sun to rule the day. He made the moon to rule the night. Now there was light; there was air, there was water. But there were no birds in the air. There were no fishes in the water. On the fifth day He made all the birds and fishes. Now there were animals in the air. There were animals in the water. But there were no animals on the land. On the sixth day God made all the land animals. The same day He said, "Let us make man in our image." He gave them the seed of the herbs and the fruit of the trees for food. "And God saw every thing that He had made, and it was very good." Thus the heavens and the earth were made. LESSON FORTY-SIX. Creation. IV. On the seventh day God rested from all His work. He blessed it and made it holy. He calls the Sabbath His holy day. On the seventh day He looked at the things He had made and called them very good. On the Sabbath we should stop our work and our play. God wants us to be happy on that day. It makes us happy to look at the lovely things He has made for us. He wants us to remember Him and thank Him for His love. He told us to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. LESSON FORTY-SEVEN. Creation. V. God loved Adam and Eve. He wanted them to be very happy. So He gave them every thing that was good for them. He planted a garden in Eden. That was their home. We have never seen such a lovely home as that was. But if we live in the earth made new, we shall see the Garden of Eden. In that garden was "every tree that was good for food," and pretty to look at. All the fruit was perfect. Then there was the river to water the garden. By the river was the tree of life. The Lord put Adam into the garden to care for it. So there was a happy family in a lovely home. landscape "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them." Genesis 2:1. Lucifer son of the morning SATAN was once a beautiful, powerful angel in Heaven. His name then was Lucifer, which means, "Son of the Morning," or, "Shining One, Son of the Dawn." His position in Heaven, his beauty, power, and final end, are well described in Ezekiel 28:12-19. Lucifer, or Satan, is, next to God and Christ, the wisest being in the universe, for God said, "Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom." Verse 12. He was a very beautiful being, for the text says he was "perfect in beauty." Verse 12. He has been in the Eden home of Adam and Eve. "Thou hast been in the garden of God." Verse 13. He was a great musician, and doubtless led the music and singing of the hosts of angels in their morning and evening songs of praise to God. Verse 13 says, "The workmanship Satan as an angel Lucifer after the Fall. "Prince of the power of the air." The above text shows that he was "created" by the power of God. All the angels were created full grown, and not born as children. Hence this text is describing some heavenly being. "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so." Verse 14. Lucifer's position was by the throne of God, with his wings outstretched above it. The ark built by Moses was a type of heavenly things. On the top of this ark were two cherubim with their wings covering the ark where the glory of God rested. See Exodus 25:20. This represents Lucifer's position as covering cherub, close to the throne of God in heaven. Lucifer was "the anointed cherub." Anciently the prophets of the Lord anointed the kings to show that they were appointed of God to govern and command. Lucifer was, next to the Son of God, the anointed commander of the hosts of heavenly angels. All his wisdom, beauty, power, and position were given him by God who had created him. The Creator fitted him for the work He wished him to do, and the place He desired him to occupy. Lucifer owed everything which he possessed to his Lord. But, like some people who have riches and power, he become proud of his glory. He forgot that it was all the gift of God. The text says, "Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty." Eze. 28:17. The Son of God was above him, and equal with His Father. Lucifer was second to Christ; but, considering his beauty and power, he decided that he ought to be equal with God. The prophet Isaiah says of him, "Thou hast said in thine But Jehovah could not permit this. The very thought of it by Lucifer was sin, for it was pride and the exaltation of self. Only the Son of God could be equal with the Father. Then rebellion came into the heart of Lucifer. He went among the angels and told his story. They loved him as their leader, and many took sides with him. The loyalty of all the angels was tested. Nearly one-half their number took sides with Lucifer. Then there was open rebellion in Heaven. Lucifer had a vast army at his command, and he felt strong enough to defy God. But rebellion could not be allowed in Heaven. The rebel host must be disposed of in some way. God could destroy them at once, for if He could create them He could also destroy them. But Lucifer had charged God with being partial and severe, and claimed that the laws of Jehovah were not needed in Heaven. So God allowed the rebellion to develop and do its work, that all the universe might see the awful results of sin, and the final fate of sinners. This will be an object lesson through all eternity. Note.