* An asterisk is attached to the titles of those not previously published. Names of American Authors are in Italic type. BALLADES. | AUTHOR. | TITLE. | SOURCE. | PAGE | Adams, Oscar Fay | 'Pipes of Pan' | American | 3 | Allen, Grant | 'Of Evolution' | Evolutionist at Large | 4 | Anonymous | 'Of Bothers' | Cambridge Meteor | 6 | Black, William | 'Of Solitude' | Longman's Mag. | 5 | Dick, Cotsford | 'Of Belief' | The Model, etc. | 7 | " | 'Of Burial' | " | 8 | Dobson, Austin | 'Of the Spanish Armada' | Old World Idylls | 9 | " | 'On a Fan' | " | 10 | " | 'Of Imitation' | " | 11 | " | 'Of Prose and Rhyme' | " | 12 | Gosse, Edmund | 'Of Dead Cities' | New Poems | 13 | Grant, John Cameron | Ballade | Songs of Sunny South | 14 | " | 'Lilith' | A Year of Life | 15 | Henley, W. E. | 'Of Antique Dances' | Belgravia | 16 | " | 'Of Dead Actors' | Magazine of Art | 17 | " | 'Of June' | Belgravia | 18 | " | 'Of Ladies' Names' | The London | 19 | " | 'Of Spring' | " | 20 | " | 'Midsummer Days' | " | 21 | " | 'Of Youth and Age' | " | 22 | " | 'Of Hot Weather' | " | 77 | " | 'Of Aspirations' | " | 78 | " | 'Of Truisms' | " | 79 | " | 'Of Life and Fate' | " | 80 | " | 'Of the Nothingness of Things' | " | 82 | Jewitt, W. H. | Ballade | Romance of Love | 23 | Lang, Andrew | 'Gringoire' | New Quarterly Mag. | 24 | " | 'Valentine' | Waifs and Strays | 25 | " | 'Of Primitive Man' | Ballades in Blue China | 26 | " | 'Of Sleep' | " | 84 | " | 'Of Summer' | Rhymes a la mode | 27 | " | 'Of Yule' | " | 28 | " | 'Of Middle Age' | " | 29 | " | 'For the Laureate' | Longman's Mag. | 30 | " | 'Of the Southern Cross' | " | 31 | Le Gallienne | 'Of Old Sweethearts' | My Ladies' Sonnets | 32 | "Love in Idleness" | Ballade | | 33 | " | 'Of Dead Thinkers' | | 34 | McCarthy, Justin H. | 'Of Roses'* | | 35 | MacCulloch, Hunter | 'Of Death' | From Dawn to Dusk | 36 | Matthews, Brander | 'Of Tobacco' | American | 37 | " | 'Of Adaptation' | " | 38 | " | 'Of Midsummer' | " | 39 | " | 'Rain and Shine' | The Century | 40 | " | 'An American Girl' | " | 41 | Moore, George | 'Of Lovelace' | Pagan Poems | 86 | Moran, John | 'From Battle, Murder' | American | 42 | Moulton, L. C. | 'In Winter' | The Century | 43 | Nichols, J. B. B. | 'Of his Lady' | Longman's Magazine | 44 | F. S. P. | 'Of Exmoor' | Waifs and Strays | 45 | Payne, John | 'Of Past Delights' | New Poems | 46 | " | Ballad | " | 87 | " | 'Singers of the Time' | " | 88 | Peck, S. M. | 'The Pixies' | 'Cap and Bells' | 47 | Pfeiffer, E. | 'Of the Thuner-See' | Songs and Sonnets | 48 | Probyn, May | 'Grandmother' | Ballad of the Road | 49 | Roberts, C. D. G. | 'Philomela' | In Divers Tones | 50 | " | 'Calypso' | " | 51 | Robinson, A. M. F. | 'Of Forgotten Tunes' | An Italian Garden | 52 | " | 'Of Lost Lovers' | Handful of Honeysuckles | 90 | " | 'Of Heroes' | " | 91 | Ropes, Arthur Reed | 'Of a Garden' | Poems | 53 | Scollard, Clinton | 'Of the Bard' | Pictures in Song | 54 | " | 'Of Dead Poets' | " | 55 | " | 'To Villon' | " | 56 | " | 'The Blithe Ballade' | With Reed and Lyre | 57 | " | 'O Lady Mine' | " | 58 | " | 'Ships of Tyre' | " | 59 | Sharp, William | 'Of Vain Hopes'* | | 60 | " | 'Of the Sea-Wind'* | | 