—The twenty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel tells of the overthrow of the prince of Tyrus, or the city of Tyre, which was a very strong, wealthy, proud, and wicked city on the Mediterranean Sea, near Palestine. But by reading verses 12-15, it will be seen that this chapter has a double application, and that these verses refer more especially to some being standing at one time in a high position in heaven. It shows him to have been very wise, beautiful, and powerful, and near the presence of the Almighty God. Such a description can apply only to Lucifer, now known as the devil, and Satan, described in the accompanying lesson. The Bible is full of object lessons; and kingdoms, men, and events are often taken to teach important lessons. Christ did much of His teaching by parables. He took things as He found them in the world to illustrate and make forcible great Gospel truths. In this chapter the power and beauty, the pride and wickedness, and the final overthrow of Tyre were taken to represent the high position of Lucifer in heaven, his sin of pride and rebellion, and his final fall. Angels and Satan falling from heaven "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven." Satan Marshaling His Host. Satan Marshaling His Host. Satan Marshaling His Host. Satan Marshaling His Host. LUCIFER and his angels had become God's enemies, or rebels against His government. They could not be allowed to remain in Heaven. The Son was appointed by the Father to take command of the true angels, and drive out the rebel host. Lucifer took command of the angels who had rebelled with him, and was determined to hold his place in Heaven. Then "there was war in heaven: Michael [Christ] and His angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels." Revelation 12:7. When Lucifer sinned and fell, his character and work were so changed that the beautiful name he had in Heaven was also changed. In Revelation 12:9, he is called "the dragon," "that old serpent," "the devil," and "Satan." Of course Satan could not win in such a warfare. "He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Revelation 12:9. In Isaiah 14:12, we read, "How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, Son of the Morning! how art thou cut down to the ground." Christ refers to this when He said to His disciples, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven." Luke 10:18. When Satan knew that he had lost Heaven forever, his Lucifer with back of hand on forehead "How art thou fallen, O Lucifer, Son of the Morning." Revenge filled his heart in which the love of God once abode, and all his wonderful powers were turned against God and His work. Every artful device of evil angels has been used since then to lead men to follow them in sin and rebellion against God. It is well for man to know the strength of the foe he has to meet. Satan and his angels have on earth the same wisdom which they had in Heaven before their fall. To this is added six thousand years of experience in their awful work. In Heaven Satan's influence was so great that he was able to deceive and lead into rebellion nearly half the angels. His power to deceive man is very great. With such power and influence at his command, we can never overcome the devil in our own strength. When we let go our hold upon God we go onto the enemy's ground, and are "taken captive by him at his will." 2 Timothy 2:26. But Christ has twice conquered this foe,—once in the great battle in heaven when Satan was cast out, and again as a man on earth when He met all his temptations and came off victorious. Hence Satan is to Christ a conquered foe. If we trust our Lord fully He will give us strength in every hour of need, and thus we may become "more than conquerors through Him that loved us." Romans 8:37. Paul calls Satan "The prince of the power of the air." Ephesians 2:2. He it is who causes the terrible cyclones, the tidal waves, and other awful disasters. Only the restraining hand of God prevents him from bringing destruction to the world more awful than it has yet known. In Hebrews 2:14, we learn that the devil has "the power of death." This is so because sin brought death, and Satan is the author of sin. He claims all who die as his. Only the power of God can bring them from "the land of the enemy" at the resurrection. But some glad day sin and death and Satan will be destroyed. Paul declared that Christ, by His death, opened the way by which He "might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil." Hebrews 2:14. The Lord says through the prophet Ezekiel, "I will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes.... Thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more." Ezekiel 28:18, 19. Then, with the stain of sin entirely removed, God will have a clean universe, as free from sin as it was before rebellion entered heaven. Landscape The Dominion of All Created Things Was Given to Man. The First Dominion. In IN six days the Creator formed the earth and fitted it up as the home of mankind. When finished it was very beautiful with trees, flowers, and fruits. Before man was created, God also made the birds, fishes, and all the dumb animals and creeping things. The world was then ready for its master,—man. "And God said, Let us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.... So God created man in His own image." Genesis 1:26, 27. Man was the last and most perfect work of the great creation week. He was in the "image of God." He looked like his Creator. Some, at least, of the wisdom of God was given to him. He could talk, and think, and reason. As we study God's Word, and learn about Him, He helps us and teaches us. Thus we grow more like Him, and He gives us more of His wisdom. After creating man, God made for him a beautiful garden which was to be the home of Adam and Eve. This was a sample of what their children were to make of the rest of the world. This home was called the "Garden of Eden." It was very beautiful, for "out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food." Genesis 2:9. "God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed." This shows what is the best kind of food for man to eat. "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat." Genesis 1:29, 30. This was a perfect diet. The Lord did not intend that His creatures should be killed and eaten for food. A beautiful "river went out of Eden to water the garden." The tree of life was also there. This tree had wonderful power. It would preserve life, and so long as one should eat of it he would never die. statement not backed up by the Bible "Heavenly visitors taught them about God." "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it." Genesis 2: 15. Man was not to live in idleness, but must care for the beautiful home which God had prepared for him. After all was completed the Lord gave to man the earth and all that was in it. David said, "The earth hath He given to the children of men." Psalms 115:16. Man was also to be ruler of all that was on the earth. Even the beasts loved man and delighted to obey him. There was no fear in that wonderful home. All was love, and happiness, and peace. Christ and the beautiful angels from Heaven often visited the happy pair in Eden. These heavenly visitors taught them about God and His love, and gave them such instruction as would help them to take proper care of their earthly home. Before Satan could reach them with his temptations, angels were sent from Heaven to warn them of his fall, and of his desire to bring ruin upon then, as he had already done upon the angels who sinned with him. In this the loving, tender care of God for His creatures was manifested. garden with angel in armor entering Satan Entering Eden. God is love. He did not wish sin to enter the world; yet He made man free so that he could choose wrong doing if he preferred it to God's way, after knowing of the dreadful results of sin. The Dominion Lost. The Dominion Lost. The Dominion Lost. The Dominion Lost. THE love and obedience of every intelligent being must be tested. Tests make character. If we obey God's laws and walk in His ways, we become in character like God and sinless angels. We must have a good character before we are fit to enjoy the beautiful home Christ is preparing for those who are faithful. God will give us a good character, and help us to obey, if we ask Him. If we refuse to let God help us do right, we are out of harmony, or at war with Him and Heaven. We then come into harmony, or union, with Satan and his angels, and when sin is destroyed we must perish with it. Sin makes people unhappy, and God hates it because He loves everybody. Happiness can be found only in obedience, or doing right. Before sin reached Eden, Adam and Eve knew nothing of evil. So their only test was in regard to one special tree planted in the garden. It was called the "tree of knowledge of good and evil." God said of the fruit of this tree, "Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." Genesis 3:3. If they kept away from this tree they would never know evil. At that tree was the only place where Satan could meet them to tempt them. One day the curiosity of Eve led her to come near the Satan did not come in his own form, but in the shape of a beautiful Serpent. Eve would have known him in his real person, for angels had told the first pair about the rebellion of Satan and his angels. Satan never comes to us as he really is. He comes as a deceiver, just as he came to Eve in the garden. The serpent told Eve that the forbidden fruit was good, and began to eat some of it. Probably he told her that it gave him power to talk. Eve looked at it and thought about it. The more she looked at it the more she wanted some of it. But she told the serpent that the Lord had forbidden them to eat of it, for if they did they should "surely die." Another bit of story not backed by the Bible Angels sent to tell the first pair about the rebellion of Satan and his angel. But the serpent said, "Ye shall not surely die." "See, I