61 | " | 'Of the Sea-Folk'* | | 62 | Sherman, F. D. | 'To Austin Dobson' | Madrigals and Catches | 63 | " | 'Of Rhyme' | " | 64 | Swinburne, A. C. | 'Of Dreamland' | Poems and Ballads, 2d Ser. | 65 | " | 'Of FranÇois Villon' | " | 93 | " | Villon's Epitaph | " | 94 | " | 'Of Bath' | English Ill. Mag. | 95 | " | 'Of Sark' | " | 97 | Symons, Arthur | 'Of Kings' | Time | 66 | Tomson, Graham R. | 'Of Acheron' | Longman's Mag. | 67 | " | 'Of Asphodel' | " | 68 | " | 'Of the Bourne' | Harper's Mag. | 69 | " | 'Of Fairy Gold'* | | 70 | " | 'Of Might-be'* | | 71 | " | 'Of the Optimist' | St. James' Gazette | 72 | Wheeler, Mortimer | 'Of Old Instruments' | Mag. of Music | 73 | " | 'Of Sea-Music' | " | 74 | Whitney, Ernest | 'Nightingale and Lark' | | 75 | Wilton, Richard | 'Grandchildren at Church' | | 76 | CHANTS ROYAL. | Dobson, Austin | 'The Dance of Death' | Old World Idylls | 98 | Gosse, Edmund | 'The Praise of Dionysus' | New Poems | 100 | Payne, John | 'The God of Love' | New Poems | 102 | Pfeiffer, E. | 'Children of the Mist' | Gerard's Monument | 104 | Scollard, Clinton | 'King Boreas' | Pictures in Song | 106 | Waddington, S. | 'The New Epiphany' | Sonnets, etc. | 108 | Whitney, E. | 'Glory of the Year' | The Century | 110 | KYRIELLES. | Payne, John | Kyrielle | New Poems | 115 | Robinson, A. M. F. | 'The Pavilion' | An Italian Garden | 116 | Scollard, Clinton | Kyrielle | Pictures in Song | 116 | PANTOUMS. | Dobson, Austin | 'In Town' | At the Sign of the Lyre | 117 | "Love in Idleness" | 'Monologue d'outre Tombe' | | 119 | Payne, John | Pantoum Songs of Life and Death | | 121 | Matthews, Brander | 'En route' | The Century | 124 | Scollard, Clinton | 'Sultan's Garden' | Pictures in Song | 126 | RONDEAUX REDOUBLES. | Monkhouse, Cosmo | 'My Soul is Sick' | | 128 | Payne, John | 'My Day and Night' | New Poems | 129 | Scollard, Clinton | 'Prayer of Dryope' | Pictures in Song | 130 | Tomson, Graham R. | 'I will go hence'* | | 131 | RONDELS. | Bunner, H. C. | 'O Honey of Hymettus' | Airs from Arcady | 135 | " | 'Ready for the Ride' | The Century | 135 | Crane, Walter | Two Rondels | | 136 | Dabson, Austin | 'The Wanderer' | Old World Idylls | 137 | Fay, A. M. | Rondel | | 137 | Gosse, Edmund | " | New Poems | 138 | Grant, J. C. | " | Songs from the Sunny South | 138 | Henley, W. E. | Four Variations | The London | 139 | " | 'The Ways of Death' | " | 141 | McCarthy, Justin H. | Rondel* | | 141 | MacDonald, George | Two Rondels | A Threefold Cord | 142 | Moore, George | Two Rondels* | | 143 | Monkhouse, Cosmo | 'To a Sheet of Paper'* | | 144 | Payne, John | 'Kiss me, Sweetheart' | New Poems | 144 | Peck, S. M. | 'Before the Dawn' | Cap and Bells | 145 | Pfeiffer, Emily | Rondel | | 147 | Probyn, May | " | Ballad of the Road | 145 | " | Rondelets | " | 151 | Ropes, A. Reed | Two Rondels | Poems | 146 | Scollard, Clinton | 'Come, Love' | With Reed and Lyre | 147 | " | 'Upon the Stair' | Pictures in Song | 148 | "