am eating of it and it does me no harm. In fact, I feel better all the time I am eating of this fruit." "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Genesis 3:5. The devil's statement was partly true and partly a lie. And in all his work he will mix enough truth with his lies to deceive those who do not know him and his ways well enough to see the difference. It is true that the fruit of that tree would make those wise who ate of it. It would make them wise in the knowledge of evil, and the Lord did not want them to know anything of evil. Such knowledge brings death. But Satan lied when he said, "Ye shall not surely die," and he knew it. He has been telling this lie ever since. The Lord has said, "The soul that sinneth it shall die." Eve believed the devil instead of God. She ate of the fruit and gave to Adam, and he ate of it. The first result of their sin was shame. They saw that they were naked. Then they made themselves aprons of fig leaves, and hid themselves so that none should see them. Sin always brings shame. But they could not hide from God. He called them and asked what they had been doing. Adam and Eve trying to avoid God Hiding from God. Then they began to make excuses and to blame others, just as we often do when it is found out that we have done wrong; but they could not deceive their Creator. He told them they should have a life of toil and trouble, and would finally die. Then they were driven from their beautiful garden home. After that the earth was to be the battle ground between good and evil, between Satan and the Gospel. The Garden of The earth was cursed with weeds and thistles; but this was not a real evil to fallen man; for while sin is in the world even hard work is a blessing because it helps to keep people out of mischief. It has been truly said that Satan always finds work for idle hands to do. By disobeying God and obeying Satan man became the servant of sin and Satan. Paul says, "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey?" Romans 6:16. angel pointing out Driven from Eden. By obeying Satan man lost his dominion of the earth, and it passed into the hands of Satan. Thus he became "the god of this world." Adam and Eve mourning "To them, bowed low with grief for sin, the shining ones made known the way to heaven." The Promised Redeemer. The Promised Redeemer. The Promised Redeemer. The Promised Redeemer. The Promised Redeemer. WHEN one person is owned by another person, and has to work for him, he is called a slave, or a bond-servant, because he is in bondage, and not free to do what would be best for himself. So it is with one who lets himself be controlled by the evil instead of by the good. The word devil is like the word evil, and means the same. To do evil is to do as the devil wishes us to do. Put d before evil, and you will see where evil comes from. A slave can not get free from a cruel master. He has no money to buy his own freedom, and no power to get away. If he tries to escape, he is followed and caught, and brought back again to work for his hateful owner. Adam and Eve really sold themselves to Satan—the evil, the devil—by doing as he wanted them to do. They traded their happiness for the knowledge of wrong which he promised them, and which he gave them. Thus he became their owner, or master, instead of God who had made them, and to whom they really belonged. Now they could not get free, and as the wages, or end of sin, is death, they must serve Satan all their lives and then die, without any hope of another life beyond this one. God and Christ and the angels all pitied man in this sad condition, and Christ offered to leave Heaven and come to this earth and give His life for man's life. Only in this way could He buy back, or redeem man (meaning everybody), so that all who want to be free from the service of Satan and sin can escape death, which is "the wages of sin." Sometimes a rich man buys a slave from his cruel master, so that the poor man can be free and happy. So Jesus did for us. We get free from Satan by thanking God for this plan to save us, and asking Him, for Christ's sake, to forgive our sins and help us to live a good life, away from our old master, the evil. This is what the word Redemption means. It is buying back something that has been sold into bondage. Jesus bought us back after we had sold ourselves to Satan. "Ye are not your own, for ye are bought with a price," "the precious blood [the life] of Christ." 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 1 Peter 1:18, 19. This "good news," or Gospel of Salvation, was told to Adam and Eve as well as to the shepherds on the plains of Bethlehem hundreds of years afterward, so that all could have a chance to obey God by being made free from the power of Satan. Adam and Eve desolate "They traded their happiness for the knowledge of wrong." The First Brothers. The First Brothers. The First Brothers. CAIN and Abel were the first brothers who ever lived on the earth. Cain, the elder brother, was a farmer. Abel was a shepherd, and cared for his father's sheep. The Bible does not tell us about them when they were boys, but when they were grown it says they both brought offerings to the Lord. Abel brought a lamb as his offering, but Cain brought the fruits of the ground. The Lord had told them to bring a lamb for an offering, because it would cause them to think of Christ, for He was "the Lamb of God" who was to die for the sins of the world. The offerings of Cain and Abel The offerings of Cain and Abel Before Jesus came to die, men showed their faith in Him by bringing a lamb for their sins. God accepted the offerings of all who were sorry for their sins, and forgave them. This was the Gospel in the Old Testament. Christ was the "Lamb slain from the beginning of the world," because, before the world began the plan was laid that He should die for man if he sinned. Abel had faith in God. His heart was filled with love because a way had been made by which sinners could return to God, receive pardon, and finally be taken to a new Eden home. Abel brought a lamb from his flock, and offered it to God for his sins. Looking at the lamb of his sacrifice he saw Christ, the dying Lamb, on the mountain of Calvary. His faith was "counted to him for righteousness," meaning that Then the heart of Cain was like the heart of Satan,—filled with hatred and rebellion against God. He could see the beautiful Garden of Eden which had been the home of his parents, but he could not enter it. An angel with a flaming sword guarded the gateway. The next act was to kill his brother The next act was to kill his brother In his heart he charged God with cruelty in shutting them out of the garden, and dooming mankind to a life of labor and sorrow. He did not accept with gratitude the wonderful sacrifice made by the Son of God to redeem the world. He preferred to talk of what he called the cruelty of the Creator in punishing the race. Instead of offering in sacrifice a lamb, which only could represent In Cain's offering there was nothing to point to the offering of Christ. There was no blood showing that death follows sin, and that Christ was to bear it for us. It was in every way contrary to God's plan, and so it showed no faith. There was therefore no Gospel in it, and no salvation. The Lord did not accept Cain's offering, and there was no answering fire. As Cain saw the difference, he charged God with partiality, and then began to hate his brother, as all wicked people hate the good. The next act was to kill his brother, which was the result of his hatred. Then the Lord spoke to Cain and asked him, "Where is thy brother Abel?" Cain tried to cover up his sin by lying about it, as some people try to get out of trouble now. He said, "I know not; Am I my brother's keeper?" But the Lord knew all about it, for Cain could not hide his sin from the Lord any more than we can hide ours. The Lord sent him forth as a wanderer in the earth, and a hateful look marked his face as long as he lived. Faces show character. people perishing in flood Outside the Ark Destroyed by a Flood. Destroyed by a Flood. Destroyed by a Flood. Destroyed by a Flood. BEFORE the flood men lived to be nearly a thousand years old. They were much larger and stronger than they are now. Living so long they became very wise and very rich. For many years there were those who believed in God and obeyed Him. But in time most of the people forgot Him and became very wicked. "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.... And the earth was filled with violence." Genesis 6:5, 11. So the Lord said He would bring a flood of waters on the earth to drown all the wicked people. But Noah and his family were faithful to God. So He told Noah to build a great boat, called the ark. It was so large that it would hold all his family, and some of all kinds of animals and birds. It also had room to hold food for them for many days. The world was warned in regard to the flood, for Noah was one hundred and twenty years building the ark. Part of this time he preached, telling the people of the coming flood, and part of the time he worked on the ark. Ark and animals in pairs Entering the Ark. But the people were too busy and too wicked to heed the preaching of Noah. They only laughed at him for wasting When the ark was finished, the Lord caused the animals from the forest, and the birds of the air, to come to it. They came two and two, and went to their places in perfect order. The angels of the Lord were leading them, although none could see them. It must have been a wonderful sight. When all were in the ark, the Lord shut the heavy door. Then the rain came down and the thunder rolled. The crust of the earth was broken up, and the water under the surface was thrown up in great water-spouts. The water rose higher and higher. It rained forty days and forty nights. Men and animals climbed to the tops of the highest mountains. But finally these were all covered. Then all the human beings, the birds, and the animals on the whole earth were drowned. But all that were in the ark rode safely on the waters. The power of God protected the ark through all this terrible time. Then the Lord