| 'I Heard a Maid' | " | 148 | Sherman, F. D. | 'Valentine' | " | 149 | Waring, C. H. | 'Love's Captive' | Fun | 149 | " | 'Love' | " | 150 | Wilton, Richard | Rondel Sungleams | | 150 | " | 'Benedicte' | Sunday at Home | 151 | RONDEAUS. | Bates, Arlo | 'Might Love be Bought'* | | 152 | " | 'In Thy Clear Eyes'* | | 152 | Bell, C. D. | 'The Sweet Sad Years' | Songs in Many Keys | 153 | " | 'A Wish' | " | 153 | Bowen, H. C. | 'To a Doleful Poet' | Longman's Magazine | 154 | Bridges, Robert | 'His Poisoned Shafts' | Poems | 155 | Bulloch, J. M. | 'To Homer'* | | 155 | Bunner, H. C. | 'September' | Airs from Arcady | 156 | " | 'Les Morts vont vite' | " | 156 | Crane, Walter | 'In Love's Disport'* | | 157 | " | 'What makes the World?'* | | 157 | THE SICILIAN OCTAVE. | Two Examples by Dr. RICHARD GARNETT | 132 | Dobson, Austin | 'O fons BandusiÆ' | Old World Idylls | 158 | " | 'On London Stones' | " | 158 | " | 'To Ethel' | " | 159 | " | 'With Pipe and Flute' | " | 160 | " | 'To a June Rose' | At the Sign of the Lyre | 159 | " | 'In After Days' | " | 160 | " | 'In Vain To-day' | " | 161 | " | 'When Burbadge Played' | " | 161 | Chew, Beverly | 'Old Books' | New York Critic | 162 | Grant, J. C. | 'A Coward Still' | Songs of Sunny South | 162 | Grant, Robert | 'Rondeaux of Cities' | The Century | 163-4 | Goodale, E. | 'Could She have Guessed' | " | 165 | Gosse, Edmund | 'Fortunate Love' | On Viol and Flute | 165-8 | " | 'If Love should Faint' | New Poems | 168 | Henley, W. E. | 'My Love to Me' | The London | 169 | " | 'With Strawberries' | " | 169 | " | 'A Flirted Fan' | " | 170 | " | 'In Rotten Row' | " | VILLANELLES. | Bevington, L. S. | 'Roses' | Key Notes | 243 | Dick, Cotsford | 'A Vacation Villanelle' | The Model | 244 | Dobson, Austin | 'Tu ne quaesieris' | Old World Idylls | 245 | " | 'When I saw you last, Rose' | " | 246 | " | 'Theocritus' | " | 247 | " | 'On a Nankin Plate' | " | 248 | Gosse, Edmund | Villanelle | New Poems | 249 | " | 'Little Mistress mine' | " | 250 | Henley, W. E. | 'Where's the use of sighing' | The London | 251 | " | 'The Villanelle' | " | 252 | " | 'In the Clatter of the Train' | " | 253 | Lang, Andrew | 'To M. Boulmier' | Ballades in Blue China | 254 | "Love in Idleness" | 'To the Nightingale' | | 255 | Monkhouse, Cosmo | 'Hetty'* | | 256 | Noble, J. Ashcroft | 'Life' | Verses of a Prose-Writer | 257 | Payne, John | 'The Air is White' | New Poems | 258 | Peck, S. M. | 'Bonnie Belle' | Cap and Bells | 259 | " | 'If some true Maiden's' | " | 260 | Pfeiffer, E. | 'When the brow of June' | Sonnets v. Songs | 261 | " | 'O Summer-time' | " | 262 | Probyn, May | 'In every Sound' | | 263 | " | 'The Daffodils' | Ballad of the Road | 264 | Scollard, Clinton | 'To Helen' | With Reed and Lyre | 265 | " | 'To the Daffodil' | " | 266 | " | 'Spring knocks' | Pictures in Song | 267 | Sterry, J. Ashby | 'Dot' | | 268 | Thomas, Edith W. | 'Across the World'* | " | 270 | " | 'Where are the Springs' | The Manhattan | 271 | Tomson, Graham R. | 'To Hesperus'* | " | 272 | " | 'I did not Dream'* | | 273 | Waddington, S. | 'Come, to the Woods' | Sonnets, etc. | 274 | Wilde, Oscar | 'Theocritus' | Poems | 275 | VIRELAI. | Payne, John | 'Spring's sadness' | New Poems | 276 | VIRELAI NOUVEAU. | Dobson, Austin | 'July' | Evening Hours | 279 | BURLESQUES, ETC. | Anonymous | 'Ballade of Old Metres' | The Century | |   |