caused a wind to blow, which dried up the water. After floating one hundred and fifty days, the ark rested upon the top of Mount Ararat. After this Noah waited forty days, and then he opened the window in the top of the ark and sent out a raven and a dove. But they found no place to rest, and so returned to the ark. Seven days after, he sent out another dove, and in the evening it returned with an olive leaf in its mouth. After another seven days, he again sent out a dove, but it did not return. Finally the water was fully dried up, and God told Noah that he and all the birds and animals could leave the ark. They must have been very glad to be on the land once more, for they had been in the ark a year and seventeen days. Noah was very thankful to God for saving their lives. "And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord, and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar." Genesis 8:20. Noah's Sacrifice. Noah's Sacrifice. Noah's Sacrifice. Noah's Sacrifice. Noah's Sacrifice. Noah's Sacrifice. Noah's Sacrifice. The Lord was pleased with this offering, for it showed that Noah was still true to God, and had faith in Jesus Christ, the great Sacrifice for the sins of the world. Then the Lord said that He would not again destroy the earth with a flood. And as a covenant, or pledge in regard to this promise, He set the beautiful rainbow in the clouds. As all the wicked were destroyed from the earth, the Lord made a new start with the family of faithful Noah, to raise up a people that would obey Him and be finally redeemed, or brought back to the first dominion. Jesus said, "As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37-39. The Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel. NOT long after the flood, some of the descendants of Noah forgot God who had saved their fathers in the ark. They began to worship idols as the people did before the flood. Then Nimrod gathered these wicked people together and went with them to the plain of Shinar. Nimrod was a grandson of Ham, and a great grandson of Noah. He was a mighty hunter, and became famous in the earth. The Lord wanted the people to move in small companies into different places all over the earth. In this way it could be best settled and subdued, or cultivated. Nimrod wanted to build large cities and keep the people together. In this way he wished to establish a government that would finally rule the world. "The beginning of his kingdom was Babel." In this city they decided to build a great tower that would be the wonder of the world. They thought they would make the tower so high that they could go to the top of it and be safe if ever there came another flood. God had promised that He would never again destroy the world by a flood, but these people did not believe God. They forgot that if God could bring a flood on the earth He could also destroy any city and tower that man could build. For a long time the work of building this great tower went forward rapidly. It was finished inside into many rooms, some of which were used as temples for idol worship. Then the people were scattered abroad in the earth. Then the people were scattered abroad in the earth. How long they were at work on this tower we do not know, but it reached to a great height. The builders were much pleased with their work, and praised the gods of silver and gold. They believed that these idols were giving them success. Then the Lord interfered with their work. He would teach the people that He was the true and all-powerful God. He would show to the world that their idols could not help them nor give them any real success. It is always best to trust and obey the true God. He alone can give true happiness and success. Some people now trust in their riches. Some trust in their strength. Some trust in their education. But almost every day we hear of some rich man who has lost his wealth, some strong man who loses his strength by sickness, some educated man who has failed in his work. But the man who obeys God and walks in His ways in this world, is sure of success. He may not be rich, nor strong, nor have great learning, but he will have true happiness and a reward by and by greater than all the world can give. Before building the tower of Babel the whole world spoke one language, and the people could understand one another easily. But when their work seemed most successful, the Lord made them speak different languages. None could understand what the others were saying. Soon all was confusion. If the workmen ordered brick sent to them, they got mortar. If they ordered stone, perhaps they got wood. This made the workman very angry, and their work ended in disappointment and strife. Then the people were scattered abroad in the earth as God intended they should be. The tower was then called the tower of Babel, which means tower of confusion. Many years afterward the city of Babylon was built around this tower, and the tower was used as a temple of their god Belus. The tower was then named the Temple of Belus. men on camels "And he went out, not knowing whither he went." |